Well, good news and bad news

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
first the good news, i passed, and I was promoted to 4th Dan

the bad news, now I have to live up to it....
congrats man! i always start training harder after a promotion, i imagine 4th dan is a hard one to live up to.

Congratulations and a huge amount of respect to you! :asian:
4th Dan! Wow...congratulations! :asian:
TF-kinda funny you say you are going to have to live up to it. I think that you HAVE BEEN living up to it already. JMO.
Well done, John. Most hearty of congratulations on taking that big step along the martial road.

I reckon the fact that you feel you need to live up to it is a very positive sign indeed. If nothing else it prevents that period of 'laurel sitting' that many go through when they achieve a goal.
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thanks everyone.
Mark, what I am feeling is , well, an obligation.

My instructor, who has NEVER double tapped one of her black belts, did it to me.

So now I have to live up to that faith, to BE the instructor she thinks I am.
Congratulations on your promotion. You've put in the sweat and deserve the recognition.