FYI - MartialTalk access stats

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
As promised, board stats. :)

We got a nice growth pattern going here. :D

Access stats for
As of 10-10-2001

Forum Stats
New Users:
October 2001 8 (incomplete month)
September 2001 17
August 2001 43

Posts: (replies to topics)
October 2001 295 (29.5 per day avg) (incomplete month)
September 2001 494 (16.47 per day avg)
August 2001 109 (3.52 per day avg)

Threads: (topics)
October 2001 14 (incomplete month)
September 2001 78
August 2001 69

Server Access - stats done by Analog reporting utility
month: #reqs: #pages:
--------: ------: ------:
Jul 2001: 4: 2:
Aug 2001: 67368: 1716:
Sep 2001: 159386: 5273:

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending Aug 31 2001 at 6:03 AM).
Successful requests: 64,948 (58,338)
Average successful requests per day: 2,116 (8,333)
Successful requests for pages: 1,645 (1,407)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 53 (200)
Failed requests: 2,303 (35)
Redirected requests: 174 (13)
Distinct files requested: 2,211 (384)
Distinct hosts served: 605 (152)
Data transferred: 100.448 Mbytes (66.261 Mbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 3.272 Mbytes (9.465 Mbytes)

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending Sep 30 2001 at 11:47 PM).
Successful requests: 226,759 (23,820)
Average successful requests per day: 3,664 (3,402)
Successful requests for pages: 6,992 (935)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 112 (133)
Failed requests: 38,355 (25)
Redirected requests: 2,691 (7)
Distinct files requested: 7,494 (287)
Distinct hosts served: 1,143 (92)
Data transferred: 498.043 Mbytes (84.248 Mbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 8.049 Mbytes (12.035 Mbytes)
It all just means that you and I spam this forum entirely way too much. :D

When i am at work and I get bored and no crisis' erupt, what else can I do?

We'll keep this sucker alive till the rest of the world shows up.

Short english summary - every month we got more people posting more stuff. :D