Tossing Something as a Distraction to Pre-empt or Escape?

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jan 26, 2005
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Tossing Something as a Distraction to Pre-empt or Escape? I saw a video years ago where Bob Taylor demonstrated this and showed its effectiveness in some scenarios. Personally, after a short verbal altercation at a coffee shop with a person I felt was on Meth., I was prepared to toss my full coffee cup (no longer hot though) at him as a distraction and use that second to escape by the back door ("uty to Retreat" and common sense - Meth. users can be the most dangerous of drug abusers) if his threats turned into actions. They didn't and I left as soon as I could see him drive off and was certain I wasn't going to be ambushed in the parking lot. Thoughts on the idea of tossing something, anything at a perpetrator in order to buy a second of distraction in order to either escape or execute a pre-emptive strike (then escape, of course)?
Valid idea to me, although had the coffee have been hot, he would most likely have sued you anyway... :idunno:

What about a list of things that could be used. I still like the idea of carrying a stone an inch or so across. That could be used to pretty nasty effect from 4 or 5 feet away.

1. Coffee.
2. Stone.
3. ...
Jonathan Randall said:
Tossing Something as a Distraction to Pre-empt or Escape? I saw a video years ago where Bob Taylor demonstrated this and showed its effectiveness in some scenarios. Personally, after a short verbal altercation at a coffee shop with a person I felt was on Meth., I was prepared to toss my full coffee cup (no longer hot though) at him as a distraction and use that second to escape by the back door ("uty to Retreat" and common sense - Meth. users can be the most dangerous of drug abusers) if his threats turned into actions. They didn't and I left as soon as I could see him drive off and was certain I wasn't going to be ambushed in the parking lot. Thoughts on the idea of tossing something, anything at a perpetrator in order to buy a second of distraction in order to either escape or execute a pre-emptive strike (then escape, of course)?

Tossing something certainly is a valid move IMHO. A stone, cup of coffee, a handfull of change, would all be great tools to use. As for being sued...chances are, we may get sued anyway. I'll never quite understand the logic behind that one. Minding our own business, punk wants to start trouble, we do our best to talk our way out of it, doesn't work, punk gets more aggressive, we defend ourselves and he sues us for hurting him.:idunno: I wonder if the punk is thinking that we may sue him for injuries.
In my younger days, I threw a drink in someones face once as a distraction. Worked like a charm. It let me put him (the primary aggressor) down quickly to concentrate on his buddies and vamoose.
It's an excellent distration. Coffee, change in your pocket, a cigarette (if you smoke...) - whatever.
We are taught this. Another thing I have been taught is a distraction technique to throw someone off kilter. I was taught this for someone a few feet away with a knife. Take off your shoe, hold it in your rear hand, and yell,

"See what I've got? And I've got another just like it!"
While they stare at you, perplexed, throw it at em and run like hell.
I have been thinking about this since I first saw Jeff Speakman do it in Perfect Weapon. It is a wonderful tactic and should be in everybody's toolbox.
Although we hate letting our money go so easily. If you are robbed at gun point at the ATM. You could toss the money up in the air. Chances are he'll go for the money while you escape.
akja said:
Although we hate letting our money go so easily. If you are robbed at gun point at the ATM. You could toss the money up in the air. Chances are he'll go for the money while you escape.

Likewise, if someone tries to mug you, toss your purse or wallet behind the person; as s/he follows that, you can leave (preferably in the opposite direction).
Spit or blow air in their eyes,flick you fingers into their eyes, toss dirt or ashes, a drink, coins, whatever distracts them for a second so that you can either attack or retreat.
OUr art has specific techniques for this. Shuriken were for this purpose, (forget what you have seen in ninja movies) as were Metsubishi powders.
I like to try and projectile vomit at attackers.

That or I wet my pants and start screaming about the injustices of of a two party system.
redfang said:
I like to try and projectile vomit at attackers.

That or I wet my pants and start screaming about the injustices of of a two party system.

That's enough to put anybody off!.... ;)
redfang said:
I like to try and projectile vomit at attackers.

That or I wet my pants and start screaming about the injustices of of a two party system.
Yeah, try giving him info on the Libertarian Party. Most people will run from you if you do that.

Kacey said:
Likewise, if someone tries to mug you, toss your purse or wallet behind the person; as s/he follows that, you can leave (preferably in the opposite direction).
If I had the wits at the moment I might try tossing the money from the wallet and keeping the wallet itself. But who knows what we think at that moment unless it really happens.
A few choice words can quell a situation as well. Its all about taking your opponent out of time. "Hi, I'm from Amway."

Just about anything works, it is that temporary lapse that the brain is trying to figure out what is going on. Boxers use the jab as a distraction and to obscure the incoming punch.