The USAT vs AAU war has reached a boiling point.

You know in an ironic way this can almost describe the CHOAS within TKD. I learned along time ago, peope are ALWAYS gonna dissagree, be jealous, and buck the system. Instead of focusing on the problem at hand, we take on side agendas.

And as usual, there is always someone to stir the pot.

Right now, we have Chaos in Kukkiwon, Dissention between USAT and MAC, and a quiet WAR between USAT and AAU.

with all that experience and talent, if all involved parties could swallow thier ego and go in the same direction, we could be AWESOME!!!!

but, as long as people have hidden motives, jealousy, and a HUGE ego.... this will never end.

OR if all the atheletes gave ALL the orgs a collective middle finger, that would send a message too

plus it would be funny as hell
OR if all the atheletes gave ALL the orgs a collective middle finger, that would send a message too

plus it would be funny as hell

Althought that might actually work when it comes to getting the attention of the orgs, it would never happen. Athletes desire to make teams and will do what is necessary to accomplish that goal. Roadblocks, fair or unfair, are just something athletes are willing to put up with.
Athletes desire to make teams and will do what is necessary to accomplish that goal. Roadblocks, fair or unfair, are just something athletes are willing to put up with.

SOOOOOO True! We have to put up with it, no choice; politics are part of the system. We are not the only sport organization with issues like this...pick any other sport, at the elite level, and you will see the same stories.
see there is the problem.

i refuse to participate in much less CONDONE a situation like this.

not gonna do it.
SOOOOOO True! We have to put up with it, no choice; politics are part of the system. We are not the only sport organization with issues like this...pick any other sport, at the elite level, and you will see the same stories.

You forgot the big BUT...

But which athlete actually makes the team then....the best athlete...or in the case of TKD the best athlete capable/willing to move to Sugar Land or Miami?

You have to admit that there is a difference there. And it doesn't create a fair playing field for all athletes.
You forgot the big BUT...

But which athlete actually makes the team then....the best athlete...or in the case of TKD the best athlete capable/willing to move to Sugar Land or Miami?

You have to admit that there is a difference there. And it doesn't create a fair playing field for all athletes.

Plan and simple those that can offord to go to Sugarland or Miami, this is the only way you can make it now. You must spend time in one place or the other or else no go from either one. I for one believes that the best fighter the day of the fight off should go but that is my own opinion, because we leave to much in the hands of those that are money greedy.
You forgot the big BUT...

But which athlete actually makes the team then....the best athlete...or in the case of TKD the best athlete capable/willing to move to Sugar Land or Miami?

You have to admit that there is a difference there. And it doesn't create a fair playing field for all athletes.
Remember Mary Lou Retton? She won the gold and after that, some parents and family divided and let their daughters train with Mary Lou's coach. Father stayed behind to work, and mom and daughter moved to Houston to train.

Some parents in Ice Skating take out 2nd mortgage to have their kids to train with the best coach.

What is so different with TKD? Shannon Chang took 1 year off of school and train with a Poomsae Master in Korea. There is no diffence at all. Athletes who parents can afford it, will do what ever it takes to get their kids train with the best.
It is a very bad situation!!!! I know many athletes who work very hard!!!! I hope that an organization will emerge that will consider all Elite athletes. Real quality exists out side of Miami an Sugarland
It is a very bad situation!!!! I know many athletes who work very hard!!!! I hope that an organization will emerge that will consider all Elite athletes. Real quality exists out side of Miami an Sugarland

Not in the eyes of the USAT and the choosen few!! If anybody wants to be an elite they must attend these mini camps and shell out the bucks whether we like it or not.
Remember Mary Lou Retton? She won the gold and after that, some parents and family divided and let their daughters train with Mary Lou's coach. Father stayed behind to work, and mom and daughter moved to Houston to train.

Some parents in Ice Skating take out 2nd mortgage to have their kids to train with the best coach.

What is so different with TKD? Shannon Chang took 1 year off of school and train with a Poomsae Master in Korea. There is no diffence at all. Athletes who parents can afford it, will do what ever it takes to get their kids train with the best.

This is certainly the saddest post of the day. What is our culture coming to?
how can that be sad. It takes a lot to be the best of the best. In any culture, time or place. It takes hard work, sacrifice and dedication. None of what I just read is sad its just what it takes to be at the top.
Its not for everyone. Those that want weekends playing and family dinners and all the regular life trappings need to know they are good but not going to be great. It takes more to be great.
So, trying to get back on topic, I am curious, Terry and all of you others that compete in both the AAU and the USAT, have you decided what you are going to do about this. Have you thought about who you will go with? Will you still try to compete in both organizations or bow to the threat of being disowned if you do? To be honest, I don't envy you, whichever way you go I wish you the best of luck.
So, trying to get back on topic, I am curious, Terry and all of you others that compete in both the AAU and the USAT, have you decided what you are going to do about this. Have you thought about who you will go with? Will you still try to compete in both organizations or bow to the threat of being disowned if you do? To be honest, I don't envy you, whichever way you go I wish you the best of luck.

Well Wade I still plan on competing in both orgs, since I do not hold any kind of reginal or district or state titles of authority. The only way Zachary can ever attempt to make the Olympic dream is by going to certain camps, so I will continue with both.

If I had to come down to one or the other it will be hard because each one holds certain values that the other does not. Hopefully in time it can be recocilled and we can get back to the athletes.
So, trying to get back on topic, I am curious, Terry and all of you others that compete in both the AAU and the USAT, have you decided what you are going to do about this. Have you thought about who you will go with? Will you still try to compete in both organizations or bow to the threat of being disowned if you do? To be honest, I don't envy you, whichever way you go I wish you the best of luck.

Actually, this is less complicated than it seems. From reading the letters, Mr. F says you can still compete in both organizations. I woud think that if Mr. F or Mr. A decided to come down hard on competitors for competing, the respective organization would receive much backlash from their membership.

On the other hand, Mr. F is making it clear that he does not want people to support the USAT and USAT events while still acting in an official capacity for AAU. So, if being a ref or running tournaments is your thing, it looks like you have to choose between organizations. That's neither fair nor right, but no one said AAU was perfect.

I still hark back to the question of what the organization is doing with my membership fees. I can swallow some level of politics (although this letter is pushing the limits for me) if the organization is running efficiently and smoothly. But, they can't seem to get even simple things right over at USAT. I plan to invest my dollars where I think the money can do the most to advance sport TKD in the United States. Not sure where that is at this point though.....
Wade we will continue to participate in both orgs. Athletes and coaches can still participate in both at this time. I hope that when the smoke clears and this is finally put to rest. That we get a better enviroment in which all organizations cooperate for the betterment of our sport. Right now emotions are to high
Actually, this is less complicated than it seems. From reading the letters, Mr. F says you can still compete in both organizations. I woud think that if Mr. F or Mr. A decided to come down hard on competitors for competing, the respective organization would receive much backlash from their membership.

The letter does make it pretty clear though that as an athlete in both orgs that, at least in the past, there have been threats to impede the possibility for advancement in org A if you participate in org B including being denied opportunities to make the team of the other org. I suspect that as long as teams are not determined by fight offs, that such behavior will continue. And I would not put it past either org to "rig" fight offs to put an athlete that participates in "the other org" at some sort of disadvantage even in a fight off. With non-e-hogus this might mean that certain refs that have been banned from org A either consciously or subconsciously not pushing buttons for the athlete from org A or even being outright reminded before a fight, "hey this person still supports that org that threw you out, so I think you know what to do," wink wink. With e-hogus maybe give the player from the other org an e-hogu that all the sensors are working perfectly for easy scoring but give the player from your org a slightly defective e-hogu so that points don't seem to come when the hogu is hit.

Hmm is that a black helicopter I see overhead. Sorry folks, I have to go.