Time out?



Where do you want to be with/in your martial art/s in 10 years?
i want to be at a level that shows that i have accomplished something and learned alot. also looking a head to the future and still excited about everything to come.

good topic:)
10 yrs.....good question.

In 10 years I'll be 42....

If the body holds up, and time as well, I should have attained a black belt in Modern Arnis by then... As secondary goals.... A black belt/sash in Wing Chun and a mastery of the Katana.

I've always had a desire to master the sword....
Nowhere in particular.

Like Mr. Hubbard there are other arts I'd still like to sample and maybe even attempt to master; but I no longer train for any other reason than enjoyment of the arts.
I want my own dojang. BUT, I refuse to open one if I feel I lack in something. Like if (I should be a 4th dan by then) I get to 4th dan, and I feel I'm not worthy of it, I'll wait till I think I'm ready (I'd rather wait till I'm a 4th dan, at least). I don't want to be just physically able to teach martial arts, but mentally as well.

I also want to be ranked (black belt) in one or two other arts to give my students a choice. And/or mix things up a bit.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Where do you want to be with/in your martial art/s in 10 years?

I hope to continue to learn and still be able to teach.

With this said I hope to have the respect of my peers and to be able to give that respect in return as well.

hmmm... in 10 years, I hope I'll have earned my black belt... but since its been 14 years and a million extenuating circumstances so far, who knows?
10 years???

I'm hoping to be teaching at least part time. Not necessarily on my own but still teaching. So I guess that means I also need to be a black belt, so I better work on that first.

One step at a time.

Simple for me......

Still being able to train and able to train others....

Retired from the State of Texas, teaching full-time and physically able to continue my own training, full-time instead of 3-4 days a week. We can always hope.
I hope to be doing what I'm doing now, Still learning and teaching. I do think I'd like to expand my studies to include the Filipino Arts as well.

Bill Parsons
where would i be after 10 yrs??
let's see hopefully i'll get BB in TKD, will hav competent Taiji(hopefully) i might start teaching too...i like to expand my knowledge into other arts like FMA, Indian Martial arts
Selling BlackBelt to anyone who sign up for a 6 month course at my "Kick-Your-*** Do" McDojo.
in 10 years i will be 41. hopefully by then i will have earned my masters rank in tang soo do. my goal is to open my own school and teach the art in the tradition and respect it deserves.
I see myself still being a student. I really never have the desire to become an instructor. By that time hopefully Ive found an art or system, and instructor that I feel best suits me. beacause it hasnt happend in the past 10 years. but i have my first Pektit Tersia class at 530 tonight, so i still have hope