Parent night out


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MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Does this parent night out really work for a school, one person said his school makes an additional 1000 a month doing it twice a month.
Does this parent night out really work for a school, one person said his school makes an additional 1000 a month doing it twice a month.

Well we do it but we don't charge for it. We do it as a way of "thanking" the parents for the business. Parents do dig that type of appreciation. Short term it will net you some $$$. However the way we do it is that we have the kids invite a friend and we end up signing up one or two kids that way.
We have done it as a fund raiser before. Much easier and more enjoyable than a car wash.

To do it a couple times a month though I would think most people would catch on to the scam pretty quick. Once every 3 or 4 months though is a good idea though and like miguksaram said, allow the kids to invite a friend for free and you might find yourself with a new student or 2 a few days later.
if the people in your area go for it.

In my area they don't do anything extra unless it's church or college football, maybe hunting and little league baseball....
if the people in your area go for it.

In my area they don't do anything extra unless it's church or college football, maybe hunting and little league baseball....

Sounds like you're in my neck of the woods...
We have done several Parents night out. We have used different themes.
One of the favorite themes was the nerf war PNO.

In the beginning we charged 10 bucks and provided pizza and drinks. we even printed invitations that had vitals like name, phone, e-mail, etc.

Later we did not charge at all- just to experiment.

We tried doing PNO onc a month. we promoted to bring a friend. They could win prizes.

The Nerf war was a big hit (you can check it out on youtube) but subsequent PNO parties brought in very few guests. ( I don't why)

I think once a month is a bit much. However once every quarter makes them more special. I think.
We do it once a month, 6-9 pm, charge $10 each, $5 if they bring a non-member friend. They do some karate, play some games, eat pizza, and watch a kid-friendly movie.

I doubt they make much money for it, but the kids have a great time, the parents appreciate their night out, and I'm sure that we've signed new members through them.
We do it once a month, 6-9 pm, charge $10 each, $5 if they bring a non-member friend. They do some karate, play some games, eat pizza, and watch a kid-friendly movie.

I like that idea of 1/2 price if they bring a non-member friend. Is the non-member free or $5.00 as well?
I like that idea of 1/2 price if they bring a non-member friend. Is the non-member free or $5.00 as well?

Actually, I think the non-member is full price, although they get a small take-home souvenir for coming. The 1/2 price is more a perk for the member's parents for encouraging other kids to go too (they don't have to tell the guest that they get a discount...).
you host the kids from like 7 till 9:30 or something,so the parents can go out.

the kids do a lite karate type workout, then play games, eat a pizza, and what not.

the school makes a ton of money, and it is a good way to get new potential students, the parents get some adult time.

it's a win win
Oh I'll see, something like babysitting the kids so mom and dad can gop out to the movies or have a dinner or a couple of drinks, it sounds interesting.

It sound interesting cause the samboning can interactuate with his/her students in other ways like see a MA Movie like Karate Kid, having pizza and soda and afther the movie we can discuss the movie, the good points and the bad points of it.

It sound interesting cause the samboning can interactuate with his/her students in other ways like see a MA Movie like Karate Kid, having pizza and soda and afther the movie we can discuss the movie, the good points and the bad points of it.


Keep in mind that especially if you're doing this with younger kids and play anything other than a "G" movie, you will get parent complaints. Stupid, yes (especially considering the subject matter in some classes), but a fact nonetheless.