the high



people who are high are numb and crazy. i was told they dont feel anything while their high but they feel it right after. if you encounterd a dopehead, would ya run? or fight?

i bring this up because my car died in a not too good neighborhood. there were ppl drinking, smokin, etc. they looked at me and i thought "what would i do if.....?"
but the AAA guy came. so :p
Often times when we're doing renzokuken exercises, we get to the point where my instructor says "and if he *still* isn't down, then he's probably on PCP, and you should run as far and as fast as your legs will carry you."


I guess another issue to bring up is how you can tell? There are certain things we notice is someone is drunk or high. What are things to look for in the other person in an encounter, so you can be aware with what you're dealing with?
One of the negative views of Kenpo is it's 'overkill' aspect. It's to take into account many things and also to teach many things.

It takes into account not enough power behind a strike, missing, your opponent not being where he should be, etc.

It teaches a student how to follow up effectively, understand motion (yours and your opponents), strike with multiple weapons, etc.

All that being said it also takes into effect if your opponent is high on something. Many of the defenses incapacitate your opponent not with pain but with physical injuries eg. they can't run after you with a broken ankle.

First reation is to always find a way out but IF I had to fight someone on drugs I feel confident in my ability to sufficiently incapacitate.

When I was in college, my roommate and I had a party where one of the guys that showed up was an off-duty police officer. He was the friend of one of the other guests, no one we knew directly. He relayed a story of an incident where he was on a "disturbance of the peace" call--some guy was "on drugs" and swinging around a tree branch, threatening his neighbors. This officer showed up on the scene to find a couple of other officers there, guns drawn, while the suspect was waving around a large branch and yelling. They tried to reason with him, and he only yelled back. Finally, he charged the officers, and was shot. He went down, then got back up, grabbed his branch, and came forward again. He got shot again. All in all, he wound up being shot multiple times. The autopsy showed he was running on an almost lethal dose of PCP.

May be urban legend, I dunno. I don't want to ever find out.

Dealing with people on drugs is different than those that are straight. Drugged people are MUCH more erratic and unpredictable. However, that can work in your favor, too. No, they may not feel things right away......but they DO feel things. Also, they are a bit easier to confuse. Finally, chances are, if you are dealing with a drugged person, you will be able to outlast them, whether running away or outfighting them.

I would say, best thing to do would be to act like you are one of them--offer to buy 'em a drink or something, whatever--and get the hell away from them.

My guess is that, if they are recreationally using drugs, they would rather enjoy their high than fight you.......but there's always that *one* jerk.....

Rambling again....sorry....

Originally posted by hand2handCombat

people who are high are numb and crazy. i was told they dont feel anything while their high but they feel it right after. if you encounterd a dopehead, would ya run? or fight?

i bring this up because my car died in a not too good neighborhood. there were ppl drinking, smokin, etc. they looked at me and i thought "what would i do if.....?"
but the AAA guy came. so :p

I got into a situation once(long time before I knew what martial arts were) where I was forced to fight. The kid was higher than a kite. Apparently he had smoked some pretty mean stuff before we got into it. Anyways, it went on for about 5-6 minutes, of me just beating the living snot out of him, he didn't feel anything, he kept getting back up. And I kept beating him down. I talked with the guys brother later in the week (we worked together) he said that his mouth bled all night and was pissing blood for a while(not good) he had two black eyes, bruised kidneys, blah-blah. So yeah it is a tough call. If they are high, don't screw with it. If you have to try to restrain them, hopefully you will have some help around.
I look at that now, and I would have done things a little diffrently. I probably would not have fought him for one. And now with the training I have had now, it would have been over before he threw the first strike. (thats how we should all train) Either I would have restrained him(probably not if he was on pcp or something) or I would have been more effective in my striking him. Well I have rambled toooooo long.

first off in my experience with people smoking pot, they tend to become less agressive and their reactions usualy get kinda messed up.. never seen someone fight like that so I don't know what it would be like, but I would guess it would probably be easyer than fighting someone drunk or sober.

as for PCP, PCP takes away muscle inhibitors giving you near maximal strength, this makes people alot stronger and faster.. Also because of this and a lack of physical preceptions (such as pain) there is an increase in endurance. I wouldn't expect to outrun someone on PCP, I would try but be prepared to turn and fight them off again.
Seeing so on pcp wanting to fight me.....
First i would try to reason and give him a few ideas why it would be in his best intrest not to fight me. Second i would try to walk away, If that fails i would fight him. Seeing how he is high and not being able to feel pain i would knock him to the ground and put a choke hold on him til he passes out.... Then punch him a few times for making me do so. Then go home. Just a idea for you, if you cant get a choke hold. go for a knock out punch or break his leg so he cant fight you. Your friend Judo-kid
ive read ur inputs and came to the conclusion of carrying a gun:D . ill shoot him in both legs and get him some help.
Ok, I'm very sheltered. What IS PCP anyway? I can tell by other posts that it's a type of a drug and what it can do but what does PCP stand for?

Robyn :confused:
PCP is the generic name for phencyclidine. The link below can give you more information about its reactions in humans. It was originally developed as an anesthetic for surgery in the 1950s, but because of the violent reactions in humans it is now only legal in veterinary medicine and is a common horse tranquilizer.

If you have to fight someone who is on drugs, attack eyes and throat. If they can't see or can't breathe, they can't fight. Whether or not they can feel pain, if they can't see you, they can't hit you, and if they can't breathe, they're gonna pass out, then you can get them medical attention if that is your desire.
If you have to fight someone who is on drugs, attack eyes and throat. If they can't see or can't breathe, they can't fight. Whether or not they can feel pain, if they can't see you, they can't hit you, and if they can't breathe, they're gonna pass out, then you can get them medical attention if that is your desire.

couldnt have said it better myself.
i have a "crazy pcp guy story" to add, but its hard to believe and those previous examples sounded pretty accurate from my experience.
wow that's a realy cool site.

Judo-kid I wouldn't suggest trying to fight someone on PCP.. not that it's imposable but why risk trying to fight someone who's posably hallucinating, maybe fealing a little paranoid, has more strength than you and feals no pain? what makes you think you can get to a choke hold?