Private Forums - Everyone Please Vote

Should Martialtalk allow private forums for schools/organizations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • No Opinion.

Results are only viewable after voting.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
I've had inquiries about these. So, I'm tossing it up for the community to decide. :)

Simple options - yes/no/dont care. :)

Ya can elaborate more below.

Vote, dagnabbit! Voooooote!:p Mmmmm....greeeeeen...

feeling Homer Simpson-ish today
Yup. Please everyone, vote. I want to know the members opinions on this one.

No :argue: :soapbox: :cuss: or :flame: though please.

Or I'll sic my buddy on ya. :samurai:

Sorry, had to whip out a few of the new smilies. :karate:

So far, 2 against, and 1 no opinion. Poll runs until end of October.
Ok, got a bunch of views, but only 4 votes. Even if you have no opinion, please vote. Its totally anonymous.

Thanks! :)
Works for me....problem is, I'm a white belt. Y'all are a bunch o black belts. (though I think at least 1 o you is really a white belt who never washed his belt) :D

Y'all can, like hurt me n stuff. That blocking with head thing....baaaad.

But seriously, on certain major board changes, I want the members input...even if its "dont care". At least this way I know you don't mind the changes.

Plus I'm open to other suggestions from everyone. :)
I still have my white belt. It's old and crappy. But I have it. I even put my name on it.

There are rumours that it has magic powers but I can neither confirm or deny this.

Hey, I'm making a carrer outta being a white belt. :)
Only a couple more days to go on this poll. If you haven't yet, please vote.

Thank you.
I dunno. I think that it's a useless add on to the forum. We have the private message option but if someone wants it then who am I to say no?
A guy witha bigger belt than me to hold up his pants? :D

Hey, can we do a private forum on nekid tai chi? :cool:
Actually, all this time I have been doing a very good version of a reverse slip from the mount to the guard with my wife.

Wow, maybe I am not so bad at Judo after all...
Basically, the proposed private forums would be password-ed forums set aside for certain groups (like the practitioners of a specific style) in which only those people could post and read messages.

Personally, I think this will harm the openness that currently exists on this board. As Gou has said, if for some reason people wanted to pass info along privately, this board does have a private messenging feature already.

Ah. Thanks.

Does seem like a friendly place.

With the private forums though, are you locked into em and can't use the rest of the board, or do you still get full access?

To me, seems like they wouldn't get much use, but, I just visit. :)
No problem, that's what we're here for :)

From what I understand, the private forums would be added to what already exists on the board. However, only certain people would have access to the various private forums.

If you think it's a bad idea, please vote that way. If you don't really care, vote that way. Just vote, please, so Kaith can have something to base his decision on.

ok. :) so far, looks like the few folks who did vote either don't want em or don't care. :shrug: Looks like this threads been going for a while, n has a bunch of views.... wonder why more folks don't vote?
Come on, people. I know that of the 99 registered board members, not all of them are active, but I know that there are more than 9 active members. Kaith is asking for our opinions on changes that could improve the board (or not). He doesn't have to do this. All it takes is a few seconds to choose yes, no, or don't care.
