Scientists predict oil from Gulf will hit East Coast within a year

Honestly, nothing would surprise me at this stage. Of course, I'm still waiting for another epic fail attempt at trying to stop the flow. What are we at, 80 days now? Its also interesting how this used to be such huge coverage on the news, with daily broadcasts, now, you hardly hear anything. Hmm....operation cover up in full effect. :D
Don't worry, EOC's all over FL and the affected states monitor the spill 24/7....we're still watching.

We've already implemented daily beach watches for tar balls and I'm on the eastern coast of FL
Don't worry, EOC's all over FL and the affected states monitor the spill 24/7....we're still watching.

We've already implemented daily beach watches for tar balls and I'm on the eastern coast of FL

What is the plan when the oil washes up in large quantities?
BP and the government are actively colluding to control the media coverage of the oil spill.

You're big into that conspiracy jazz. Sorry, I tend to believe people are too stupid and selfish to collude much.
There is no Conspiracy...

If I still lived on the mainland, I'd be taking a road trip with some AV equipment to see for myself. It's the only way one is really going to verify some of these reports. Barring that, if one simply checks a diverse number of reports, it becomes apparent that their is a concerted effort to control the media coverage of the events. Even the crappy shill journalists in the MSM are complaining. IMO, its time to admit that this is just par for the course.
So, we're agreed. Access to the mess is restricted, it's a big mess and one to be concerned about, and the problem is greater than we were told. Blame is spread across several groups, and a solution is needed now.

Other than that, it's all just eh.
What is the plan when the oil washes up in large quantities?

good question....monitor and report. Clean to the extent possible, restrict access, protect the population and pray that tourism doesn't die. We have a pretty extensive network of volunteers already in place to monitor, they will probably just roll over to clean up.
How will they clean up???

By putting toxic chemicals in the water that are even worse than the oil.

This is a serious mess.

I think no knows how to deal with it and the gravity of it will come out in the coming years.

Not trying to scare anyone but this is alot more serious than anyone is admitting right now.
good question....monitor and report. Clean to the extent possible, restrict access, protect the population and pray that tourism doesn't die. We have a pretty extensive network of volunteers already in place to monitor, they will probably just roll over to clean up.

I read an article that stated that hotel occupancy was down 100% in Pensacola. Looking at the animation I posted earlier, it looks like Florida will actually be affected by this the worst. They'll have oil on the Gulf Coast and then it will go on up the Atlantic Coast.
I read an article that stated that hotel occupancy was down 100% in Pensacola. Looking at the animation I posted earlier, it looks like Florida will actually be affected by this the worst. They'll have oil on the Gulf Coast and then it will go on up the Atlantic Coast.

Well. look on the bright side. When this is all said and done we'll learn all about cleaning up oil spills. Especially what not to do.

BTW that computer model made it look like the whole gulf filled up with oil. Wonder how concentrated all those brown swirls are supposed to be. I mean, like, can you walk on it... or park your car on it? Whatever. It's still flowing and we'll have to deal with it. We can go after BP till they're broke and that still won't solve anything. We can vote Obama out of office and elect someone like Dick Cheney. You think that'll fix it? I'm going to get something to drink. Maybe that'll help.

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