Oh what fun

Twin Fist

Well, I just had a nice one dropped on me. I calle dmy instructor to let her know that i would testing some students for thier orange belt tomorrow.

this got us on the topic of rank, and she decided it was time for me to test for 3rd.

makes sense since I havnt tested since 2001....

but the test date?

Mar 21st

7 weeks

7 weeks to get ready, 3 kata to learn, a weapon kata to create, a presentation on kata bunkai to prepare and a ton of conditioning to do.

wish me luck
I will indeed. Best of luck, John. I'll raise a glass to you on 'test day' :tup:.
Sincerely, the best of training to you! I'm sure you'll do well. :asian:
Good luck!
LOL< best of luck!

fwiw, I relearned 7 forms in that time frame....well enough to teach them. So you can do 3!
John you can do this and if she does not mind can I come and watch?
Good luck.

I'd recommend really outre for the weapons form. Figure out something effective but way outside the usual for KMA and treat it as a serious weapon. Shovel. Double ice saws. Sledge hammer. Cleaver and big cast iron pot lid. Something that you could use to put a real hurting on someone that isn't one everybody has seen a million times. Slungshot and sheath knife.

It will get the interest of the testing board. It will make you do some conceptual blockbusting.

Addendum: My wife suggests the following weapons

Pitchfork (Added bonus: If the pitchfork has been used for anything in the farm or garden the wounds will fester)
Hoe. Not the puny things in the hardware store, but a real Italian grape hoe or planter's hoe
Pick-mattock or Pulaski axe
A pair of G-picks (geology hammers)
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Best wishes to your in your testing and your prep. I am sure you will do fine.

Adding to tellner's idea, make up an oar form. There are not enough quality boat oar forms out there.
7 weeks to get ready, 3 kata to learn, a weapon kata to create, a presentation on kata bunkai to prepare and a ton of conditioning to do.

wish me luck
I hate to reign on the parade, but if your instructors feels your ready to test and you`ve been your grade since 2001... shouldn't you know your kata already?

Good luck anyway!

LOL< best of luck!

fwiw, I relearned 7 forms in that time frame....well enough to teach them. So you can do 3!

This begs a question, and no offence meant, but why are people only learning forms for gradings (ie. when they realsie they are gonna grade).. do you not train them on a regular basis.. even if its just the shell (ie. performance of the moves, rather than in-depth study of the boon hae)!!
