If you could...



If you had the chance to go anywhere and beat up any one person...who would it be and why?
Well I already know Judo-Kid's reply ROFL!

I'd have to say Osama/Usama for openers. But I'd have to
wait in line. Close seconds would be:

Hanoi Jane Fonda
One of my old bosses (no one knows him)
Any member of Al-Qaeda
Any member of NMBLA (nambla)
Any member of the klan
Gou Ronin (I just know SOME DAY, he's gonna stiff me with the
bar tab)
Originally posted by Kirk
Gou Ronin (I just know SOME DAY, he's gonna stiff me with the
bar tab)

Uh...don't look at your credit card bill this month ok?

D@mn that Fist Of Fury guy...
A guy called Jamie...........No one messes with my women.....:mad: Plus he like the most annoying ******* in the world and theres more but It gets personal and you will get the wrong idea bout my ex girlfriend who is now one of my best friends :rofl:
Originally posted by GouRonin

Uh...don't look at your credit card bill this month ok?

D@mn that Fist Of Fury guy...

I know I'm weak but I was terrified I was never threatened by a stark raving mad kenpoist in pantyhose before.:eek:
Originally posted by fist of fury
I know I'm weak but I was terrified I was never threatened by a stark raving mad kenpoist in pantyhose before.:eek:

Yep...something about the Kenpo always brings out the pantyhose in them. Just wait, the heels and tiara will be next.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Yep...something about the Kenpo always brings out the pantyhose in them. Just wait, the heels and tiara will be next.

You're just jealous, Mr "First Runner Up"
Originally posted by tarabos

and any given member of any given boyband in the United States...

That sounds good at first but it would be like beating up a little girl that still in kindergarten I just couldn't do it. But sending them off far into outerspace that's a different story.:D
Originally posted by fist of fury

That sounds good at first but it would be like beating up a little girl that still in kindergarten I just couldn't do it. But sending them off far into outerspace that's a different story.:D

no problem with beating up old ladies then with Barbra Walters? :)

don't know about the space idea...those nsync (sp?) guys are sending themselves to the moon these days from what i see on the idiot box...
Hmmmm.........Who else................Nope Still Jamie

Which do you think is better, tyeing him to a train track and watching him get run over or torturing him to death with Sticks.....
Originally posted by tarabos

no problem with beating up old ladies then with Barbra Walters? :)

don't know about the space idea...those nsync (sp?) guys are sending themselves to the moon these days from what i see on the idiot box...

No beating up old ladies is kind of a hobby of mine. :D
My Primary (kindergarden?) School Headteacher who dragged me to the front of the assembly and named me, at 5 years old, as the person who would achieve NOTHING in life!

He was wrong - VERY wrong!! :boing1:

On second thoughts, I wouldn't beat him up. I'd ask him why he did it?!

I think I just detected a bad pun.

Damian: You're **** is mine!

(I guess that makes us Siamese twins.)
For a looong time,,,BOB SAGET
then I`d like to slap the rest of "Full House" around for awhile if that`s hokay.
For some reason all the people that have ever NOT liked me, for any reason, That I know of have died. But there is only 1 person that has never liked me and is still alive. He actually had the chance to beat on me once because I had been drinking (alot)and couldn't even stand up to face him, that was his luck night.
He would be the one person in this big world that I have came across and would love to beat up! He is convinced he kicked my butt that night and I am sure he thinks he can do it again. I just merely want to prove him wrong!

Gou you definitely come up with some odd and cool questions! :D
If I could I would definitely pound on any or all of the teletubbies- those things give me the booboo-jeebies!
Are crazy, I'll join the group. I'll take Barney!:boxing: