The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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I think Terry is probably preparing a massive assault on the LPT that will stun us all into silence, thus allowing him to win, once and for all.
I just spent 2 hours reading the honor thread. All I can say is holy something..........................

Time to hit it. Later.
After watching a Korean movie dubbed into German last night, I still have no idea what it was about.
I have avoided the honor thread, partly because I don't think Alex really has any idea what honor is, and a conviction that it's going to be another train wreck.
I have avoided the honor thread, partly because I don't think Alex really has any idea what honor is, and a conviction that it's going to be another train wreck.

OH serious discussion here will bring down the wrath of terry... and you don't want that :D

But I will say I expect soon he will tells ua about his defeat of Gamera, Rodan and possibly Big Foot too.... not Godzilla and the Loch Ness Monster...:D
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I have avoided the honor thread, partly because I don't think Alex really has any idea what honor is, and a conviction that it's going to be another train wreck.

I go now to wreck the train as I always do. Notice my lips are not moving so we can reuse this animation again and again and save money.
OH serious discussion here will bring down the wrath of terry... and you don't want that :D

Whoops.... my bad.

Do you think Terry is so quiet because he's writing code to steal my PostWhore iPhone app idea?
Bob doesn't need the PostWhore app. He told us. There's an ethernet cable running to the board directly from his ***************
Don't mind me, just nipped in here to scream. AAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!1!! Your Bank Holiday cretin count has been exceeded.
That was quite a scream. Practice much?

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Talking like Yoda is easy. I want to see you levitate a space shuttle...

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