The Destroyer Style


Senior Master
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
I don't want to offend you, I'm just going to make a statement.

If you find it applies to you, fine. If not, also fine.

My dad taught me a basic karate punch when I was 10 years old. About that same time, I spent what I thought was a lot of time reading Bruce Tegner's self defense book.

From age 10-22 I met and "learned a few things" from and "trained" with several people over the years.

I used to think I knew a LOT about martial arts — until I started training 4 to 5 days per week, EVERY week, with a real martial art instructor, in a real martial art class.

Now, after about 20 years of training, week in and week out, I'm still not ready to "invent" my own martial art program — not for the handicapped, not for ANYBODY.

I've heard a lot of people ask, but I haven't seen you answer yet — what is your background? Have you been training — day in, day out — for all these years?

Yes, handicapped people face challenges when it comes to martial arts. And finding techniques that work for THEM is a HUGE challenge. Such a huge challenge, that it would take someone with a LOT of experience to come up with what is REALLY a feasible system for them.

If you are not as qualified as you think you are (and I'm not saying you are or are not qualified — still waiting to hear more about your experience before I form my opinion),

then you many actually be doing more harm than good by teaching people something they will believe in but will fail them when they think they can depend on it.

I'm sorry you are running into so much skepticism here — but most of us have put in long, hard hours training and, over the many, many years that we have been studying and training in martial arts, have met and conversed with plenty of people who think, after "learning a couple of moves from their uncle who was in the special forces" they can re-invent wheels we have been using for years and years and years and years and years.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I looked at the Videos and you have some skill (and a friend that apparently likes to be kicked, punched and thrown to the ground), However I see nothing new or different from multiple other styles (actually it looked similar to Sanshou) I have seen nor do I see anything that I would say was specifically to help handicapped people or who are weaker or have weak legs. I applaud your efforts but I think it needs work if your target group is handicapped people. There are handicapped martial artists out there, maybe you should look to them for help with this.

Oh and a sucker punch is

A sucker punch is a blow which is made without warning or preparation on the part of the recipient and so is usually delivered from close range. It is not possible to block such a punch and so people at risk of such blows must be alert to the proximity of potential opponents

And per Tez it is a movie too :D

Omar B

Senior Master
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Queens, NY. Fort Lauderdale, FL
There's another great thread running at this very moment titled "Why" and it's about those who go out creating an art without the needed experience. But I also echo Chris and zDom's concerns.

The Destroyer Style

Yellow Belt
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
I think its only fair to question, and I don't want to invent something, just take what is useful for (a certain kind of person from each style.) The styles I have taken don't have any help for people who are weaker, or handicapp. That is why I want to make this. My experience is one year in a MMA class, There I learned Jujitsu, Boxing, Mauy Thai/Kick boxing. I was under a year in Tae Kwon Do, those are all that are on record. I also learned Kung Fu, and Military tactics from a friend, who I call my uncle. He started me thinking differently when I was twelve years old. Thats why I say I have been working on it for so long. I'm not saying I am a master. I am just saying I know enough to at least give someone a way to protect themselves. The best way to do that is to mix all these together for now. If later I learn something more useful I will add it as well. If you know of the perfect martial art I would really like to know it. I have always been taught that if you can't change and adapt in fighting you will never learn anything. Anyone who can throw a jab can fight. All martial arts do is show them how to do it more effectively. Thats what I intend to do. I don't worry about critisicm though. Words can't do anything to me, I do appreciate your advice though. If any of you know any certain style that helps mostly handicapp people I would like to know of it. I have alot of people I know who could use it.

The Destroyer Style

Yellow Belt
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
I do realize that a tru sucker punch is undefendable, I just wanted to show a way to react. If you saw it at the last second. If you don't see it, I really don't think there is anything you can do. Um, blink maybe. I have not yet posted my videos for handicapp defence yet. I will let you know when I do. For half hearted though, no he just really doesn't know how to punch. Haha, he doesn't like really being hit, but he told me. How will people know it works if you don't show them. I guess it will be my turn for him to hit me next.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
OK, I was going to stay out of this but I now have some problems here

I think its only fair to question, and I don't want to invent something, just take what is useful for (a certain kind of person from each style.) The styles I have taken don't have any help for people who are weaker, or handicapp.

That would be because you did not take as many styles as you are claiming. It appears you took TKD and MMA. Both sports oriented and both depend a lot on strength.

That is why I want to make this. My experience is one year in a MMA class, There I learned Jujitsu, Boxing, Mauy Thai/Kick boxing.

1 year in an MMA class, although hard training, does not constitute leaning Jujitsu (BJJ or JJJ), Muay Thai Kick Boxing or boxing. It means you trained MMA.

I was under a year in Tae Kwon Do

Under one year.... I don't even have to go here

I also learned Kung Fu

No, no you didn't.

I posted this in another of your posts but apparently you did not see it yet. Kung Fu is a rather generic term covering all Chinese Martial Arts and if you took "Kung Fu" you would identify it by the style not the generic term. These are all called Kung Fu and they are not the same

Military tactics from a friend

What branch of the military did your friend serve in and for how long. And just for the record Military tactics are defined as; the art of organizing an army, are the techniques for using weapons or military units in combination for engaging and defeating an enemy in battle.

I'm not saying I am a master. I am just saying I know enough to at least give someone a way to protect themselves. The best way to do that is to mix all these together for now.

Point in your favor you do not claim to be a master but after what sounds like less than 2 years of official training I am not so sure about the rest

accept for this part

If later I learn something more useful I will add it as well.

You will learn a LOT more if you train more with real live teachers of various styles for a few years, not 1.5 to 2 closer to 10 or more

If you know of the perfect martial art I would really like to know it

There is no such animal for every single person and you are going to invent it either, especially with so little background in Martial arts

And how much “professional" experience do you have working with handicapped persons and or how much medical training do you have in dealing with handicapped persons?

I have always been taught that if you can't change and adapt in fighting you will never learn anything. Anyone who can throw a jab can fight. All martial arts do is show them how to do it more effectively.

Yes you need to adapt, no if you can throw a jab you cannot necessarily fight, you can throw a jab and Martial arts teaches you one heck of a lot more than how to throw a jab or fight more effectively.

Thats what I intend to do. I don't worry about critisicm though. Words can't do anything to me, I do appreciate your advice though. If any of you know any certain style that helps mostly handicapp people I would like to know of it. I have alot of people I know who could use it.

If that is your intent I hope you succeed but it sounds as if you need a lot more training in Martial arts and possibly with persons with disabilities as well. But I would refrain from kicking. punching and knocking my friends to the floor with little or no padding while you tried to figure it out.
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MTS Alumni
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
79 Wistful Vista
I do realize that a tru sucker punch is undefendable, I just wanted to show a way to react. If you saw it at the last second. If you don't see it, I really don't think there is anything you can do. Um, blink maybe. I have not yet posted my videos for handicapp defence yet. I will let you know when I do. For half hearted though, no he just really doesn't know how to punch. Haha, he doesn't like really being hit, but he told me. How will people know it works if you don't show them. I guess it will be my turn for him to hit me next.
A true sucker punch IS defendable... by using situational awareness. ;) The absolute first thing that must be taught in a self defense class is being aware of your surroundings, obeying the rule of the three stupids, putting forth an aura of not being a victim... hell, you could almost spend a year teaching that without ever getting into physical technique.

There are, quite literally, hundreds of years worth of martial arts experience bound up in the membership here at Martial Talk. You'll find that you'll have to be on top of your game to offer anything "new" here but if you are truly sincere and passionate about what you're doing most folks here will be willing to give good, honest feedback.


Black Belt
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Moore, SC
Well Cody, looks like everyone is hanging you out to dry. As well they should. Making the blanket statements you did about martial arts is only asking for ridicule. I've been in the martial arts for 37 years and still don't preach about having found the perfect martial art. Maybe it’s the perfect art for me, but not everyone else. Anyone asking has to try it first.

There was nothing extraordinary or exceptional in what you displayed in your video. But let me give you something else to think about when attempting to continue to create your martial arts 'system' for the handicapped. Have you ever attempted to teach someone who is blind? Everything on your video is based around someone seeing their attacker and the attacks coming. How would a blind person handle a jab, a cross, someone shooting in to take them to the ground or grabbing them from behind? Also, not all attacks are about the attacker throwing punches or kicks to hit their victim. Some are about grabbing them, tackling them, hitting them with an object. So how would you explain to a blind person how to do this technique or that technique when they can't see how you do a technique against something they can’t see coming their way?

I taught a blind person one time, and it changed my whole perspective and everything I did in reference to teaching martial arts. I teach Wing Chun because for me it deals with a lot more of what is needed for self defense. . . . . sensitivity and touch. However, even that is not the perfect art for everyone. So I say to you, back to the drawing board. Let us know in about 20 more years when you think you really have some decent skills and figured something out.

The Destroyer Style

Yellow Belt
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
I didn't say I have the perfect fighting style, I said if there is one I would like to know what it is. It also seems to me that everyone is talking about fighting systems that take a life time to learn. Some people don't have a life time. They can be taught simple things like eye gouges. Knowing anything is better then knowing nothing. I also stated that the techniques in the video are basics. If it was something hard to do how would it benefeit anyone. They are simple and to the point. They can even be countered easily. The whole point is I want to show people something that doesn't take forever to set up. My techniques do work. The techniques you have seen are for people who are just weaker as I have said. You all seem to be more worried about laughing me off, instead of trying to point in the right direction to help people. That makes you shallow. The color of belts and social standing are useless in a real fight. The one who survies wins the prize of his life. Some of you know this. Some of you will never know. Regardless, I will do all I can to help people. While you look down and tell them what they do wrong. Some of you here care and have given me good advice. Please continue to do so. I will consider all of it as I continue to train and devolpe.


The Destroyer Style

Yellow Belt
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
I do not have any belts or certifacations. That doesn't make what I know any less valuble. If you are concerned with belt and social status. You are concerned with pride. I don't really care what people think about me at the end of the day. Living threw a life or death situation is the only thing that matters. Some people don't have a life time to learn how to defend themselves. While you worry about rank, a real person who fights in life or death situations worries about survival. Don't get me wrong, wanting to be better is good. The reason should be for helping others though. If we can't help other people defend themselves we are no better then the people attacking them. Even if your the best fighter in the world if that knowledge doesn't go to help others. You haven't did anything worth speaking of.



Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
Keep a good attitude, but go slow! You have plenty of time. Also, please don't throw people so close to an air conditioner (!).

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
There is no such animal for every single person and you are going to invent it either, especially with so little background in Martial arts

I've heard of a system called "Xuefu", I think it's Chinese. Maybe if he does a little internet research he might be able to find some information about it. I think it's pretty rare, but it's out there and I've heard it's really very good. It's probably the closest thing to a perfect art out there. If he finds it, he's a lucky man.

good luck.

The Destroyer Style

Yellow Belt
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
I've heard of a system called "Xuefu", I think it's Chinese. Maybe if he does a little internet research he might be able to find some information about it. I think it's pretty rare, but it's out there and I've heard it's really very good. It's probably the closest thing to a perfect art out there. If he finds it, he's a lucky man.

good luck.

Thank you I will look for it.

Omar B

Senior Master
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Queens, NY. Fort Lauderdale, FL
No, belts and certifications are not "necessary," for self defense but in claiming to have developed your own system they sure as heck are.

You would never go to a doctor or dentist who only studied for a short time but then broke off to do things the way they saw fit. I'm more willing to give someone certified in a system the benefit of the doubt.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate

For the record I have been at this MA stuff for over 30 years, Japanese Jujitsu, TKD, Shaolin Long Fist, Wing Chun, Xingyiquan, Taijiquan and a dash of Bagua and even a bit of Kendo and I would not try and start my own style, but I am a bit of a traditionalist so a new system of my own is of no interest to me.


You have talked about some pretty violent acts (killing, eye gouging, etc.) you want to train people to do and a bit of advice, once they do them they, and you, have to live with that. And I can tell you from experience it is not fun or easy.

I will leave you with some things from my Sanda sifu said, which by the way does not take all that long to learn, it is the version what they teach the Chinese military and police.

First he will not teach anyone he does not know or trust because he does not want to be responsible for someone taking what he taught them and using it to intentionally hurt other people.

But here is what he says about sanda. Sanda is not the best martial art it is just a quick and easy way to learn how to hurt some really badly.

I have no issue with you wanting to help people learn MA but you simply do not have the background to do it yet. My best advice is to go train some other MA styles, possibly something like Aikido or an Internal Chinese Martial Art and learn about different types of handicaps and the physical limitations and advantages of those and then start putting it together.


Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I do not have any belts or certifacations. That doesn't make what I know any less valuble. If you are concerned with belt and social status. You are concerned with pride. I don't really care what people think about me at the end of the day. Living threw a life or death situation is the only thing that matters. Some people don't have a life time to learn how to defend themselves. While you worry about rank, a real person who fights in life or death situations worries about survival. Don't get me wrong, wanting to be better is good. The reason should be for helping others though. If we can't help other people defend themselves we are no better then the people attacking them. Even if your the best fighter in the world if that knowledge doesn't go to help others. You haven't did anything worth speaking of.


I train Traditional Chinese Martial Arts, no rank, no belts, no sash and no certification

I also trained Sanda, no rank, no belt, no certification.

And my friend I like many on this site have been training MA longer than you have been on the planet. There are people on this site with more real live fight experience in real live nasty situation that anyone should have to deal with from LEO to Military to people that were unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. For crying out loud I have leather jackets older than you and you are starting to take the pulpit and heading into condescension here and that will get you no where.

You came here with a new style and you simply do not have the background to back it up, based on what you posted, to do it... yet.

What you want to do is commendable but you are approaching this from the most violent position possible by talking about killing and eye gouging and calling it "Destroyer style". You need more training and more life experience and to calm down a bit and then you should start working on your style to help people and if it is truly what you want to do then take the time to do it right.

Might I suggest a book by Phillip Star the making of a butterfly. See what he went through before he started his own style. Read about Kano Jigoro, Wang Xiangzhai, Lee Junfan, and Ueshiba Morihei to see what brought them to develop their own style. Look at the posts on MT of Brian VanCise since he has found himself in his own style after years of training. Check into them and then you might see why you are not getting the best of responses to a couple of years in MA that being only MMA and Tkd and now talking about starting your own style.

You say it takes years and you want to help people learn faster, well you can do that but it will take you years of MA training and understanding to get to the point where you can do that, and if you are truly sincer in your goal you will take the time to learn it so you don’t hurt yourself or others needlessly.

Where to you think Sanda came from, might want to look into that as well

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
Sucker Punch is a film which has an MMA fighter mate of mine in it! My instructor was in a couple of scenes.

Sorry, couldn't resist but as the film title don't see it coming.

shameless plug.

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I do not have any belts or certifacations. That doesn't make what I know any less valuble. If you are concerned with belt and social status. You are concerned with pride. I don't really care what people think about me at the end of the day. Living threw a life or death situation is the only thing that matters. Some people don't have a life time to learn how to defend themselves. While you worry about rank, a real person who fights in life or death situations worries about survival. Don't get me wrong, wanting to be better is good. The reason should be for helping others though. If we can't help other people defend themselves we are no better then the people attacking them. Even if your the best fighter in the world if that knowledge doesn't go to help others. You haven't did anything worth speaking of.


Hi Cody,

Not fond of repeating myself, but I'll make a few comments here regarding the way things are going.

To begin with, a sucker punch has been dealt with well by others, saying pretty much everything I would say, including the way to defend against it is with awareness. That really should be the focus for you based on what you are saying you are wanting to show here, not talking about killing and eye gouging. That is ego and machismo talking, not understanding of "life an death fighting", as you put it. And your clip is not a defence against a sucker punch, it is a (honestly fairly flawed) defence against a straight left.

But to the quoted paragraph above. No, belts and certifications are not required to survive, but they are an indication of experience, knowledge, understanding of particular arts. You are coming across as lacking in all of the above, to be honest. Every post you have made is showing a lack of maturity, hence you being asked at one point how old you are (I believe 21?). My advise is simple; recognise that you are young, and relatively inexperienced, but certainly have your heart in the right place, or at least headed in theright direction. But I would caution against spouting generalisations and truisms to those who have lived this for more years than you have been alive.

Oh, and again, look to the way you are posting. You are using a period-break to separate parts of a sentence into different sentences, and that changes the way they are read, and the inherrent meaning gleaned from your words. If you are a "published author" as you claimed, this should be obvious to you.
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