Unusual Uses for Techniques


Orange Belt
Just wanted to see if anyone else is like me and uses what they learn in ways probably unexpected...
For example, once I had two armfuls of groceries and used a (light) side kick to open the door.
The second time, I was in a really disgusting public restroom and used an axe kick to flush the urinal :uhyeah: (Don't worry, I used the back of my heel, not the sole of my foot)
And to a lesser extent, my small amount of practicing with the staff seems to have changed the way I cast a fishing rod.
Am I just weird, or is there anyone else like this out there?
The second time, I was in a really disgusting public restroom and used an axe kick to flush the urinal :uhyeah: (Don't worry, I used the back of my heel, not the sole of my foot)
I try to avoid grappling in the men's room if I can at all help it. :)
Not sure if this fits into what your talking about, but I have used various 2 person stick drills for some nice visual effects on stage while performing a musical act :)
I can't remember what the techniques called but I sometimes use an old kung fu punch to crush ice if nothing else is available.
I use elbow strikes to turn of light switches (we have lg flat buttons) all the time, and I have a friend who used a circle block to deflect his high strung dog when he was leaping at his face. I've read where several folks here have used Ukemi in various ice situations...so yeah, I think you use what you train...and if you are learning new things, you are looking for uses to practice targeting, technique, or simply because it's fun/cool!
A friend of mine has very low vision. He's a TKD practitioner, so he uses a 6' bamboo bo instead of a white cane. He grew the bamboo himself in his backyard and embossed it with lots of dragons and calligraphy.


He's had to use it for its intended purpose once or twice, but mostly it's just a really badass white cane.
A friend of mine has very low vision. He's a TKD practitioner, so he uses a 6' bamboo bo instead of a white cane. He grew the bamboo himself in his backyard and embossed it with lots of dragons and calligraphy.
That's one of the coolest things I've read in a long time!

P.S. The movie "Shaolin Soccer" has a scene where they show martial arts being used in unusual ways. (e.g. Using a sword form to trim hedges)
Oh yeah, this is a normal thing. I use soft pushing round house kicks to keep my 2 year old in place all the time. Now she blocks and dodges though.

Think I broke a light switch once with a front snap kick thrown a little to hard.

Funny stuff...keep em coming.
I like to practice my structure (bows) for Bagua when pushing open doors (swinging ones) by placing my arms against the door and letting the movement of my entire body open it (with the arms open in a circle and one arm pressing, not the normal way people, sheesh).

I also used to (and occasionally still do) break down cardboard boxes by punching through the tape instead of cutting it. Fun and satifsying!
Yes, you're weird. AND there are plenty of us out here. Fun thread. ;)
Shoulda known! :lol:
Anway, when I'm out fishing on a boat in windy conditions, sometimes I'll use forward stance, back stance and horse stance to keep my balance. Everyone else thinks I'm just nuts, but I make it work! :P
When I catch a big fish that fights, forward stance helps once again to keep my balance while I reel it in.

And I dunno if this counts but here goes. One day, a couple of months after I started TKD, my dad said to me...

"Why are you walking like that?"

"Walking like what?!"

I looked at my feet and found that I was slightly on the balls of my feet! My instructor had seen me flat footed during sparring and kinda drilled it into my head to stay light on my feet. I was subconsciously using to walk :uhyeah: After I noticed, I couldn't do it anymore.
I use them to extort money from co-workers... lol, j/k.

I once used a palm strike to loosen some coffee grounds stuck in the espresso machine.
A friend of mine has very low vision. He's a TKD practitioner, so he uses a 6' bamboo bo instead of a white cane. He grew the bamboo himself in his backyard and embossed it with lots of dragons and calligraphy.


He's had to use it for its intended purpose once or twice, but mostly it's just a really badass white cane.

Is his name Gandalf?