Sparring Drills



We have been watching the Bob White fighting tape and really enjoyed doing some of the drills he had last night when working out.

Has anyone else seen his video? I really enjoyed it and it was a lot of fun to run through the drills. Do you guys have any drils that are similar (besides freestyle tech) ?? Just curious it was fun.
I'll have to look into picking that up. Ya mind me asking where ya
got it, and how much? I enjoyed his class on sparring at Mr
Duffy's camp.
Yes I have that tape, and I picked up two techniques (hi/low double retreating sidekick, the footwork for that offline enter) but by and large we already did most of those drills. I'd actually love to see him put out another tape, I thought it was pretty valuable.


You can get it off the KenpoNet Store or someone is selling them cheap on Ebay.

Originally posted by Kirk

I'll have to look into picking that up. Ya mind me asking where ya
got it, and how much? I enjoyed his class on sparring at Mr
Duffy's camp.

Kirk, you don't need it. You da monster!:cool: