Stupid question

Hey, hey, hey...they'll be none of that!!! We have our own waste to get rid of.

In all seriousness, the Canadian shield is one billion years old, I'm sure the idea of drilling down a long way and sealing the waste up would work. Though if I lived in a nearby community? No chance would I allow it in my backyard.
We lack a strong enough government to logicly use and dispose of nuclear waste. Once Obama declares himself our rightfull King we will see:power:
I don't think it was in the last 10 years, but I have to say Asset Forfeiture Laws.

They have allowed the government to say in any and all circumstances that we can take any property we want, and make you have to prove that you deserve to have it. And this is not just for drugs.

And example is how the BATFE is enforcing gun regulation. They change (on a daily basis it seems) how gun laws are to be interpreted. Then the go to a gun manufacturer/dealer/seller and say what they have is illegal and seize it without any due process. And in order to get your stuff back, you have to pay (what they consider) 10% of the cost of product taken just to fight it in court.

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