Time Machine

Aiki Lee

Master of Arts
Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
DeKalb, IL
If you could train with any martial arts master from history who would you train with and why?

I for one would like to train with Muso Gonnosuke. Some stories say he managed to defeat or come to a draw with Musashi. I would be interested in how he would instruct me on staff fighting.
There's a few. Thibault, Djut, Kair, Mifune (the Judo 10th dan), the general (forget his name) who invented Xing Yi, anyone who taught Fujian Dog Boxing back before it became part of performance Wu Shu, Colonel Cooper.

You need to remember that the best fighter probably isn't the best teacher. They are very different skills.
I'd like to go forward 20 years and become my own student. Although, I see a potential for a very dangerous paradox. As my present student self got better, my future teacher self would become even more awesome at an exponential rate, eventually causing the entire universe to implode under the weight of my martial awesomeness.

Oh? I've never hear of him. What reasons would you pick him?

I apologize Stan for answering this. Please don't take offense if you do, just let me know and I'll apologize.

He was a 14th Century German Fencing Master, probably one of the most influential fencers in Europe, I'm not sure, but I think he had his own combat system for it.

Personally, I would like to train with Bruce Lee, I know it's simple in nature, but it's what I would want to do.
Seisho Aragaki-one of the greatest karate masters in history and considered by many to be the best of his era.

Bodidharma-the guy helped the Shaolin monks start their development of their way of kung fu. And I am a total Yoga nut.

General Choi-but I want to train with him while he was in prison. I want this to see his mind work in the formation of TKD early on.
Hironori Ohtsuka

Can there be any other choise for a practicioner of Wado?
Michelle Krasnoo
Cynthia Rothrock

either of them will do... or both at the same time.
Bushi Matsumura - for karate insight

Boddhidarma - for insight into ancient fighting arts and meditation

Remy Presas - The Professor - I wish I had met and trained with him while he was still alive
Well other than training with the future Kreth and causing the space time continuum to implode:D

Ji Jike
Sun Lutang
Chen Changxing
Yang Luchan
Yang Banhou
Yang Shaohou
And the list can go on and on and on.

Heck I would just like to see the forms of Yang Luchan, Yang Banhou and Yang Shaohou if I could.
i would choose to meet and train under Master Chotoku Kyan.

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