Suk, Tez, please explain this to me

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
Whilst Cuong is incorrect in his assertion above, John, as Tez will no doubt tell him in no uncertain terms when she gets back from holiday, I am afraid I have no logical answer to give you on this one.

I have only quickly read the article and have no idea as to it's veracity (the Daily Mail not exactly being a 'good' source of information) but the situation seems utterly unjust. The fact that it doesn't surprise me might give you a clue as to my views however :eek:. Then again, the same 'victims support' system denied me a sufficient amount of compensation (for nearly losing my arm) that I would never have had to work again after my bike accident, by the simple fact that noone ever told me either that it existed or that I was eligible.

I'll research it more and hopefully have a better answer tomorrow.
Details seem a bit sparse... but:

Kevin Johnson, 22, was stabbed outside his Sunderland home in May 2007 after he challenged three rowdy teenagers.
Would hint that he played a more active role in initiating the confrontation.
I would say yes and no. Yes because looking at his age, he's not much older than an average teenager and so unless he was very mature for his age, I've known hot-heads (myself included at that age) where one doesn't say the right thing to accomplish their wants.
I would say no to that because a person does have the right to ask his neighbors to "keep it down" or even if they weren't his neighbors then he still has the right to say hey... keep it down you're disturbing me...
But Challenging is the word... was it more of a tone that said... "if you guys don't knock it off I'm going to kick your ***!" or was it of the tone of "keep it down or I will call the police!" ?
Mr Johnson was stabbed to death after he and his fiancee returned home from a night out on May 19, 2007. Woken by raised voices outside he went down to ask the teenagers to keep the noise down.
The gang beckoned the father over with their hands, enticing him to come forward. Then they surrounded him. One pulled out a Stanley knife and repeatedly stabbed him until he fell to the floor.
As he lay dying the gang ran off and celebrated by damaging parked cars before stabbing a second man in the chest. The killers - Dean Curtis, 19, Tony Hawkes, 17, and Jordan Towers, 16 - were later jailed for life.
He basically didn't challenge the kids ... he asked them according to the report/article. 3 to 1 isn't a fair fight by any means especially when one is armed. Their age differences are not that much.
At least the three are jailed for life that is one thing.
I think it's bad that the family is denied compensation because the man defended himself.
There are a lot of "should'ves" that could be said here and they are not relevant to the aftermath and the main topic of the thread which is what is the right thing for the family.
I think they should receive much more than the 11K pounds (= $16,143.00 U.S.). British prisoners get 6.5 million for injuries sustained in prison... somehow... that just doesn't seem right!
Good Morning Sodom and Gomorrah.
Good Morning sinners.
No that wasn't your radio set on the blink again.

Sodom and Gomorrah? This is London, Guv.

This just came floating into my mind. Weird.
The Daily Mail seems to be England's equivalent of the National Enquirer. Why would anyone give any creedence to anything written in a tabloid?