Kenpo/Kempo : Possible Forum Split - Please read and Comment

Should the Kenpo/Kempo forum be divided?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don't care

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Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
I've had a few requests to split this forum into 2 or 3 sections to better compartmentalize it. Problem is, I have no idea on what should be split and where.

What is everyones thoughts on this?

1- Should we split the Kenpo/Kempo forum?

2- If yes to 1, then how should it be divided?

Some thoughts I had were as follows:
Split it into Parker Kenpo / Tracy Kenpo / Kempo (3 forums)
Kenpo/Kempo General - covers things not included in other K forums.
Kenpo/Kempo Techniques - Questions about techniques and forms, and move theory.
Kenpo/Kempo Camps - camp anouncements and reports

Please let me know.

Thank you
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I've had a few requests to split this forum into 2 or 3 sections to better compartmentalize it. Problem is, I have no idea on what should be split and where.

What is everyones thoughts on this?

Please let me know.

Thank you

I don’t think the different systems should be split.

Kenpo/Quanfa is a generic term describing any martial art with Chinese influence, so if they are not split, it gives us a better understanding of each of our different systems of Kenpo, and how they relate to each other.

Okinawan Kenpo, Nippon Kenpo, Westernized Kenpo (American, Tracy, Castro’s Shaolin, Kara Ho, etc….) all have one thing in common, the direct influence of Chinese wugong (martial arts).

And, many Westernized systems share the common influences of Chow and Parker.

A three way split of the following would be nice:

  1. Kenpo/Kempo General - covers things not included in other Kenpo forums.
  2. Kenpo/Kempo Techniques - Questions about techniques and forms, and move theory.
  3. Kenpo/Kempo Camps - camp announcements and reports.

    But don't split our systems apart.

    A house divided can’t stand.

    Just my four cents (Canadian dollars)


If you really see the need to split it then split it in two:

1) kenpo- general (politics, thoughts, whatever)
2) kenpo- technical (covering forms, techs, etc)

I really don't see the need for a third forum about camps and seminars. There just aren't that many of them.

IF you feel a split is necessary, I vote for:
Parker Kenpo / Tracy Kenpo / Kempo I don't know enough
yet to have a difference, but I DO know that a load of
other forums are dominated by Tracy kenpoists that are
incessantly rude to a lot of people, and me, specifically.
This isn't an accusation, it's an observance (No specific
reference to Nate, he's super cool).

I think because there's such a high amount of non-tracy kenpoists already on this forum, that it's finally a place
where one can go without being flamed.
Originally posted by Blindside

1) kenpo- general (politics, thoughts, whatever)
2) kenpo- technical (covering forms, techs, etc)

I really don't see the need for a third forum about camps and seminars. There just aren't that many of them.

This seems sensible to me, and I think Sanxiawuyi has a good point about the benefits of not splitting the styles. I could see having a forum for all styles directly related to Ed Parker's kenpo (Tracy's, Chow's system, etc.) and another for more general kempo systems (Ryukyu, Shorinji, etc.) that are not as closely related, however. I like the above division as well but will suggest the following that keeps the boards current format under the general heading KEMPO:

Kempo-General (Chinese influenced martial arts, including kenpo, kuntao, Shorinji kempo, and others)
Kenpo (Westernized systems, including Ed Parker's kenpo, Tracy kenpo, and others)

One might then suggest that general topics--history, politics, etc.--would be better in the Kempo-General forum, even if they related to Westernized kenpo systems (it is after all a general forum). This keeps all the systems related to Ed Parker's kenpo together in the kenpo forum (their precursors would certainly be on-topic as far as they pertained to these Westernized systems), which is good, but allows for other discussions elsewhere.
Originally posted by Kirk

but I DO know that a load of
other forums are dominated by Tracy kenpoists that are
incessantly rude to a lot of people, and me, specifically.
This isn't an accusation, it's an observance

Hi Kirk,

You have got to tell me where these other forums you mention are. As I am a Tracy Kenpoist and I can’t seem to find any. The only one I know of is Ricardo Castillo’s Tracy Kenpo Forum.

I find the accusations and generalizations you make about Tracy Kenpoist to be rude and without merit.

I apologize Kaith, as I know this isn’t the proper thread to post this, but I was offended by Kirk’s remarks.


I think the Kempo stuff should be moved to a Okinawan forum since the art is mainly that of the Ryu Kyu island region.

I would also like to see the split between the Ed Parker/American Kenpo and the Tracy Kenpo. With possibly a sub category in each for specific up coming events.

The idea of some sub sections for technical material in the 2 kenpo groups could possibly be beneficial.
One of the things I'd like to do is come up with a setup that the rest of the "art" specific forums can be broken down to later if need be.

One of the problems I forsee in spliting things based on style is, where does one discuss the differences?

For example, if I want to know the difference between Kuntao, Chow Kempo and Parker Kenpo, where do I ask if the forums are set up like this:

Parker Kenpo
Tracy Kenpo

In addition, going this route:
- General
- Okinawan Kempo
- kuntao
- Shorinji kempo
Ed Parker/American Kenpo
- General
- Technical
- Camps
Tracy Kenpo
- General
- Technical
- Camps

Might be of a more accurate/specific feeling, however, I personally think at this point it would be a PITA to manage.

I've found that in the Parker/Tracy discussion, that both sides are passionate, and the heat gets a bit hot sometimes. But, I've also learned alot more reading everyones posts than any where else. I want to keep the information flowing freely, just a little more organized, if that is what everyone wants.

I'm running this poll until the end of March. Please, lets keep this discussion going, so everyone gets a chance to add their input.

Originally Posted By: Sanxiawuyi
I apologize Kaith, as I know this isn’t the proper thread to post this, but I was offended by Kirk’s remarks

You have every right to be offended. I expressed my personal
observations and feelings about it. I don't want to get into
a flame war, nor go into specific details (and start a flame war).

Kaith asked, and I gave my honest opinion, that's all. I'd
personally like to discuss kenpo without what I've already
described, happening. That's all. This is one of the top
m.a. forums available, because the members here so far
treat everyone with respect. In other forums, you can't
go a day without witnessing a flame.

Originally Posted By Kaith:
I've found that in the Parker/Tracy discussion, that both sides are passionate, and the heat gets a bit hot sometimes. But, I've also learned alot more reading everyones posts than any where else. I want to keep the information flowing freely, just a little more organized, if that is what everyone wants.

If you're too torn to make the decision between a Parker/Tracy
split, couldn't you reserve splitting them for any given time in
the future? If it gets too heavy for moderators to control, then you could split them.
Its not a matter of being torn. More so of trying to see if theres an efficient way to organize things so you guys can discuss things better. I dunno.

Maybe we just split it into a general and a technical with the requirement that politics stay out of the technical? I dunno. Personally, I wouldn't mind a detailed discussion on long 4. :D How it differs between Parker and Tracy kenpo. How it differs between organizations and even schools.

Heck, I got a 5 minute lesson on short 1 this morning from Ingmar. Bit different compared to how I learned it originally, yet the same too. (it sunk in better today).

Thank you for the complement. :) My biggest request to everyone is, let me know ways we can make MartialTalk better. I can't do everything people ask, but, within reason, will try to take everyones opinions into consideration when doing things.

I'm fishing for ideas. Plus, to be honest, I'd rather do a split when theres only 2000 posts to weed through, rather than 20,000. :D

Originally posted by Renegade

How about:

Japanese Kempo

Chinese Kempo

American/Hawiian Kenpo

Perhaps with a Kempo-General to keep the "feel" of the board.

To everyone: Kaith means what he says. He's only looking to help the users of this forum. The moderators noticed the heavy traffic and said "This is great!" but then wondered if it might be convenient for the posters/readers to have it divided up differently. The poll asks first and foremost if you think this is a good idea, and if the answer is "No" then that's fine! It is for your convenience, not the moderators', and if it wouldn't be an improvement to split it then please do say so.

Guests--people who read but don't post--feel free to register and vote. You won't be junk-mailed and you can ask that your member profile be deleted after you vote if you wish. Or you may e-mail me at [email protected] and I will gladly post your comments.

Kaith is trying to help you get the most out of this forum--suggestions are always welcome, including "It ain't broke so don't try to fix it!".
Originally posted by Renegade

How about:

Japanese Kempo

Chinese Kempo

American/Hawiian Kenpo

No disrespect, but I am a little confused.

I know Japanese Kenpo is systems like Nippon Kenpo or Shorinji-ryu Kenpo

American/Hawaiian Kenpo is systems like Parker Kenpo, Tracy, Castro’s Shaolin, Kara Ho, etc.

But, what exactly is Chinese Kenpo? Especially since there is no such word as Kenpo/Kempo in Chinese, it’s only Quanfa (keun fat in Cantonese), and is only a generic term, not an actual style.

I think that spliting is a good idea, but please don't separate the Parkers/Tracy styles. There is enough tension between the two styles. They are only just begining to talk again, with the help of such forums. If you split them communication will deminish once again.

I vote for the Kenpo General / Technics / Camp threads

B.T.W. You're doing a great job Kaith, this is an awesome site. :wavey:
I feel that keeping it the way it is will make for a more interesting discussion forum.

If everything is split out into strict sections there will just be a lot of the same people with the same views agreeing with each other.

I find it hard to run through all the different arts and all the different threads too.
If this was split up more than it is now, it would be very hard for me at least to contiune reading all the posts.
I know I do not not reply often, but would probally do so less as well.

Keeping the Kempo/Kenpo styles together is a good idea. Like some people have mentioned before, it can be difficult to decide on just what catagory a particular style falls under. Kempo just has so many influences. Thank god. :D

If there has to be a division, I give the thumbs up for the General/Techniques/Camps division.

Take care
Thank you all for the comments. :)

We want to give ya the best we can, and need everyones input. As Arnisidor said, we had an idea, had a few inquirys and figured, lets ask the folks who use that area what they think. If the majority is against it, the we leave it as is. If the majority is for spliting it up, then , we see how most folks think it should be split, and I spend the night moving threads. :anic:

My personal goal is to make MT as a whole the best. We can't do that without everyong feeling their input counts.

So far, we're running at no to the split, with a preference to general/technical if we do split it. But, this vote runs til the end of the month, so, keep the feedback coming. (and tell your friends to get on here and vote too. More members, more fun.) :D

Thank you all.