Questions about



After looking at your website I have a few questions.

Since you claim to be doing a Phillipino Art what’s up with the JKA (Japan Karate Assoc.) stances like this guy is doing?
Is that the way you tell your students they will be attacked?


  • $pokemon.jpg
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and this one too.........what I am wondering is why the guy in blue doesn't bust you right in the ribs with that hand that's pulled back...............seems like the technique your trying is a bit too open.


  • $pokemon2.jpg
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this is textbook JKA.........:rofl:
I see so many street fights like this:rolleyes:


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Originally posted by tshadowchaser
The Sikaran Institute of Karate is pleased to be hosting the 2003 New England Martial Arts Festival on July 19, 2003.

Again………I don’t get it. Sikaran Institute of Karate?:confused:
Are you doing an art from the Philippines or a Japanese/Okinawan art?

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
This is an opportunity for the entire Martial Arts community to come together in friendship to share knowledge with fellow students of the Martial Arts and participate in demonstrations and classes with students and instructors from various systems.

I am wondering why people would get together to share knowledge with people they don't know?

I think I'll go loan my Glock to the first person I see walking down the street.........:rolleyes:

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
This is also an excellent opportunity for instructors to introduce their systems to the general public and do a bit of promotional work for themselves.

Sounds more like a “networking” convention.
Matrix Reloaded?


  • $pokemon4.jpg
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I only know tshadowchaser from this board, so there is no friendship nor bond of training. I only know you from this board so the same go for you also.

Some people have studied more than one art and have students that only train in one of those arts themselves. Maybe, the guy in Blue was a Traditional JKA student, so what? Is he still training to learn? Are you trying to say that all Japanese methods of training have no value? I do not get your out attacks here?

Do you have a web site full of demo pictures I can go look at ? Or do you just sit back pump steroids as you ICON suggests. Yes this comment could be interpreted to be insult, yet I think it just as justified as yours.

BTW nice Quote for
" "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them."
John Wayne"

Maybe is you actually did not go out and insult people, maybe you might not get it in return. Where is Yiliquin1 now to talk about the hypocrisy?

As to the FMA and JKA being mixed in a name, some would say that Sikiran would be more Indonesian and Filipino, yet that is another discussion, but it would be nice if the people who are out there making sure everyone looks exactly like them would get all the data down. Maybe? And as to his name, it is his choice of a name, If I would to have a school called, All arts but anything trained by RyuShiKan, I could have the school, yet it might upset you or others, and many would not understand the meaning, yet it is just a name.

Speaking of names what is your real name?, are you respected? Oh yeah BTW why did your parents name you that? was it for family tradition of where they came from or because they taught the name sounded nice? or what? Just curious? What is the name of your school?

As to getting together and seeing others and trading ideas, some people like this others don't. If you do not then fine. I just do not understand the Glock comment. Did you not just walk into a club one day and then started learning?? Who took the risk on you? If it was family, then are you saying that you can only learn from a family member to make sure the art does not leave the family and keep it hidden and secret and there by more powerful?

Now, so you know a little bit more about me.

My Name is Rich Parsons, oh wait that is my ID here, Guess I am not afraid of people knowing who I am. I have trained officially in a FMA (Modern Arnis ) club since 1985 and before I was just trained on the streets and by some friends who had trained elsewhere. I did pick up another FMA in 1998 and that was to train with Manong (GM) Ted Buot weekly in Balintawak. NO, I do not have a webpage, and when I do get one, I will send the link to you for a review, ok? Do I care what you think about me? Nope? Do I care what tshadowchaser thinks about me? I do care about the general populace of the MA community and those that are GUESTs here at Martial Talk. If people can go about and just blindly insult, then it will be rec.martialarts . Just my opinion.

So, I wait, your answers. You insisted on other threads that people answer you and your questions, well I am waiting for you to answer mine?

Now back to the regularly schedule Thread Talk

TS can answer better than me. However:

Are you familiar with his system, or the FMA? The word "Karate" is rather generic, like klenex and xerox.

My system (Modern Arnis) also uses some karate stances and forms. There is a Japanese influence in some of the FMA. Does it matter?

Again, photos posed for instruction, often differ from those 'in-action' shots.

The idea for this convention is an honorable one. What is wrong with sharing and networking? I've seen tech companies do it all the time.

A little less sarcasm maybe, and a more open mind. We got 1 mouth and 2 hands, but 2 eyes and 2 ears. That makes for an interesting ration of output to input don't you think?

Where is Yiliquin1 now to talk about the hypocrisy?


Are you trying to bait him into an argument?

If you had been paying attention, you would know that he is taking a break from this website (and others) because he grows tired of the sokedokes getting to say pretty much whatever they want and the people who call them out getting spanked...

...and if you DO know that he's taking a break, then poking him in the ribs when he's not here SCREAMS volumes of what kind of guy you are...

I don't want to argue with you...I don't even want to discuss this further, but, I won't sit here and watch you hit someone who's not present on the boards.

You who know nothing abouty my art ,

Picture number one and your question:
Do you know the background of the student I am working out with?
Have you ever paid any attention to the post I have made in various threads stating that I have a Korean, Oakinawan,Chinese background with rank in more than one system. (I studied more than one at a time , my mind is able to assimilate) Plus I told him to do the tech. that way. Your not having been present at the time of the photo may explain why you are unable to figure out that we where doing a specific defense against a specific attack .Unfortunately most people don¡¦t study my art and attack me in ways that do not have stances that YOU might approve of.
Photo 2
Had he done as you suggested at that moment he would have gone to the hospital. Im not that slow and he¡¦s not that dumb. From your remark I take it you either never did demo¡¦s with your instructor .
Photo 3
YEP you bet your +++
Question 4
If you had taken the time to read the whole thing you would have seen where I said it was for the public. To educate as well as do some self promotion. I am not afraid of being beside other instructors and showing my art. Or discussing it in friendly ways.
This area has seen TKD for thirty years and many potential students don¡¦t even know anything exists or they base all arts on what they have seen before. I am trying to help educate the general public. If you can not conceive of this or do not understand the concept Sorry
#5 Matrix
No a moment in one of the two man forms we do . Actually I thought it was pretty good considering the one on the left is a paraplegic. Again your ignorance of anything I do is showing And I really don¡¦t care what bright comment you make about it.
SO. Can you see all of nmy body. All of my hand . In fact do you know what I am doing or are you making and presumption on your little knowledge of what I do and comparing it to what you do.
I don¡¦t doubt you visit gay bars what so ever
nope but it¡¦s a good pic
fast wasn¡¦t I ƒº

Ok not that I have been polite and tried to answer in a refined way may I ask are you just trying to star a flame war.
You seem to be very good at that sort of thing. Always claiming you are debunking someone or something but never having the courage to explain your techniques or show pics of them.
I really don¡¦t care if you like what you saw or not . I think you like to hide behind your 6000 miles form everyone distance and snipe at anyone you please. Why don¡¦t you contribute something that is friendly and not be so negative all the time.
My background is wide in the arts I still study with a few high ranking people. My personal instructor in Sikaran Had a multi system background before studying Sikaran . My stances are my stances if you don¡¦t study my system and if you have not studied it longer and have higher rank in it than I do Stuff it.
You have tried to start arguments with me before I choose not to reply Guess what this will be my last reply to you on this thread any other reply or short I will consider to be that of an aggressive attack ment to provoke an argument and start a war.

Master Sheldon L Bedell of Sikaran

Aka tshadowchaser
I will not comment on certain aspects of the initial post here. I am only going to comment on the logistical & technical issues that arise when dealing with live photography and internet content.

The Sikaran Institute of Karate does not use "staged" photos for demonstration purposes. All photos are taken "live." We do not use a professional photographer. We have one student who is generous enough to take 5 minutes of his own time to take the photos for the site. He is not using a high quality camera. It is not capable of taken lots of photos in rapid succession. I suppose the photographer could take more time away from his own studies in order to take better pictures. I suppose we could also spend an entire day each week creating "staged" photos, or adjust the lesson plan for the day in order to accommodate promotional goals. That would not be an appropriate use of anyone's time.

The actual photo selection is chosen by the webmaster. The school trusts the webmaster to use good judgment in photo selection. Because the school has chosen to update the content regularly, it is not always practical or possible for the material to be reviewed prior to uploading. People have other things to worry about, and the website is not the #1 priority for every person at every moment. As a result, some of the photos may not necessarily show all of the details relevant to a full understanding of a technique… in many photos, you are unable to see what the other hand is doing. Also, you can not always see what occurs before or after the action in the picture. We also need to keep in mind that when looking at a photo, you CAN NOT HEAR WHAT IS BEING DISCUSSED WITH THE CLASS. The photos only give a small portion of the story, not the whole story. It’s a matter of CONTEXT.

Then, there is the issue of storing the photos. The webmaster does not have a large number of photos to choose from (because, as stated earlier, the photos are taken by a student in class during a 5 minute period.) The webmaster selects photos, uploads what he feels is appropriate, and deletes the rest. If the content were to be removed, then there would be nothing to replace it. The webmaster is under contract to update content on a weekly basis, unless specified in writing. Sorry, that’s the way this internet thing works.

So, what you are seeing is only seeing a small group of photos taken during a live class, without details of what is being said at the moment, taken by an amateur photographer and posted by a webmaster with contractual obligations.
If you have ANY questions, concerns, complaints, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to send them to the webmaster or amateur photographer. He can be reached at [email protected]

I hope this clarifies some of the issues for everyone. I realize that the issues involved with webdesign & maintenance are not fully understood by those who have not made a career of it.
Originally posted by chufeng

Are you trying to bait him into an argument?

If you had been paying attention, you would know that he is taking a break from this website (and others) because he grows tired of the sokedokes getting to say pretty much whatever they want and the people who call them out getting spanked...

...and if you DO know that he's taking a break, then poking him in the ribs when he's not here SCREAMS volumes of what kind of guy you are...

I don't want to argue with you...I don't even want to discuss this further, but, I won't sit here and watch you hit someone who's not present on the boards.



It was not a Poke at Yiliquin1 at all. He argues quite well, and from what I have seen does not pull punches, no matter what the case maybe. And even if RSK and Mr. Stone have agreed in the past, it was my comment that RSK was provoking and being the hypocrite.

If I ever have a problem with someone, I ask them a question. I try to keep it as polite as possible. Yet, as before when dealing with certain individuals on this site and has happened to me personally before, when one seems to get some heat, others jump in and redirect the issue. Does this seem to scream about your values and ethics?? I wonder sometimes, yet I try to gove the benefit of the doubt.

As it seems to me, you still have not answered a queston I posed to you earlier. And yet that could be seen to scream volumes about you also sir. You were the one that directly told me I could not have a personal opinion here on this board because of my Moderator position, hence my Personal Opinion Follows on almost all of my posts since. It seems to me that it is ok for certain people to throw jabs and stones (* Not a pun against Mr. Stome *), and yet not be held responsisble for their own actions, nor do they answer my questions when they are quite easy to answer, even if they are just an opinion. Yet, I seem to be lacking in some quality that you and others seem to think I should have, and yet, when I ask the tough questions like your friends, then I catch the heat. Well, If you do not like what I have to say then make it a point to tell me. Do, not just infer or make sly comments. You yourself promised me that all four involved in a nice little debate had dropped the subject, yet it continued(s), does this also speak volumes about you sir??? Personally, I assumed you were left out in the cold on that one, and did not hold you responsibile even though you seem to have a postion of authority with some of the players involved.

So, I am still waiting for RSK's replies. If has and I have not read it yet, then ok, if not Still Waiting . . .
Originally posted by tshadowchaser

Picture number one and your question:
Do you know the background of the student I am working out with?
Have you ever paid any attention to the post I have made in various threads stating that I have a Korean, Oakinawan,Chinese background with rank in more than one system. (I studied more than one at a time , my mind is able to assimilate) Plus I told him to do the tech. that way.

Why on earth would you suggest your student to stand that way?
Do you tell them people attack like that?

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
Your not having been present at the time of the photo may explain why you are unable to figure out that we where doing a specific defense against a specific attack .

Like I sad……. Do you tell them people attack like that?
If you do then why would you?

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
SO. Can you see all of nmy body. All of my hand . In fact do you know what I am doing or are you making and presumption on your little knowledge of what I do and comparing it to what you do.

Actually if you reread my comments you will see I make no comments (other than a joke or two about certain photos) about the way you defended but on the way “blue boy” was attacking……….my comments were based on seeing those exact same ridiculous styles of attack that are done by the JKA folks here in Japan.

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
I don¡¦t doubt you visit gay bars what so ever

Who said anything about gay bars?

As for not knowing anything about your style……….I actually met someone here in Japan that claimed to teach Sikaran. I met them 2 or 3 times because the class they taught was either before or after the one I was teaching…..I can’t recall their name but they seemed nice. We talked about technique and they showed me what they were teaching.

you still have not answered a queston I posed to you earlier

Which question might that be?
Please ask again because I'm not digging through a bunch of threads to find it...

In fact, I thought the RSK/DAC/ARK issue was over...
You might notice my absence from any of those follow-on arguments.

Hold weight with whom?
The only one I hold any weight on is YiLiQuan1...I am his senior...but, I do not censor his comments, nor do I advise him on how to post...

My earlier comment to you seems to have set under you like a burr, sorry...let me remove it.

As a moderator, when jumping in with an opinion, people will still see it as a moderator's comment...plain and simple...quite frankly, I don't care how you post, but given the way things have gone recently, it seems the people who make completely outrageous claims have a better foot-hold than those who actually have something solid to contribute. I do my best to stay within the rules that YOU and your cohorts come up with...but I am growing weary of the bull-scat here as well...the only reason I stick around is because some of the members here may actually teach me something...and I may have something worthwhile to contribute.

As I said earlier...if you didn't know yiliquan1 was on sabattical, then my post was to inform you of same...I hold no grudge against you...but if you did know, then that small fragment of your post was out of line.

...again, please repost your question...I'll be happy to respond.

I'm going to regret chiming in here but I think you'll find that a great many styles use a similar attacking method to that illustrated in the photo's in question as means of simply demonstrating a given technique response on a basic level.


I can certainly see both points of views and RyuShiKan is correct in his views of the practicality of utilising this tyrp of attack within a street-orientated situation. As one who has worked in the Security Industry for over 10 years, this type of attack and response would not be advised.

Of course it would not be advisable for one to attack in that manner within the street (long, low Karate-like stance & Chamber) but for the purpose of basic training within a particular style, school or breakdown of a form then I guess it is a matter of stylistic preference.
Originally posted by paihequan
I'm going to regret chiming in here but I think you'll find that a great many styles use a similar attacking method to that illustrated in the photo's in question as means of simply demonstrating a given technique response on a basic level.

This is true many folks do use this sort of attack to practice but the question I am asking is "WHY?"

It's not a normal method of attack..........

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