Do you kick to punch, or punch to kick?



I find that I use kicks to set up punches - bridge the gap. However, I do find that I will use kicks to set up escapes (kicks including knees), and then use a flurry of punches to set distance again.
I have never applied this in real life but I like to imagine in my head if this fight was ever to happen.

I would like to kick to setup a punch, and when I mean kick I mean 1 kick in particular. I mean a kick to the top side of the knee.

I would try to bring someone to 1 knee and then deliver a straight right to the jaw which hopefully would end the fight with a twisting of the neck, causing a black out.
Carbon... the twisting of the neck doesn't cause the knockout, rather the impact of your fist on his head might do it if strong enough.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I've got stubby arms (and legs, too, now that I think about it), so I like to kick to set up elbows, knees, and clinching. I prefer to cover the middle ground as quickly as possible. Of course this sucks when facing someone who is better in the clinch than me, but, I deal with it the best I can - I like to take these people to the ground when possible.

So to actually answer your question, I do neither one. Kicks to set up, but not punching so much as grabbing. Like one of my instructor's said "Hands, well, hands are for grabbing. Elbows, now those are for hitting."
Every scenario and every opponent is different. Tonight I had a visitor to my school. A very talented young man with very fast feet and superb flexibilty, yet little control. I had to use my hands to get close enough to him to kick. My basic rule of thumb, and it works FOR ME, ymmv, is that if I am fighting a kicker, I use my hands to set up my kicks and if I am fighting a puncher, I use my kicks to set up my hands. IF I have someone equally talented, I rely on experience, size and out right treachery to overwhelm them.
Originally posted by Seig

...out right treachery...

My favorite technique of all. As my old man is always telling me "Old age and treachery will beat youth and skill every time."
i usually kick before punching, depending on the situation.

the most important thing is not to just throw one technique at a time. do multiple attacks to surprise your attacker.
The TKD guy I trained with once told us of a fight he got into to protect a teenager. After the fight, he tried to recall what he did, thinking he relied mostly on his boxing hand skills. However, the teen he was protecting said he did all kinds of kicks, including jump kicks.

To answer the question, I couldn't say. Every fight scenario is different and it's usually unwise to go into a fight looking to execute a set plan. While you're waiting to initiate your plan of attack, the opponent is kicking your ***.

I agree that all scenario's are different, and that your plan may very well not work with your current reality. I think is was von Clausewitz (sp?) who said that no plan survives first contact with the enemy. So a set plan to me is not really the way to go, but an overall strategy is very important. You don't want to say to your self "Okay, when he jabs, I'm going to slip to the outside, etc...", then wait for a jab. I think more along the lines of "Okay, he's got longer reach, so I'm going to try and get inside and knee the bejesus out of him." This leaves room to react to what's actually happening, as opposed to what is happening in the perfect world inside your head.

So, yes rigid plan = not so good, overall strategy = good.
The impact of the jaw on the base of the brain when it's driven there and the resulting concussive force will easily cause a knockout.

Again, why I like it when people kiai really, really loud...
I thought I heard this somewhere that when you hit in the jaw it causes the neck to snap and the nerves twist really fast, and this is what causes them to black out.
I've never heard that Carbon. Hey I like your new quote, it's much nicer than your last one.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
A knockout, from what I have researched, is caused by basically overload of the nerves. Why do you see a knock out when someone gets hit hard in the jaw? THere are a huge bundle of nerves in the jaw and the feedback basically overloads the brain, causing it to shutdown...sort of like when your computer goes into an infinite loop and decides it just won't do anything else.