Black Belt
Ok. In the Olympic thread, on page 20, Daniel Sullivan asked the question, if I had ever been into a TKD dojang. I ignored his question. Well the answere to that is no, I had not. So today, I went into the only TKD school in town that is worth the effort based on my research.(the rest are ATA) The first person to greet me, and ultimately talk to me was the head instructor and owner. A very nice man, in great shape. I explained my goals and a little of my background.
I was shocked to learn that not only was he a multi level TKD blackbelt(cant remember if it was 4th or 5th) but he was a Judo black belt as well. He also had experience with ground fighting and escapeing.(thanks to the judo background) We talked briefly about specific techniques such as the shoulder throw. His shoulder throw is different then what I have learned but no less valid. In fact I like his as it gives more control of the elbow to the thrower. We talked about my fitness goals and my martial goals, and my past experience.
He knew the background of the instructor of the first mma gym I went to, and thusly knows were some of my kicking issues are coming from.
Now here comes the part were I need advice. I have talked to my other coach, and he is ok with me cross training were ever I want. As is the TKD head instructor. He just feels that I may get to many conflicting messages when it comes to the striking aspect of what im doing. He specifically mentioned blocks, and for me that is a valid concern. As my new coach teaches us a very different style of blocking and deflecting incoming attacks then what TKD employs. For instance we don't block(deflect) kicks, at all... EVER. We only use our deflections on punches and other hand strikes. When we deflect we only use the flat of our forearms, utilizing both bones for more strength. From the videos I have seen, TKD does there deflections differently.
Since striking makes up only about 30% of class time, with standing and ground grappling and conditioning making up the rest I think I should be ok. Since I spend more time grappling in some form. Looking at what my coach teaches us for striking and striking defenses, I only foresee three problems. Firstly that is stance, my coach teaches a more squared up stance. Tho I have a side on boxing stance I learned from my boxing coach that im comfortable with. I think it can be modified to work in TKD.
The second problem I foresee is and this is a big one, and that is striking defense. More specifically the deflections. I don't want to sell my self short, so ill see if I can keep both styles separated. I have a feeling my coach will let me use the TKD deflections in class during our defensive drills. That's kinda the biggest problem I think. Tho I cant make a judgement now, I have to wait and practice and see how I react during practice and sparring at my current gym. If I look back, at my current skill set, boxing has a impressive number of defenses as well, and I have no problems using them with my deflections im learning at the gym. In fact they seam to complement each other PERFECTLY. Any thoughts on this? Does anyone else here know a few different ways to defend punches and how is your ability keep separate when practicing and blend when needed??
The last issue I see, and this will also likely annoy and confuse me, is the punching technique. TKD seams to throw there punches from a low stance, during practice, and from the shoulders when thrown from fight stance. I was trained to bring my shoulders up, and chin down and throw from up higher. When throwing my bicep is supposed to act like a bit of protection to my cheek and face when throwing a punch. Im not entirely sure how ill deal with this issue...
So, I appreciate any advice you guys have.
I was shocked to learn that not only was he a multi level TKD blackbelt(cant remember if it was 4th or 5th) but he was a Judo black belt as well. He also had experience with ground fighting and escapeing.(thanks to the judo background) We talked briefly about specific techniques such as the shoulder throw. His shoulder throw is different then what I have learned but no less valid. In fact I like his as it gives more control of the elbow to the thrower. We talked about my fitness goals and my martial goals, and my past experience.
He knew the background of the instructor of the first mma gym I went to, and thusly knows were some of my kicking issues are coming from.
Now here comes the part were I need advice. I have talked to my other coach, and he is ok with me cross training were ever I want. As is the TKD head instructor. He just feels that I may get to many conflicting messages when it comes to the striking aspect of what im doing. He specifically mentioned blocks, and for me that is a valid concern. As my new coach teaches us a very different style of blocking and deflecting incoming attacks then what TKD employs. For instance we don't block(deflect) kicks, at all... EVER. We only use our deflections on punches and other hand strikes. When we deflect we only use the flat of our forearms, utilizing both bones for more strength. From the videos I have seen, TKD does there deflections differently.
Since striking makes up only about 30% of class time, with standing and ground grappling and conditioning making up the rest I think I should be ok. Since I spend more time grappling in some form. Looking at what my coach teaches us for striking and striking defenses, I only foresee three problems. Firstly that is stance, my coach teaches a more squared up stance. Tho I have a side on boxing stance I learned from my boxing coach that im comfortable with. I think it can be modified to work in TKD.
The second problem I foresee is and this is a big one, and that is striking defense. More specifically the deflections. I don't want to sell my self short, so ill see if I can keep both styles separated. I have a feeling my coach will let me use the TKD deflections in class during our defensive drills. That's kinda the biggest problem I think. Tho I cant make a judgement now, I have to wait and practice and see how I react during practice and sparring at my current gym. If I look back, at my current skill set, boxing has a impressive number of defenses as well, and I have no problems using them with my deflections im learning at the gym. In fact they seam to complement each other PERFECTLY. Any thoughts on this? Does anyone else here know a few different ways to defend punches and how is your ability keep separate when practicing and blend when needed??
The last issue I see, and this will also likely annoy and confuse me, is the punching technique. TKD seams to throw there punches from a low stance, during practice, and from the shoulders when thrown from fight stance. I was trained to bring my shoulders up, and chin down and throw from up higher. When throwing my bicep is supposed to act like a bit of protection to my cheek and face when throwing a punch. Im not entirely sure how ill deal with this issue...
So, I appreciate any advice you guys have.