

  • It's not a bad thing because...

  • It's a bad thing because...

  • Who cares? The internet is full of porn and life is good!

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In another thread someone mentioned students who come and go, or move from school to school and called them Nomads.

Now we're not talking about people who crosstrain and go from art to art and spend a short time in each one but skip around spending time in the same art but at different schools and organizations.

Are there benefits to this? Is it detrimental? What do you think?
I voted for the third option! I like it much better, less to worry about! :):rofl:


•it's always good to get you hands on some new bodies and knock around with them.
•always good to get new experience and learn a thing or two from others. helps you to mature your own views of the martial arts.
•you meet new and "interesting" people.

•there's a lot of know-it-alls out there
•a good school is hard to come by these days. i'd think you would want to hang onto one as long as you can.
Now we're not talking about people who crosstrain and go from art to art and spend a short time in each one

Actually I feel that these people should be included in this category. They are just as nomadic even though it is between different arts and schools it is essentially the same thing.

Now for it being good or bad that is hard to say really I think that depends more on the individual. If they are jumping from school to school in the same art and not progressing then eventually they will become a hindrence to those trying to learn. the same can be said about those that cross train in the same manner. If they are only spending a short time in each art what are they really learning.

Obviously this topic does not address the question about what if these people are nomadic but put in a great deal of effort at each school and continue to advance thru the same system.

Anyway just some thoughts on an interesting question Gou.

Originally posted by Ginsu
Actually I feel that these people should be included in this category. They are just as nomadic even though it is between different arts and schools it is essentially the same thing.

Good point. I thought that it was a whole other thread though that had been covered in crosstraining issues. But you are right.

I was thinking about those that stay in the same art and particular issues they may encounter.
well I don't mind them, there are benefits and detriments to their martial training by doing so, I personaly prefer to stick to a knowledgeable instructor I know, but I wouldn't have an objection to someone else wandering.
I don't really see the benefit to going from school to school in the same art as you work your way up the ladder, it seems that you would spend a lot of time just learning the new material in each school but not having the time to develop what you have.

If you study at one school and visit other schools or supplement with classes on off days, I have found that extremely helpful to get 1) new bodies so you are forced to deal with unexpected responses and 2) new viewpoints to apply to what you already thought you knew.
I knew a few of theses nomads. Most where respectful of the school they trained in. The followed the rules ask polite questions and helped the instructor whenever they could. The knowlwdgw gained by training with them was benificial to me because they had practiced with Kenpo people who had varrying background befor kenpo. Thusly I was exposed to ideas of the same form being done soft /hard, emphsis on different areas, different thought on why the flow was done in such a manner.
Now my time in Kenpo was short but I enjoyed this bennifit in training.
What did I see wrong. Sometimes the Nomad would emphisie something diffrent. Once learned the student then had to unlearn and relearn to get it the way the instructor wanted. Techniques where/are given at different ranks in different schools, and may verry a little from school to school. Gets confuseing for low ranking students.