This is Scary


Blue Belt
Nov 17, 2005
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Please give me any other example of any other President that has people singing praises to him or saying everything good is because of him..
This is where we are headed…

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As someone who dwells in the 'outside', I can't help but think that a lot of this anti-Obama hysteria I'm seeing, as a reaction to some of the pro-Obama sillyness, is not taking account of the fact that an awful lot of people, who are not Republican neo-cons, are just very glad to see the back of what they felt to be a frightening regime.

That means that there will be a period of shudder-making saccharine before the reality sinks in that it's goodbye to the old boss, same as the new boss. The label on the tin changes; the 'money' in the tin does not.
As someone who dwells in the 'outside', I can't help but think that a lot of this anti-Obama hysteria I'm seeing, as a reaction to some of the pro-Obama sillyness, is not taking account of the fact that an awful lot of people, who are not Republican neo-cons, are just very glad to see the back of what they felt to be a frightening regime.

That means that there will be a period of shudder-making saccharine before the reality sinks in that it's goodbye to the old boss, same as the new boss. The label on the tin changes; the 'money' in the tin does not.

Pretty much.

Ten days in office, and people are comparing him to Hitler. I think Bush was in for a few months before it got to that.

At the core of all of this -- whether it's Obamamania on the one side or anti-Obama fanaticism on the other -- it's two halves of the same coin. One group is sitting on their arses singing his praises and waiting for him to solve all their problems. The other is sitting on their arses and hoping he will fail.

Don't hate the playa'. Hate the game.
Sitting on my *** no, hoping he will fail yes. I did not vote for him and just like the people who did not vote for Bush they hoped for his failure.
But I am just saying we have never seen this kind of activity for any other president. If we have I will eat my hat, I have been wrong before and am not afraid to admit when I am.
But let’s look at the similarities between him and some other famous leader.
1) Obama is all for Gun bans I know I am a gun owner from Illinois.
2) Kids are singing songs TO him, you think these kids know what Obama stands for they are what 10 at the most, this is indoctrination.
3) Media control and fear of speaking out about him, how many Leno jokes have you heard??? Hell it seems if it is bad just to say you hope he fails.
Yea it is only three but what a big three don’t ya think?
Well we as a nation made the choice for President and as a nation we need to try and back him so we can move forward.
Well we as a nation made the choice for President and as a nation we need to try and back him so we can move forward.

Even if you don't agree with him??
I will mark that down as #4 if you say yes...:)
Well we as a nation made the choice for President and as a nation we need to try and back him so we can move forward.
I was just contemplating this very same thing... but I couldn't believe my ears when I listened to him talk about the 18 or 20 billion dollars that lined the pockets of Wall Street CEO's.
When I was listening to this ... he was saying it was "shameful" well yeah, I agree it sure was/is. But when he was done I couldn't help but ask... THAT'S IT? Tell them that it was bad and wag his finger at them and telling them to "behave"?? So basically they're going to go home with a share of 20 billion dollars in their pocket and a slap on the wrist?? THAT'S IT??
I wondered if I would probably be sitting in jail right now if I had been there at that press conference because I would've interrupted the president with just those two words...
I mean c'mon Mr. President... please tell us that you or at least the government are going to make those guys pay it back or give it back. It's OUR money!! If we borrowed money from them and don't pay it back they put us in jail!
We elected you, sir because you promised us change. We put our faith in you and put you on that podium and watched you take that oath and we watched with a sense of hope and mild trepidation. We picked you because we figured well all this time those guys have been yo-yoing this country's money/economy and now the last guy (who was a literal blubbering idiot that couldn't put two words together to form a coherent sentence) got us in an ever increasing unpopular war, gave money to people who basically didn't need it and watched them line their pockets and fill their coffers and now these guys whom you just read about have done the same thing... and all you're going to do is say "shame on you" ??
Then go on to promise them that they will make more profits later?

Honestly Mr. President are you no different than the other ones whom we've put in office over the last 50 or so years? Please Mr. President, for god's sake please tell us that these guys are going to be punished. That you're not going to tell us how your hands are tied because you're waiting for congress to make up their minds and then trying to get a bill past the senate and then the house and then this and then that...

YES, we know that a recovery from such an economic crisis takes time. YES, we know that it will be a long up hill road up ahead but please at least make that light at the end of the tunnel the size of a quarter... not a pinhole.

Those were just my thoughts after I listened to that "shame on you" commentary. Those guys are going to get away with it. That's what it sounded like to me. They robbed the American people and got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and all they're going to get is a slap on the wrist and don't do it again.

As far as the similarites of fascism that's going on ... sigh... it seems that it's something that can be taken care of later when we're outta this hole we're in.
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We picked you because we figured well all this time those white guys have been yo-yoing this country's money/economy and now the last guy (who was a literal blubbering idiot that couldn't put two words together to form a coherent sentence)

I think voting for someone because they are not a white guy, is just as bad as not voting for someone because he is a black guy...

Lets leave race out of this shall we?
As far as the similarites of fascism that's going on ... sigh... it seems that it's something that can be taken care of later when we're outta this hole we're in.

The only problem with this is once we lose some/all of our rights it is next to imposable to get them back. I think we need to worry about that first.

They robbed the American people and got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and all they're going to get is a slap on the wrist and don't do it again.

Nope he is going to give out more to see if they do it again....
As a general response, I would say, first, "Chill, he's been in office for ten days."

Sitting on my *** no, hoping he will fail yes. I did not vote for him and just like the people who did not vote for Bush they hoped for his failure.

You are right. A lot of people were hoping Bush would fail, and fail he did. So how's that working out? I don't the think the USA or the world can afford eight more years of failure.

I was no Bush fan, as many Americans were not. Do you think that the people who opposed President Bush in America were really sitting around thinking to themselves, I hope this Iraq war and Afghanistan mission get really F'd up with lots and lots of casualties, so we can all gloat over his failure?

That would be really sad, wouldn't it?

You know, it is possible to disagree with him, to fight his policies (as is your right) and hope that he succeeds, because this won't just be his failure. A lot of jobs and hopes are on the line at this moment. Dude, you're an American citizen -- by all means get up and challenge your President.

But I am just saying we have never seen this kind of activity for any other president. If we have I will eat my hat, I have been wrong before and am not afraid to admit when I am.
No need to eat your hat. I'm sure we haven't seen anything quite like this anywhere in the West, but don't count on it lasting. There is a wonderful naivete to the low-maintenance liberalism that is being practiced at the moment. It will dissolve the instant people discover that they might have to sacrifice in order to succeed. For instance, right now in America, there are probably thousands of motorists sporting an "I (heart) Obama" bumper sticker.... on their SUVs, which they drive in the city. Believe me, they'll cool off quick enough.

But let’s look at the similarities between him and some other famous leader.

Obama is all for Gun bans I know I am a gun owner from Illinois.
OK, but he's only going to be able to pry them from your cold, dead hands, so what's the problem?

On a more serious note, I love how people bring up banning guns when they talk about Hitler instead of, say, exterminating twelve million people, or, I dunno, starting a world war. Comparing Obama (or Bush) to a facist killer is what people do when they've run out of meaningful things to talk about. Unless there's a big oven purchase in the stimulus bill, I don't think that kind of talk is helpful or appropriate.

I would also remind you that Obama has something that Hitler didn't -- the United States Congress. If he launches a major gun bill in Congress during the first hundred days, I'll halfway agree with you in that gun control is a much lower priority than peace and economic recovery.

2) Kids are singing songs TO him, you think these kids know what Obama stands for they are what 10 at the most, this is indoctrination.
Indoctrination, yes. At the behest of adults. The adults are exploiting the kids. The state itself has not ordered the children to sing. Regardless of who is in power, school children are constantly being hypnotized with BS because adults are mostly terrified of exposing children to our failures.

Media control and fear of speaking out about him, how many Leno jokes have you heard???
Leno and Letterman are afraid of Obama? Seriously, is that the watermark for public discourse?

Give it time. The jokes will come.
OK, but he's only going to be able to pry them from your cold, dead hands, so what's the problem?

I think it it the part about me being dead...

On a more serious note, I love how people bring up banning guns when they talk about Hitler instead of, say, exterminating twelve million people, or, I dunno, starting a world war.

What came first?

And you know what i am talking about with the media, no I don't hamg public opinion on the rambelings of a talk show host... as some do..
What came first?

And you know what i am talking about with the media, no I don't hamg public opinion on the rambelings of a talk show host... as some do..

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."
"In Germany, they came first for the Communists,(The republic) And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists(Ford GM), And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews,(Christians) And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

Great post I edited it a little..
WE are losing everything I don't care if you blame Bush,Clinton or Bozo.
The GVT is taking everything... now that the big three are more or less owned by washington (Not US as it is our money) Look at what Obama has already imposed on them no questions asked....

But as you can see if we don't speak up now.. we will soon have no voice..
Is that the point being made by this post?
Great post I edited it a little..
WE are losing everything I don't care if you blame Bush,Clinton or Bozo.
The GVT is taking everything... now that the big three are more or less owned by washington (Not US as it is our money) Look at what Obama has already imposed on them no questions asked....

But as you can see if we don't speak up now.. we will soon have no voice..
Is that the point being made by this post?

What? What has Obama imposed on "Them" no questions asked? Them - the Big Three? The same Big Three that took taxpayer money and ****ed around with it? So ... it's okay to take welfare? Something people actually paid into and put it to ... what? It's okay to end entitlements like SSI and disability and ... what? give it to irresponsible CEOs who ran their own companies into the ground and even in the face of complete utter failure bought luxury jets and went to spas, paid retention bonuses, etcetera?

Please tell us what EVILLE Obama has wrought in his whopping week in office.

You know, I hated Bush. Still do. Didn't like his daddy either. But I didn't compare him to Hitler.


I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth posting on threads like this anymore.
Please tell us what EVILLE Obama has wrought in his whopping week in office.

You know, I hated Bush. Still do. Didn't like his daddy either. But I didn't compare him to Hitler.


I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth posting on threads like this anymore.

I'm not afraid of Obama or what HE has done. I'm afraid of his brainwashed followers and what they do, in his name. I have never seen anyone march in formation in combat fatiges and scream "Bush made me wanna be the next Sherrif!" like in that video. Or Regan, or Carter, or Nixon, Or Lincoln.

It's BEYOND ****ing insane the way people are responding to the man. In fact its downright FRIGHTENING to me. Not Obama... but his crazed supporters. I ABSOLUTLEY believe that if Obama got on stage and said (and I am not saying he would, I'm just saying somthing horrible and unthinkable) "As Americans we need to kill all white babies born in the months of June thru September" there would be baby execution squads on every corner... and THAT is what scares the **** out of me about Obama-mania.
Personally I could care less about the wackos. I'd rather see President Obama's critics ignoring the Kool-Aid drinkers and paying more attention to the issues at hand.


House passes economic stimulus, prodded by Obama

Why is spending trillions of taxpayer money the only way out of this economic morass?

Does the GOP (or anyone opposed to the spending) have any ideas besides voting "no" on the bills?

President Reagan had a strong, and effective counter in Congress with House Speaker Tip O'Neill. President Clinton had a strong and effective counter in Congress with House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Both speakers frequently spoke about what they plan to do, why they plan to do it, and how they plan to get it done.

Yes, he has only been in office for 10 days, but it has been nearly 3 months since the election. President Obama has assembled his staff and cabinet. Who is emerging from the GOP to stand against people such as Rahm Emmanual? What is the GOP doing besides criticizing the President or left-wing ideals? What have local leaders or activists been doing other than warning about "teh skerry lib'ruls" ?

I don't want to see President Obama fail. I'd like to see him succeed so well that I am inspired to vote for him in 4 years. For that to happen, he needs to be challenged, contested, countered. I'm not yet seeing how, or if, that is going to happen.
Great post I edited it a little..
WE are losing everything I don't care if you blame Bush,Clinton or Bozo.
The GVT is taking everything... now that the big three are more or less owned by washington (Not US as it is our money) Look at what Obama has already imposed on them no questions asked....

But as you can see if we don't speak up now.. we will soon have no voice..
Is that the point being made by this post?

Well it was the neo-con free market libertarians like Greenspan, Gramm etc, and Clinton was just as responsible as Bush who let loose small government , minimum regulation on the financial, energy sectors that lead to the financial meltdown and the Enron house of you want more of the same?

After it is said and done, the gains were privatized (so Fuld, O'Neal, etc. walked off with hundreds of millions while bankrupting their companies) and the losses were socialized which is why you now have big GVT taking over everything.

Seriously I would let all those financial institutions fail, and financial system naturally correct itself, perhaps if the stock market really fell then the low income could invest in it. Then strengthen the role of regulators again.
Even if you don't agree with him??
I will mark that down as #4 if you say yes...:)

As with Sukerkin, also someone from the "Outside", surely anything's prefereable to another Dubya type isn't it? I'm neither for or against him (far too jaded with politicians "Mr President" or otherwise), but after 10 days, is it not too early to judge?