Top Five Moves according to MartialTalk



All right go to town boys and girls. Your top 5 techniques or the ones you would use in a real fight.
This is an easy one.
If I were in a real fight there's only five moves to use:

1) Eye gouge
2) Bite
3) Tap kick (for scoring points)
4) Kick to the knee (I hear that is the end-all be-all)
5) Horse stance punches

Is there anything else?

forgot Seiunchin Kata worked for Ralph Maccio in Karate Kid 3. lol
For a street fight, I'd use "dirty fighting":

1) Side kick to the knee
2) palm strikes
3) back fist/or punch (which ever is quicker)
4) eye gouges
5) knees, elbows.

Not in any order. I'd use what works for each situation. Ok, that was six, but I had to put the knee and elbow techniques in there :p

For sparring, I would say:

Hook kick
Round house
side kick
Reverse punch
my top five:

1. Run
2. find closest object, attempt to smash over assailant's head.
3. find second closest object, proceed with smashy-smashy.
4. finger in the eye or "BAM! the old fork in the eye!"
5. use girlfriend as a human shield...jk...well placed shin to the groin or knee.
Originally posted by tarabos
5. use girlfriend as a human shield...jk...well placed shin to the groin or knee.

I remember one kenpo teacher who, when asked what he would do if he was walking with his wife and were attacked with someone with a knife replied that he would push his wife into the attacker.
I remember one kenpo teacher who, when asked what he would do if he was walking with his wife and were attacked with someone with a knife replied that he would push his wife into the attacker.

Was he serious? I had a teacher who once, in all seriousness too, told us that if we were out walking with our girlfriend and were attacked, to throw her at the attackers. Suddeney realising that I was there, and the only female in class, he turned to me and said "oh, in your case, you could throw your boyfriend at them". So much for chivalry! lol
id use:

1. push kick
2. punch
3. roundhouse
4. clinch with knee
5. a judo throw
my moves would consist of whatever the natural weapons will strike the most effective for the situation at hand. Being serious my five weapons would be

1. Roundhouse shin kick to the thigh.
2. knee(s)
3. punches
4. elbows
5. palm heels
u only need ligthing speed kick to head n woila u get a guy KO :D ;)
1) Groin Strike - hand, knee, foot...whatever connects
2) Knees
3) Elbows after hand-grabby (after two years of bouncing, what i learned was, after the INEVITABLE over hand right [which u slip], most lads raise their hands in front of their face, and try to grab your hands. If it happens, go with it; control thier hands, pull them to one side, and let ur elbows fly....and then some knees....but dont try it with a WingChun practitioner, because s/he will hand u your ***)
4) Rear choke - its fun, its easy, it works like a charm....
5) And even tho i dent really consider myself much of a kicker, u cant forget the snappy front kick to establish distance, and relocate diaphragm.
Clean right hand to the jaw
Rear choke
1.(left Jab)-(left Jab) then Right cross All to the jaw. Then Mt round house.
2 clinch there head and then knee to the face.
3 Then a throw, And drop them head first to ground.
4 Once down get into monted postion and punch and punch, Then they stick there arm up to stop my punchs , Then i armbar.
5 I choke until i am happy.
1) My Brain for Awareness and Avoidance

2) My Voice to calm him/her down, or for deception

3) Positioning to avoid being trapped if multiple opponents.

4) My eyes - to let them see how serious I am and that I intend to seriously maim and or kill them

5) Relax and let the adrenaline flow into my body

After this it is the target of opportunity the will dictate the action.

Note: Number 4; I have a plan, Kick and break knee, Grab And twist Kneck, etc., ..., .

Train well

Originally posted by Kiz Bell
Was he serious? I had a teacher who once, in all seriousness too, told us that if we were out walking with our girlfriend and were attacked, to throw her at the attackers. Suddeney realising that I was there, and the only female in class, he turned to me and said "oh, in your case, you could throw your boyfriend at them". So much for chivalry! lol

O ya. If he gets stabbed they are both screwed up if she gets cut he can still beat the crap out of the guy and take his wife to the hospital. Makes sense, but I'm not sure its something I would be willing to do.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
1) My Brain for Awareness and Avoidance

2) My Voice to calm him/her down, or for deception

3) Positioning to avoid being trapped if multiple opponents.

4) My eyes - to let them see how serious I am and that I intend to seriously maim and or kill them

5) Relax and let the adrenaline flow into my body

After this it is the target of opportunity the will dictate the action.

Note: Number 4; I have a plan, Kick and break knee, Grab And twist Kneck, etc., ..., .

Train well


I like these...

groin strike (hand or foot technique)

elbow strike

palm heel strike

knee kicks

eye gouge

any techiques that requires minimal effort and does the most damage is on my list :)
Eyes...Throat...Groin...Knees...Nose. Any simple technique, with violent torque or thrust, to these five areas. Carotids and Kidneys with a Knifehand or shoetip roundhouse, respectively, are good for finality, if no other choice.


Table salt packets are good for the pocket if expecting trouble. A little toss to the eyes and then pick your targets.
1 jab
2 mt kick to outer thigh
3 clinch
4 knees from clinch
5 big throw
It all depends on the situation, right? If the enemy has a knife, I am going to run for it. If I am cornered, I am going to find an equalizer- fast. This means anything.
If he has buddies, then I am definitely getting out of there as fast as I can or finding something to even those odds. So I guess it adds up to using my brain and my nerves first. After that, I don't believe it can be broken down into five techniques. You must flow with whatever presents itself, without passively allowing the situation to get away from your control. You must suspend all your compassion for your fellow man and possibly kill to save your life.It is very difficult. This is only one arnisador's opinion- thanks for listening.

Rob Wilson