weight training & MA


Black Belt
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
san ysidro
when taking suppliments ( wey , creatin , etc etc ) do you also take em after your done with your MA cardio work out ?
Post workout nutrition/supplements are very important.

When you train (especially lifting) you are actually causing micro trauma to your muscle cells. Lactic acid builds up (This is what causes the "burn"). Blood rushes in to provide nutrients and carry away waste, damage cells, lactic acid etc... thus you feel a "pump". A few days later, remnants of the damage caused to the muscles/soft tissue, such as hydroxyproline acid (an amino acid) cause DOMS - delayed onset muscle soreness.

Since your body recognizes this process, your muscle cells become "primed" to receive nutrients immediately post workout. That is what makes post workout nutrition and supplements so important; it is an optimal time to take a healthy, nutrient rich protein shake / creatine / glutamine etc...

Whole food meals are good to, however a shake, specifically with whey protein, is more rapidly useable by the body.

The stress of a workout causes an increase in Cortisol and places the body in an catabolic state. Taking the right amount of quick digesting carbs/proteins reverses this and helps the body become anabolic. Be mindful however of the effects on insulin levels, as this will effect fat retention.

A lot of good info out there on this subject. I suggest, if you are going to be taking supplements and really training, that you do some real research on when an how to use each supplements, as well as some general research regarding nutrition. The timing and frequency of meals is just as important as what you eat.
well thats what im asking ? if im taking supplements for my weight training do i also take em after i do my MA training ?
well thats what im asking ? if im taking supplements for my weight training do i also take em after i do my MA training ?

What suppliments are you taking? What does a typical MA training session consist of?
well thats what im asking ? if im taking supplements for my weight training do i also take em after i do my MA training ?

As 831 stated, this is entirely dependent upon what you're taking, what your work out is, and what your goals are.

There is no blanket statement to answer that question. So, without further information, this question can't be answered with any quality.
im not taking nothing yet , but plan on it very shortly , ive been going now for like a year and half all natural no wey no protien no nothing just alot of good balanced meals with alot of veggies and fruits on the side.

weights on monday

ma - tuesday , wensday , thursday

weights on friday

rest over the weekend

sometimes ma on sat. but just internal ma ( katas techs. )
Eat four or five small meals a day, with protein and carbs mixed in. (Every three or four hours, depending on your needs), Make sure one of those meals fall within 30 minutes of completing any of your workouts. Eat big, train big and sleep big.
when taking suppliments ( wey , creatin , etc etc ) do you also take em after your done with your MA cardio work out ?

When I was taking supplements on a regular basis, there were some that I took pre-workout and some post workout. All depends on your goals and what you're taking.
im not taking nothing yet , but plan on it very shortly , ive been going now for like a year and half all natural no wey no protien no nothing just alot of good balanced meals with alot of veggies and fruits on the side.

weights on monday

ma - tuesday , wensday , thursday

weights on friday

rest over the weekend

sometimes ma on sat. but just internal ma ( katas techs. )

What does your weight routine consist of? Seeing that you're lifting only 2 days, I'm going to guess that you're either a) doing a full body workout or b) cramming many body parts into the same day.
im not taking nothing yet , but plan on it very shortly , ive been going now for like a year and half all natural no wey no protien no nothing just alot of good balanced meals with alot of veggies and fruits on the side.

weights on monday

ma - tuesday , wensday , thursday

weights on friday

rest over the weekend

sometimes ma on sat. but just internal ma ( katas techs. )

I assume your weight days will be full body work outs. How long are your MA days and what kind of training are you doing? Resistance training? Kicks with ankle weights? is it very aerobic? Etc.

What supplements do you plan on taking or are thinking about?
for instance i want to go get a container of wey - protien from gnc mostly for my weight training

ma / cardio workout

stretch 10 - 15min stretch warm up
50 push ups
200 ( dont know what you call em : stand straight raise body up on toes )
kicking techniques
50 diamond push ups
boxing combos
50 dive bomber push ups
kenpo techniques : 2 belts ( like 50 techniques each 2 or 3 times )
katas : once but if i mess up 2 or 3 times each
jump on the exercise bicycle : 3 to 4 miles
resistance band : torso twist - high torso twist - golf swings - row squat
200 twist sit ups
200 leg raises
200 crunches
this takes about 1 and half to an hour and 45 mins

but this routine changes all the time sometimes i throw some wooden dummy in there - burpees - go hard on the punching bag - bo kata - it all depends on all of things like weather , time , spirit , work , family etc etc
for instance i want to go get a container of wey - protien from gnc mostly for my weight training

ma / cardio workout

stretch 10 - 15min stretch warm up
50 push ups
200 ( dont know what you call em : stand straight raise body up on toes )
kicking techniques
50 diamond push ups
boxing combos
50 dive bomber push ups
kenpo techniques : 2 belts ( like 50 techniques each 2 or 3 times )
katas : once but if i mess up 2 or 3 times each
jump on the exercise bicycle : 3 to 4 miles
resistance band : torso twist - high torso twist - golf swings - row squat
200 twist sit ups
200 leg raises
200 crunches
this takes about 1 and half to an hour and 45 mins

but this routine changes all the time sometimes i throw some wooden dummy in there - burpees - go hard on the punching bag - bo kata - it all depends on all of things like weather , time , spirit , work , family etc etc

First off, that is a solid routine. You might want to look into some V-ups in place of those twist sit ups. I've had great results with them

Suppliments are a sketchy subject, opinions vary greatly on their usefulness. I would honestly stick to getting mu nutrition the old fashioned way. Eat real food. I consume a lot of tuna and chicken breast on workout days, usually after a heave work out. I also like a PB&J sandwich for immediately after the workout. The mix of protein, sugar, and carbs has worked well for me. I also try to get in a highis carb snack before the work out. All of this, of course, presumes that you hydrate well. The importance of having enough water in your system cannot be overstated.

Enough unsolicited advice, on to your actual question.

I used to use whey protein, and I would consume it after workouts. That would ensure that I had extra proien in my body for the muscles to repair themselves with.
I took creatine before hand.
Make sure you drink extra water with creatine if you use it.
Stay away from hydroxycut and things like that.


I agree with Mark. Many supplements are untested and unproven and are based around hype and false promises. It takes so much work and dedication to build our bodies (and not much time off to lose gains) that marketing departments have realized that promises of rapid growth, gains and recovery have made the supplement industry a money maker.

Whole food diets of lean meat (read chicken, fish/shrimp, some turkey and occasional beef) other protein (lots of nuts, low fat milk, cheese and yogurt and eggs...) healthy carbs (whole grains, sweet potatoes etc) and lots of fruits and veggies is key.

Eat 5-6 meals a day, 2-3 hours apart. Limit carbs after 5pm unless you do a late workout.

Get enough sleep, balance lifting (focus on multi joint and core lifts) with cardio, both anaerobic and aerobic workouts.

Once this is established, introduce some supplements. Here is my list of supplements, the ones I have found to truly work;

Whey protein (yes, have a shake after your workout)
Creatine (yes, I use it pre and post workout)
Fish Oil /Omega 3's
Quality Multi-vitamin
Glucosammine /Chondroitin/MSM
Collagen / Hyaluronic acid

Virtually every other supplement lacks long term data to back it up (some NO products are looking good), and I am not interested in legal/illegal chemical sups, although they obviously work.
Be careful with consumption of fish as mercury levels can be high, especially in Tuna.

Here is a list that might help you in your fish selection:

High Mercury Levels (Eat occasionally)
Mackerel (King, Spanish, Gulf)
Orange Roughy
Farmed and Atlantic Salmon (may contain PCBs)
Chilean Seabass
Tuna (Ahi, Yellowfin, Bigeye, Blue, Canned Albacore)

Medium levels of Mercury (eat occasionally)
Bass (Striped, Black)
Alaskan Cod
White Pacific Croaker
Halibut (Pacific, Atlantic)
Mahi Mahi
Monk Fish
Freashwater Perch
Tuna (Canned Chunk, Skipjack)
Sea Trout

Low Mercury Levels (eat often)
Arctic Cod
Atlantic Croaker
Atlantic Haddock
Ocean Perch
Wild caught Salmon (may contain PCBs)

Other then that, both posters have given you good supplement advice. I personally add BCAAs by MRM as a post work out for my heavy cardio days and pre workout I always take 4g of L-Carnitine pre workout. Doing this I dropped 40 lbs and maintained lean muscle mass.

Granted, I still have another 40 lbs to drop, but I am on my way. I eat well, I workout well, and I supplement well. Nothing, I repeat nothing, can replace balanced healthy eating. Next comes good exercise. Then last on that list is supplementation.

Here is what I take.

I take a Multi Vitamin by Super Nutrition every day. Stay away from one a day vitamins because the absorbability is just not there. Your body was designed to take in nutrition though-out the day, not mega dosing in one session. If it says 6 pills a day, break it up into 2 pills with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I take 4g of Garden of Life Fish oil everyday, Nordic Naturals is another good brand just not as potent.

Whey Protein by MRM post all workouts.

BCAA+G by MRM post cardio workouts

L-Carnitine by MRM pre all workouts.

Creatine by IronTek pre and post workout. It is REALLY REALLY important to drink extra water when using this. For Example I weigh 180 lbs (81.5 kg)., that means I am supposed to drink 90 (2.5L) ounces of water to stay hydrated even if I don't work out. When I workout, that goes up, on hot days, that goes up, and add Creatine I might get up to a gallon or gallon and a half (5.L) of water a day.
i love fish , didnt see salmon on your list ? i usely alternate like fish one day chicken the next then on friday night i have a couple of tacos of carne asada ( love those things ) , saturdays i pig out pizza or burgers or whatever sounds good sunday i slow it down and get ready for the week.
i love fish , didnt see salmon on your list?

It's there twice, under High Mercury Levels and under Low. It depends on the type of Salmon in question (and I listed those).

They are the ones with the PCBs links next to them because salmon have been greatly affected by industrial dumping and have shown to contain the organic compound PCB in them. This is detrimental to human health (just click on the link and learn all about it), so people need to be careful with Salmon consumption.
No - I generally eat my evening meal after an MA cardio session. This replenishes carbs and stocks up on the protein.

I will have a protein shake about 1 hour prior but apart from creatine, multivits and glucosamine, I don't bother with anything else.

What are your goals - that will help us determine what you could be taking and when?
Hello, NOT sure who started the three meals a day?

Todays Muscle building magazine articles- ALL RECOMMENDED = eating muliply times a day, 5-7 small meals!

As far as for weight training- building muscles is nice, Please read Matt Fuey book..on "Combat Conditioning" ....makes sense for Martial Artist...
Weights is NOT needed....for power,speed,strenghting...
