Incorporating boxing drills in Kenpo


Black Belt
Apr 30, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Does anyone do this? What kind of drills (3 and under, shoe shine drill, 4 count (jab,cross,hook,upper cut)? Just curious, I have a tape by ringside called mastering the mitts that gives some excellent focus mitt drills that work speed, power, coordination, distance, closing the gap, etc...

Originally posted by jbkenpo

Does anyone do this? What kind of drills (3 and under, shoe shine drill, 4 count (jab,cross,hook,upper cut)? Just curious, I have a tape by ringside called mastering the mitts that gives some excellent focus mitt drills that work speed, power, coordination, distance, closing the gap, etc...


I do. I like the 4 count. Lot of the boxing helps me against others.
And nobody laugh either, I'm still alive, and good looking still.:p
We do the four count drills in my school. Sometimes we do them
and add kicks. Mostly they're done as part of our warm up,
after calisthenics ... I think for an aerobic purpose. I know I
sweat my tail off when doing them, that's for sure!
I like using boxing to get to the inside. i think it works.

Originally posted by PhilNvegas

I like using boxing to get to the inside. i think it works.


Whatsa matta you? Freestyle techniques are gap closers etc., as well. I look at boxing as being swollowed by AK a long time ago. There are a couple of groups that are known for Kenpo boxing. :)
I agree with you,"free sytlye tech". I just hate kicking with all these guys trying to take you down these days.

It does depend on the sercumstance. If I'm fighting a boxer I will use my feet.
Originally posted by Rainman

Whatsa matta you? Freestyle techniques are gap closers etc., as well. I look at boxing as being swollowed by AK a long time ago. There are a couple of groups that are known for Kenpo boxing. :)

Can you explain the "boxing as being swollowed by AK a long time ago". Who are the "Kenpo Boxing" groups you speak of? What part of boxing did they incorporate? This might turn into a good discussion.

Thanks, jb:asian:
Originally posted by PhilNvegas

I agree with you,"free sytlye tech". I just hate kicking with all these guys trying to take you down these days.

It does depend on the sercumstance. If I'm fighting a boxer I will use my feet.

Since you mentioned it. What do you use with a grappler?


I can't say that I have fought a whole lot of grapplers. I have fought a couple though. I like waiting till they shoot in. I'll check then strike. I guess the thing I concentrate on first is a solid base. Then a solid strike. If they close the gap really fast, I like settling in to an inward elbow. If it's not so fast, I like uplifting forearms. I'm not saying these things will work on everyone, but they have worked for me. I guess I've been lucky:D .

How is good Ol' Houston? Who do you train with there? I'm from Corpus and have a couple of friends in Houston that are looking for a place to train.

I have studied Kenpo now for 31 years....... back in 1978 when I was doing a little kickboxing..... I never had any Boxing lessons....... didn't need any! My Kenpo gave me all I needed and then some......... the only thing I had to do was train and get into shape....... the maneuvers were all here right under my nose.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I have studied Kenpo now for 31 years....... back in 1978 when I was doing a little kickboxing..... I never had any Boxing lessons....... didn't need any! My Kenpo gave me all I needed and then some......... the only thing I had to do was train and get into shape....... the maneuvers were all here right under my nose.


If that's what he means, then I agree.....and not just because you said it...LOL


Yea, I was asking JB. I have heard alot about you though, and I have nothing respect for you. I am a student of Greg Hilderbrands. I agree it is all there. Do you ever or your classes do jab, cross, hook(stuff like that)? Or,Do you strickly stick to the free style tech.?


Phil Montminy
and his side kick Scotty........ lol....... the Vegas rebels:rofl:
good men!! work hard ...... great desire to learn..... hard to spank... (ask Greg) hee hee

In standard classes for the younger or beginner students we stick to the basic material....... however as you advance to black and enter the what if phase..... you MUST develop these actions they are in our vocabulary and useful items to know.

Tell Greg hi for me.

I was sparring Stickdummy (Pete) the other night and next thing I knew I was boxing him hahaha.. what fun.. my normal fighting stance is left sided and with my back almost to my opponent. Up against Stickdummy.. next thing I knew I was facing him full front.. and he was giving me tips.. keep elbows in.. break the opponents arms down.. uppercut.. jab.. Hook.. I had a blast~!! Still have to work on keeping my elbows in.. and I sure wasn't concentrating on kicks.. :)
It was unique and enjoyable for a change in sparring ~!
Originally posted by PhilNvegas


I can't say that I have fought a whole lot of grapplers. I have fought a couple though. I like waiting till they shoot in. I'll check then strike. I guess the thing I concentrate on first is a solid base. Then a solid strike. If they close the gap really fast, I like settling in to an inward elbow. If it's not so fast, I like uplifting forearms. I'm not saying these things will work on everyone, but they have worked for me. I guess I've been lucky:D .

How is good Ol' Houston? Who do you train with there? I'm from Corpus and have a couple of friends in Houston that are looking for a place to train.



Where do you train at? Since I have a club at the YWCA. I didn't recognize the handle(name), you may have come by to visit before?

BTW, since you mentioned you have friends there wanting to train, isn't there already a AKKI gorup in Houston area, with Mr. Cano , and a "Consulting " person (AKKI) there as well?

Anyway, best regards!:asian::confused:
Originally posted by PhilNvegas


How is good Ol' Houston? Who do you train with there? I'm from Corpus and have a couple of friends in Houston that are looking for a place to train.


Hot and humid... Currently unaffiliated, there are a few instructors down here (very few), but you can find some. Right now I just train with a couple of guys out of the garage. Techniques, concepts, etc....not really authorized to promote anyone. But I am a 2nd Brown with honors (meaning I was a green belt for 7 years):D .

jb :asian:
"Where do you train at? Since I have a club at the YWCA. I didn't recognize the handle(name), you may have come by to visit before?"

I'm in Vegas now. Every time I end up in Corpus, I mean to stop by, but I end up getting side tracked. I have a couple of friends down there that want to train as well. I'll make it a point next time. I make it down atleast twice a year. Nice to finnaly talk to you(well, this counts right:) ).

Take care,
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

The game and rules......



I determine the game, and the rules, Golden One!

Come to Texas, and you'll find that out!