The Last Person.....

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Nothing really wrong, just haven't had anything to say, I guess. Wait, I don't have to 'say' anything on a message board, nothing much to type ... there, that's better.

Ok I thought maybe you was sick or something
Well, wasn't 100%, but not necessarily sick. Had that bite with the full body rash, that's just about cleared up now. Going to need a root canal, that's next in line, but not until next week.

Man when it rains it pours. But I see you got some sign ups that is great news.
Man when it rains it pours. But I see you got some sign ups that is great news.

Yes, true ... we're starting to get some more traffic through the door. A few people that came for intro and left, actually came back for sign up, two of which had not been taking our phone calls for follow up, so that was a surprise.
Yes, we do that, trying not to be too pushy. Where we came from, it was push, push, push ... not quite going there.

No never be pushy just a common reminder if they bring someone in that signs up they can recieve a new uniform or some little thing, but make sure they are happy first and have been there a while and are comfitable. Knowing you like I do you will not be pushy.
No never be pushy just a common reminder if they bring someone in that signs up they can recieve a new uniform or some little thing, but make sure they are happy first and have been there a while and are comfitable. Knowing you like I do you will not be pushy.

Exactly, we will offer nice things for referrals, but need to make sure that they are happy as all git out first.
Morning 14....Welcome back Terry...
Well 14 I am going to look at a house, it was once owned by the great Texas manager Billy Martin. I maybe buying some more property today.
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