Your embarrassing moments in the martial arts


Senior Master
Jan 26, 2007
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The story I'm about to tell got me to thinking...and since I don't want to feel like an utter *** all by myself..I'm hoping others can share. :D

Anyway, whilst relaxing and watching some TV yesterday evening, my kids came and asked for some help with their forms (they are both getting ready for a competition Saturday). So, being a good Dad and coach I wacthed their forms and gave them some pointers. Towards the end, my seven year old daughter started getting lazy with her kicks (she's crazy flexible and can easily kick over her head) and was throwing really weak low kicks. I called her on it and told her to chamber her knee and kick higher. She gave me that blank stare that indicated I'd either grown a second head or that my suggestion wasn't "computing."

So, I stand up and say..."Chamber yuour knee higher so you can kick higher...Like THIS!" I then whip our a moderately high front kick...good form, nice snap...not as high as I can throw, but I as hoping to make my point. However, my point was lost in the dreaded ripping sound of my jeans giving way....sssssccccrrrrrriiiiiiiiiippppp!! In executing my kick I'd succeeded in totally blowing the crotch out of my favorite pair of jeans. When you're working with a 13 and 7 year old...that's not exaclty the sort of thing from wich one recovers.

They were still giggling about it 2 hours later at bedtime. I can only hope they don't think this is an important part of the form :D

Anything like this happen to you? (I've got other stories....but I'll save 'em for later).

Performed a technique in front of class for a track test last Tuesday. My pantleg got under my heel, and when I did a front thrust kick I found myself flat on my back staring at the ceiling.
Splitting my gi bottoms during my first belt exam..
Double kick to a hanging bag.. I was wearing shoes, they "stuck" to the bag for a split second. I feel back on my ***. :eek:

Worse part was hearing the snicker and laughter coming from my instructor's desk across the room, I had soooo hoped he hadn't seen it. :lol2:
Double kick to a hanging bag.. I was wearing shoes, they "stuck" to the bag for a split second. I feel back on my ***. :eek:

Worse part was hearing the snicker and laughter coming from my instructor's desk across the room, I had soooo hoped he hadn't seen it. :lol2:

I have found that your instructor ALWAYS manages to see these moments!!!
Blanking on hyung movements when my instructor has us demonstrate them in order of rank. It's pretty hard on one's sense of self-worth, I can tell you!...:wah: I'd trade places with Bluekey, Lisa, Drac or anyone else who's merely torn pants or tipped over any day!
Oh God, I really shouldn't post this but...I had a sinus infection and was given antibiotics. (This was just last week) Well, if you don't know, antibiotics screw with the digestive system, annnnd...let's just say training this week was a gas. heh
Blanking on hyung movements when my instructor has us demonstrate them in order of rank. It's pretty hard on one's sense of self-worth, I can tell you!...:wah: I'd trade places with Bluekey, Lisa, Drac or anyone else who's merely torn pants or tipped over any day!

The first thing I thought of was messing up on something in front of my instructor and junior students (I am the most senior)... especially when I am supposed to be demonstrating something and looking impressive!
I was trying to just mentally block out those moments and think of something funny to post instead...

But, I wanted to make sure you knew you weren't alone my friend :)
my very first day of class (lo so many years ago). at that school, class started with sparring. i end up with a black belt woman, about 3/4 my size.

being a longhaired redneck idjit, i was taking it easy on her. i mean, she's just a chick black belt or no, right?

she figured out what i was doing. kicked my lily irish butt across the deck and back again.

and then she told the instructor what i'd been doing. he made me work with her for the next hour.

she beat the high holy tar out of me for an hour and a half.

it was love at first sight.
Laurentkd, you just reminded me of something I did just last night! Like you, I'm the most senior student. Last night, I was the only color belt. The rest were white belts. My instructor was explaining the side kick to them and why to do it correctly. I won't go into the big speach she made, but she said it makes the advanced kicks easier and technically better.

One of our advanced kicks is a flying side kick. So she told me to do a flying side kick. The first attempt ... well, didn't turn out so good. I totally missed the target and landed flat on my back. I turned as red (or redder) than my belt. Then she said, "Come on! I know you can do better!" She always makes fun of me like that LOL (that's because she's also a good friend of mine). The class just bursted into non-stop giggles. So, the second attempt was much better.
Laurentkd, you just reminded me of something I did just last night! Like you, I'm the most senior student. Last night, I was the only color belt. The rest were white belts. My instructor was explaining the side kick to them and why to do it correctly. I won't go into the big speach she made, but she said it makes the advanced kicks easier and technically better.

One of our advanced kicks is a flying side kick. So she told me to do a flying side kick. The first attempt ... well, didn't turn out so good. I totally missed the target and landed flat on my back. I turned as red (or redder) than my belt. Then she said, "Come on! I know you can do better!" She always makes fun of me like that LOL (that's because she's also a good friend of mine). The class just bursted into non-stop giggles. So, the second attempt was much better.

I am glad you survived....although it probably won't be the last time it happens!!!
The first thing I thought of was messing up on something in front of my instructor and junior students (I am the most senior)... especially when I am supposed to be demonstrating something and looking impressive!
I was trying to just mentally block out those moments and think of something funny to post instead...

But, I wanted to make sure you knew you weren't alone my friend :)

Thanks for the good thought, Lauren! It's always good to hear that... but coming from a very-soon-to-be 4th dan, it's particularly reassuring! :asian:
We have an open 2 hour Sunday class early Sunday mornings. I woke up late and scrambled to get out the door and to the Dojo. (Fortunately my Dojo is around the corner from our house). So... I get to class 1/2 late and we start self-defences. We line up with one person defending and everyone else taking a turn attacking. Well...apparently I should not try to defend myself or my dignity in the early morning....the first attacker runs up and does a throat grab...we have countless techniques for escape from a strangle hold one being grabbing the thumbs applying pressure while wrapping up, spinning and pushing the attacker away...(not my fav but anyway)....when I went execute it I grabbed the thumbs and spun myself backwards instead of the attacker and effectively performed the manoeuvre on myself. The instructors face was priceless...he looked so confused, which turned to beet red, then finally along with everyone else, burst into laughter. Thank God Sensei doesn't teach Sunday class.
My most embarrassing moment would have to be screwing up on my Blue Belt test. Specifically the part where I started crying when I couldn't explain how to do a front stance.
My most embarrassing moment would have to be screwing up on my Blue Belt test. Specifically the part where I started crying when I couldn't explain how to do a front stance.

I wouldn't let that throw you - one of my students (then 13) was asked to do something he hadn't been taught yet (the fault of the testing instructor), burst into tears (a 13 year old boy, mind you) and walked off the testing floor... but he came back and finished, and did a great job!

Let's see... what to choose... when I was testing for III Dan, I was doing a pattern that included a stamping motion - I turned my foot too far, stepped on the top of my foot (instead of the sole), twisted my ankle, fell down - looking like a total idiot) - then got back up and finished the pattern and the testing. My sahbum's wife (who is a nurse practitioner - a doctor of nursing) was watching (he was testing for VI Dan) and told me later than she thought I'd broken my ankle, it looked so bad... I didn't think it was that bad until someone showed me the video - so not only did I do it, but people kept showing it to me over and over, asking how I got back up... Just to add to my humiliation, since my sahbum was testing for VI Dan, there was a board of testing instructors - 5 of them, all VII Dans, and one was Choi Jung Hwa, the son of Gen. Choi Hong Hi, the founder of Ch'ang H'on TKD... so not only did I look like an absolute idiot, I did it in front of the president of the international ITF organization we belonged to at the time.
I was teaching a kids class and at one point I threw a wide looping roundhouse punch at one of the more senior kids, open handed toward his shoulder so he wouldn't get hurt if I connected and at about 3/4 speed. He moved perfectly, by accident, and slammed me into the mat with a technique he hadn't been taught. Since he was so short I didn't have time to set up my fall and ended up laying on the mat, trying to breath. I was able to gasp " Very ...nice, ...go ....join ....that... group". The parents watching were hysterical as I laid there taking inventory of my body to make sure I could move and trying to breath. The story got around pretty quickly and I heard about it for weeks afterward.
Wow, these are some great stories.

Here's another instant classic...

My son, Zack, was at comp team practice and they were apparently working on a new combo that day. He gets home about the same time I'm cooking dinner. I'm at the stove stirring some sauce when I here "Hey Dad, look what I learned!" I turn around in time to see my son throwing the most beautiful back thrust kick he's ever thrown....right into my groin.

I'm 6'2", about 230 lbs. My son was 12 at the time...maybe about 110 lbs. I went down like a sack of potatoes with nary a wimper (hurt too much to breathe). I evetually gasped out "good one son" from my fetal position on the kitchen floor. The look on his face was priceless. He was simultaneously afraid he'd broken me, and amazed that little 'ole him could do that to big 'ole me.


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