Why don't women compete with men?


Blue Belt
Mar 8, 2002
Reaction score
Grapevine, Texas
I am wondering what everyone's views is on why women don't compete with men?

Is it because at a higher level the skill of a man and the strength required to compete at that level is to much for a women to obtain?

Or, is it because they want to try and keep things fair for a women since it would be overwhelming mentally and physically to fight a man.

I am not sure why they don't make sports coed, even though women I have seen, not everyone woman in the wordly just acouple I've talked to would compare themselves to that of a man.
In class, everyone spars everyone, no matter the size or gender. But, yes, I see that in tournies. The women are seperated from the men. I don't know why, though. Some of my school's best fighters are women. I know they can whoop on any guy, but they are not allowed :(
I've known a few women who not only competed against men but did verry well. WHY NOT They have the skills and if they spar in class against men why not in competition if the weights are simular.
Higher level of skill has nothing to do with it. what it has to do with especially in forms, is that the judges will not fairly judge the women.

There are women out there who has just a high of a skill leve, and some whose skills are better. :)

It is just the way the tournaments are set up, and if you go to enough you will notice that after a certian age, in weapons and forms, men and women compete against each other. As far as the fighting goes...there are quite a few women in full contact you have trained with, and have beaten the men. Maria Dacascos is one.

I think it has to do with that fact they are afraid if the women compete against the men(like they would do in some tournaments years ago), that the women will quite coiming. :D

Carbon, Get ahold of a copy of "The Journey". Theres a story in there about a lady who competed quite well. I don't recall her name off hand, but it was very interesting read.

I don't think I know too many folks who would have stuck it out like she did, especially when she described her early pre-Parker training. The stick to the gut bit woulda put me right off, ya know?

1 of our local Kenpo-nauts should be able to ID this person.

On MvF, I think the avg female is no match for the avg male. However, when you add in the martial training + conditioning + experience, then it changes thing. Everything equal, no contest, but when are things equal? I spared a gal once who ran me all over the place. Couldn't touch her. She on the other hand, had no trouble taking me apart. So, it depends.

I would love to meet and train with these women that are as tough as you describe....I don't know any personally.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I find it a little akward fighting women. The problem is if I kick them in the chest, I'm afraid of causing some hidden damage to the breasts. It's also a little funny to accidently "groin" one of them too, Oopps :eek:

I've had my clock cleaned by a few that I didn't fight hard enough so I think you have to give them respect and fight them like you would a guy. It just feels wierd sometimes.


I haven't sparred (at all :p ) but I agree that sparring a girl can make you feel ackward since guys have been raised to see that.

A girls chest, butt, and special place are an extreme no no to touch unless the girl wants you to lol.

So in sparring when you punch at a girl and hit her in the tit it makes you be like OOO sorry I didn't mean to, and at this point she might not think twice about it and hit you in the face, side or anywhere else she pleases.
Originally posted by Carbon


A girls chest, butt, and special place are an extreme no no to touch unless the girl wants you to lol.

So in sparring when you punch at a girl and hit her in the tit it makes you be like OOO sorry I didn't mean to, and at this point she might not think twice about it and hit you in the face, side or anywhere else she pleases.

No, the BREASTS (cows have tits) and GROIN (my "special place" is my hayloft where I read) are fair game in all sparring. if I get hit, I learn to block. The guys I spar don;t think twice about either. Nor should they. A rapist sure as hell ain;t gonna care.
If a lady can;t handle it, she should get one of those hideous Madonna cone-bood chest protectors.

Now on to the subject of male vs female in competition- women are more likely to get hurt. Period. I weight train , I spar men as well as women, and I have to say that yes, on the whole, men are stronger thean women.
I know I have posted before on my frustration that I can get taken down by a guy twenty pounds lighter. It is something I wish some of the other women here would comment on-

Plus it is the pure logistics of it. Women do not spar in weight classes like men- most men run from 145 to 230 pounds. They tend to have a greater range of size. Women on the other hand, run from 95-150. You are unlikely to find heavier women in MA, because they tend to be in shape. And the simple fact that we just don't grow as big. It;s the same reason we have age divisions.

Personally, I like sparring both sexes. THe most variety the better. But tournaments are chock full of politics already- I can;t imagine some of the criseses that wpuld arise in male vs. female competition.

ll the best always, Cathy:asian:
Sparring is nothing- it's randori that gets interesting. I have had my sensei come up when me and my buddy are going at it and ask if we are grappling, or practicing the Kama Sutra.
Originally posted by girlychuks

Sparring is nothing- it's randori that gets interesting. I have had my sensei come up when me and my buddy are going at it and ask if we are grappling, or practicing the Kama Sutra.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Everytime I've sparred a woman, I adjusted my intensity level to her rank, not her gender. If she was my equivalent rank or higher, then it's war :) However, when sparring lower-ranked women (and men), I tend to tone it down a bit so as not to completely overwhelm them.

To me, to do otherwise would be unfair to both the students and myself.

Originally posted by girlychuks

Sparring is nothing- it's randori that gets interesting. I have had my sensei come up when me and my buddy are going at it and ask if we are grappling, or practicing the Kama Sutra.

Been there once or twice too, good thing my wife isn't around when I'm working out or teaching :eek:

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Carbon, Get ahold of a copy of "The Journey". Theres a story in there about a lady who competed quite well. I don't recall her name off hand, but it was very interesting read.

It was probably Doreen Cogliandro, who is a great Martial Artist or Diane Tanaka, also good in her own right.
Okay, my unsolicited 2 cents' worth:

I *used* to have a problem with "hitting girls", way back when I started in the MA. I had always been raised by my parents that a gentleman doesn't do that.....if I was gonna spar 'em, I would hold back and do the "tap, tap" routine.

Then, I started sparring. When that began, one of the first "girls" I sparred was a cute blonde (who was also the daughter of one of the 3rd Dans) who was a rank or two above me. She smiled at me with the cutest smile you ever saw, and when the hand fell to start us going at it, she snap kicked me right to the groin. From there, she didn't let up, and I got my a$$ handed to me quickly. I got the message: I was expected to hold back nothing more from her than I would any guy.

Our school has always acknowledged a difference between men and women. NO problem there. However, when it comes to sparring, I haven't held back in years. If I do, I get creamed, cuz the ladies aren't holding back, either. They get ticked off and spar you *harder* if you hold back.

Sure, there are physical limitations. That's physiology. However, the differences turn into interesting advantages on both sides. That's *psychology*.

Let's be honest: if you are training (or claiming to train) for the "real world", then you need to step out of the middle ages. In this world, women are just as openly deadly, aggressive, and capable as men, and they should be treated with the same amount of respect--and that means, let 'em spar at the same level, in my book.

As far as I am concerned, it's "no quarter, asked or given"; I will hold back for *either* sex, regardless of race, age, height, etc. if asked--if someone is working on a particular combo or technique, for example. Otherwise, I expect to give and get from an equal, whether they are male or female.

Rant mode off, rant mode way off. :)

I was not even aware that males and females where seperated and I am some what appaled that any one would draw that line. I have always trained with and aginst females in all aspects of my life matrial, sport, or professional. I would just assume seperate people based on race or income as sex. It is all just as ignorant.

Despair Bear
No not seperating....but haven't you noticed how most males instinctively go easy on women in the martial arts? Take a good look next time a man in your class trains with a female and see if he isn't falling into this routine. I hate it...... I tell the women I teach that if they think the man is going easy on them that he is insulting them and disrespecting them and to go all out on him. Don't let the men coddle you...it's an insult.

Or how about the martial art schools that let women do push ups on thier knees! Talk about disrespecting a womans capabilities! Today my girlfriend went for her black belt test, and when it came time for the pushups (she was the only woman) the old fashioned head tester said she could do them on her knees... I was on the testing board too and I shouted "not this woman!" Then he joked that it must suck to be my girlfriend. Women shouldn't be treated any different than men...it's disrespectful to the women.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I'm a woman in full contact TKD. I'm not affraid of the "bully men". And I don't expect them to go easy on me, and they don't. I couldn't think of it in another way. I rather have it like this. As far as push-ups go, we are not allowed to do "girly" push-ups. Even someone like me with carpel tunnel. If I can do it, anyone can.
Thats great. Unfortunately it's not always the case but I'm really glad your in a school with that attitude. All my instructors have always been sexist and basically acted like women couldn't do anything even close to a man and the women accepted it!! I will never be like that.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD