Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
I think it was suggested that I make a choice today.
My Sanda teacher was talking about Taiji, Xingyi and Sanda and basically it came down to I have done Taiji for so long I likely have no problem continuing it with Sanda but I am, for all intensive purposes, new to Xingyi (again) and he does not see how I can dedicate the needed time to Sanda and Xingyi and maintain taiji and do qigong (that I do) too. He said Xingyi is a beautiful style that is very power full and very good at fighting but it takes a lot of training and he just did not see how I could do it all.
Basically it comes down to take some time off and think about it. If I stay with Xingyi he has no problem with it but does not think I can still train Sanda. If I stop Xingyi we will continue on with higher levels of Sanda; application, fighting and qinna.
And I was afraid to let my Taiji Sifu know I was training Sanda. Both of these teachers are form China and very traditional in their thinking about martial arts. Although my taiji Sifu tries to convince many he is not, I have had multiple conversations with him that tell me he is very traditional in his thinking as it applies to CMA. And my Sanda Sifu although very much in the 21st century is very much traditional in his CMA thinking and makes no attempts to make you think otherwise. The only non-Chinese teach I have is Xingyi and he knows I train Taiji but not that I train Sanda, but to be honest I doubt he would have a problem with it. Now I have in my opinion 3 excellent teachers but apparently I have 1 to many. And 3 styles I absolutely enjoy but again 1 to many.
I will add he did say that he thought that anyone could gain form training all 3 a different view of fighting and health and all were good to know, he just did not see how I could be a long time Taiji person and a beginner at Sanda and Xingyi and do any of them justice.
You know I have read about this stuff happening to martial artist in old China but I never thought it would happen to me. Also my wife has time and time again told me this is what Chinese SifuÂ’s form the north are like but since I have not run into it (he has said nothing until today) I just thought that was in old China or if I were training on mainland.
And now I think back to when I started at MT I was upset with my long time Yang style Sifu and I had NO other teachers around to go to as far as I knew and now I have 1 to manyÂ…..how things change is such a short time.
So any thoughts on this would be much appreciated, since apparently I have to make a choice.
My Sanda teacher was talking about Taiji, Xingyi and Sanda and basically it came down to I have done Taiji for so long I likely have no problem continuing it with Sanda but I am, for all intensive purposes, new to Xingyi (again) and he does not see how I can dedicate the needed time to Sanda and Xingyi and maintain taiji and do qigong (that I do) too. He said Xingyi is a beautiful style that is very power full and very good at fighting but it takes a lot of training and he just did not see how I could do it all.
Basically it comes down to take some time off and think about it. If I stay with Xingyi he has no problem with it but does not think I can still train Sanda. If I stop Xingyi we will continue on with higher levels of Sanda; application, fighting and qinna.
And I was afraid to let my Taiji Sifu know I was training Sanda. Both of these teachers are form China and very traditional in their thinking about martial arts. Although my taiji Sifu tries to convince many he is not, I have had multiple conversations with him that tell me he is very traditional in his thinking as it applies to CMA. And my Sanda Sifu although very much in the 21st century is very much traditional in his CMA thinking and makes no attempts to make you think otherwise. The only non-Chinese teach I have is Xingyi and he knows I train Taiji but not that I train Sanda, but to be honest I doubt he would have a problem with it. Now I have in my opinion 3 excellent teachers but apparently I have 1 to many. And 3 styles I absolutely enjoy but again 1 to many.
I will add he did say that he thought that anyone could gain form training all 3 a different view of fighting and health and all were good to know, he just did not see how I could be a long time Taiji person and a beginner at Sanda and Xingyi and do any of them justice.
You know I have read about this stuff happening to martial artist in old China but I never thought it would happen to me. Also my wife has time and time again told me this is what Chinese SifuÂ’s form the north are like but since I have not run into it (he has said nothing until today) I just thought that was in old China or if I were training on mainland.
And now I think back to when I started at MT I was upset with my long time Yang style Sifu and I had NO other teachers around to go to as far as I knew and now I have 1 to manyÂ…..how things change is such a short time.
So any thoughts on this would be much appreciated, since apparently I have to make a choice.