real life attacks

the only people I've ever seen throw a step through punch have been drunk. and it was a kind of overhead-charging-bring-hand-and-arm-back-like-throwing-a-baseball type punch... you know, the kind that you see coming from a mile away, and just step out of the way so he runs into the bar instead?

I actually saw this happen in a bar in L.A. My friends were laughing our arses off. the drunk had taken an issue with a friend of mine checking out the drunk's girlfriend (who looked completely embarrassed by her boyfriend's behavior) and took a swing at my friend. he saw it coming from a mile away, and just stepped out of range. The drunk slammed his fist into the bar instead, and his friends dragged him out of the place before he could make any more trouble...and my friend hooked up with the girl. They're getting married next month. LOL!

If you can neutralize the threat of a fast punch, like a shuffle punch or a jab, then a step through probably isn't something you really need to worry about.


Originally posted by nightingale8472

the only people I've ever seen throw a step through punch have been drunk.

So Nightingale,

Do you hang out with drunk people often?

I guess it's that TV station workers sub-culture. :)

Originally posted by nightingale8472

the only people I've ever seen throw a step through punch have been drunk. and it was a kind of overhead-charging-bring-hand-and-arm-back-like-throwing-a-baseball type punch... you know, the kind that you see coming from a mile away, and just step out of the way so he runs into the bar instead?

I actually saw this happen in a bar in L.A. My friends were laughing our arses off. the drunk had taken an issue with a friend of mine checking out the drunk's girlfriend (who looked completely embarrassed by her boyfriend's behavior) and took a swing at my friend. he saw it coming from a mile away, and just stepped out of range. The drunk slammed his fist into the bar instead, and his friends dragged him out of the place before he could make any more trouble...and my friend hooked up with the girl. They're getting married next month. LOL!

If you can neutralize the threat of a fast punch, like a shuffle punch or a jab, then a step through probably isn't something you really need to worry about.



I've seen lots of drunk people fight and lots of sober people too for that matter... Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but the majority of the people I have seen throw a step through punch were sober. (I was a bouncer for a few years, so yeah Les... I used to hang around with about 700 drunk people and that's alot of fun, let me tell you.)

Not all step through's are slow and sloppy either, some can come at you quite fast.


I will bow to your vast experience with people.


Originally posted by nightingale8472


I will bow to your vast experience with people.



:barf: When you bow... I mean bend down, don't blow chunks all over my shoes... :lol:

honestly, I've never even been drunk... in college, I was always the designated driver, because I was the only one with a car! so my friends got sloshed, and I brought a camera and took pictures... they're stored in a file in my desk labelled "blackmail"


Originally posted by nightingale8472


honestly, I've never even been drunk... in college, I was always the designated driver, because I was the only one with a car! so my friends got sloshed, and I brought a camera and took pictures... they're stored in a file in my desk labelled "blackmail"



Nightingale8472 has a blackmail picture of me... Sometimes she holds it over my head while she shouts down at me from the "Ivory Tower Of Never Drunk" in the "Land of Boozers".

Uh... oh... Id' better watch it... I could inspire her to do something rash if I keep it up... I'm sorry!!! Really, really sorry!!! Honest, I am!!!

now Billy, you REALLY don't want me to post the photo of you in the Frederick's of Hollywood french maid costume, do you?
Originally posted by nightingale8472

now Billy, you REALLY don't want me to post the photo of you in the Frederick's of Hollywood french maid costume, do you?

That sinches it... Even though she may have never been drunk, I at least know that she's inhaled a couple times. The Ivory Tower Of Never Drunk should be renamed. How about The Stoned Tower of Smokes Alot?

I've never worn a Frederick's of Hollywood french maid costume... the best you have is an airbrushed fabrication, but go ahead and post it... Good art should always be displayed for the masses to appreciate. :cool: Just make sure that my teeth are straight, O.K.?

Intersting that this post is titled "Real life attacks", eh?
Originally posted by nightingale8472

now Billy, you REALLY don't want me to post the photo of you in the Frederick's of Hollywood french maid costume, do you?

Here's an idea.....

Lets do a poll of who would like to see THAT picture!

Originally posted by Les

Here's an idea.....

Lets do a poll of who would like to see THAT picture!


It's really not that bad, although I'm not sure I'd call it a "French Maid" costume. I guess it depends on the maid.



  • $merged2.jpg
    2.7 KB · Views: 134
LOL! That's not the same pic I have.... Billy, is there something you'd like to tell us all?


:eek: If I really had a body like that I'd never make it out of bed every day... Wow... I didn't know that I was that hot? Now I know why Gou Ronin chases me all over the internet. :ladysman:

Seriously Rich... you've gotta find a new hobby... Playing dress-up with guys pictures is almost as bad as dressing Ken up in Barbies clothes. :shrug: Oh well, have fun.

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