The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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I think some would say the same of me, although thanks to my SCUBA and offroading addictions, I tend to have more of a tan than most xanthochroids.

As for sesquipedalian.... don't make me go medical on your ***. :)
My knee rehab finishes on Wednesday. Very happy.

Fighting in February. Would have been this weekend, but I decided not to risk pissing my insurance company off.
That's just your galeophobia or your thalassophobia.

Nope not fish or the sea… its Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia :D

What can I say… I got an A in 2 semesters of Anatomy and Physiology and have more psychology courses behind me that anyone should have if they were not a psychology major…throw in I spent a few years working in hospitals...3rd shift (where I literally read the dictionary on the slow nights), come from a medical family and my father use to teach medical terminology….oh and I am married to a doctor :D
Fear of knowledge? Seems unlikely, if you read dictionaries out of boredom.

I think I could have thalassomania though.
I've never been able to get the hang of chopsticks. I can USE them, but I look like a toddler. Half the food ends up in my ear...
When I lived with a Japanese family, I got so good with chopsticks that I could easily pick up a single grain of rice.

I'm not quite that good as I used to be, but I still hold my own ;)
Hello my name is Xue and I'm a xanthochroid sesquipedalian

Hi Xue!

My name is Carol and I'm an unsesquipedalian redhead who breaks Mag lites. :lol:
When I lived with a Japanese family, I got so good with chopsticks that I could easily pick up a single grain of rice.

I'm not quite that good as I used to be, but I still hold my own ;)

Since I am the only 100% non-Chinese person in my house... I am required to know how o use them :D

Hi Xue!

My name is Carol and I'm an unsesquipedalian redhead who breaks Mag lites. :lol:

You see...She admits it....;anic: Carol the Reheaded hands of Maglite DOOM :uhyeah:
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