teaching the girls


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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I want to teach some self defense moves to my daughters, Laura is almost 13 yo and Ana is almost 9. The other day I teach Laura how to break/scape wrist grabs and it seems she liked, my problem is the time, with my tigh schedule I see the girls only at dinner (2-3 pm here in México) and in the nights when I return home.

I would like to teach the girls basic things, like the front kick (groin),the side kick (knee to stomach lever), a couple of punches, palm strikes,elbows and finger jabs (the eyes) and how they can break any intent of grabing them (wrist,shoulders,bear hugs and chokes).

My apartmament is small so maybe in spring we can go to the beach on saturdays evening sto train some.

Any sugestion?

Can you have them enrolled in classes at the school you train at? Or at the one you used to train at?
Ana trained TKD for 6 months, she eraned a yelllow belt butsudenly she droped tkd because it was too much disipline and he become bored (in her own words), Laura practiced gymnastics for a long time and ballet and jazz, she loves to dance but she does not like the idea of training tkd, however I think they can lear some basic stuff from me so they can at least break a hold or grab and maybe a couple of conterpunches or kicks.

My girls aren't interested in learning or practicing a martial art but I think they have to learn some basic stuff to deal with a bully in the school or to break free from a bad person.

Sounds like you`re doing great already Manny. Just keep working with them yourself when you can. Teach them how to break holds, how to use palms and elbows and knees so they have powerful strikes that are less likely to injure them. And teach them to recognise trouble before it gets started. Make sure they know it`s best to run as soon as they get the chance. I`ve got two daughters too, and even though they`re grown up (23 and 24) I worry about them all the time.

Sounds like you`re a great dad.
Situational awareness is more important than techniques, IMO. I drill and role play that sort of thing with my boys frequently.
Situational awareness is more important than techniques, IMO. I drill and role play that sort of thing with my boys frequently.

Great point, Stacy. I have a three year old, and I'm going to start soon with explaining to him what strangers are, and how not all adults are people to be trusted or listened to.