The Last Person.....

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I'd honestly rather they focus on book larnin' and self-defense tactics than rank and competition.

Honestly, and in all seriousness, getting a nonphysical job in a safe workplace that pays a sufficient salary to afford good housing and adequate health insurance is going to save more years of life for a person than learning a martial art. For better or for worse, fair or not, so-called "white collar crime" doesn't kill you if you're victimized by it.

But the daughter has to earn her cho dan before she can date without a chaperone.

Heh, I have a similar rule for my daughter!
I hope I dont have a offense to those of you that do...but id be the dad on the front porch with a cooler of beer, cleaning his guns.

i can already tell its gonna be bad when my little cousin gets that age, i cant imagine if it were my daughter

Drive by post again, to much to do today for the new place to be done. Talk later gotta go again.

Rock on all my Post Whores
Lunchtime! A turkey club sounds good ... tho so does halibut and chips ... hm...
Dude!!! Tell us how it went!

I didn't lose my shirt..Came back with enough winings to order that new Combat Hapkido gi...Went to the Rio casino..The cocktail waitresses there wear black lace nightgowns over black satin thongs...
I didn't lose my shirt..Came back with enough winings to order that new Combat Hapkido gi...Went to the Rio casino..The cocktail waitresses there wear black lace nightgowns over black satin thongs...
Sounds like fun. I want to go so bad but I still think it would be a bad idea if I went

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