I have secret knowlege and I'm not telling you....


fist of fury

Why is it on many martial art forums you go to and ask a question you always get one person that only answers your question with " I'd answer but I only share that knowledge with my students". Is it me or does this sound like a load of crap if you really do know and don't to say they why bother to respond in the first place. In fact why post at all if you don't want to share knowledge. My opinion is that most of the time they really have no clue but deciede to chime in to sound intelligent. Am I alone here?
I can't tell you why people post about secret knowledge.

I can only tell my students.


That one piece of 'secret' knowledge will make you a master in their art.

You see, immediately upon hearing the great wisdom that these people have to offer you will instantly be able to bypass years of training and hardship. Just by knowing this 'secret knowledge' you will be light years ahead of the rest of us poor slobs.


it could be a money grab to get new students interested......

nah, it has to be the first reason :)

Originally posted by fist of fury
Why is it on many martial art forums you go to and ask a question you always get one person that only answers your question with " I'd answer but I only share that knowledge with my students". Is it me or does this sound like a load of crap if you really do know and don't to say they why bother to respond in the first place. In fact why post at all if you don't want to share knowledge. My opinion is that most of the time they really have no clue but deciede to chime in to sound intelligent. Am I alone here?

It's not you, I would think the same. I will discuss anything in here. But on my website, I will not show anything that I feel we have contributed to the martial arts. Its too easy for someone to stake claim to it.

But in this format. Thats what we are here for.
Its people like that you put in the "ignore" list, if your gonna come on a martial arts forum, you should have the courtesy to at least answer questions raised....:shrug:
Those same people that are teaching and YOU ARE one of their students. And they tell you the same thing as a student, usually followed by "You aren't ready for that"!:shrug:
If what we contribute can be put in the form of a brief statement or a photo, we really ain't contributing much. All this secrecy crap is just that: crap. It's offering a teaser, selling a product. I agree that if we get on these forums, the purpose is to talk...

More importantly, these, "secrets," won't mean jack out of their proper context. I'd tell what that means, but it's a secret...which I stole from Freud.

Thanks for the discussion,
While I agree that a person that claims knowledge is "secret" should be avoided, I also don't believe that just because this is a discussion forum that anything and everything should be discussed.

Someone, please, go to the effort of adequately describing, so that I may fully and in detail understand, a simple reverse punch. You will find very quickly that literally volumes could be written to describe such a basic, simple and common technique. But, you will also notice nearly immediately how the written word is inadequate to fully communicate all that is that technique. It must be seen, felt, demonstrated.

Therefore, with some techniques, with some theories, it is best that instruction in them be left to a teacher, to be done in person. Doing otherwise is simply exposing the person seeking such knowledge to potential self-injury. There may be other reasons (akja said he would discuss anything, but won't put up video... why?) to withhold information, and they may all be perfectly valid. The main reason I avoid discussing particulars of certain topics is because I refuse to be responsible for somone else's misuse, ignorance or lack of responsibility.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
While I agree that a person that claims knowledge is "secret" should be avoided, I also don't believe that just because this is a discussion forum that anything and everything should be discussed.

Someone, please, go to the effort of adequately describing, so that I may fully and in detail understand, a simple reverse punch. You will find very quickly that literally volumes could be written to describe such a basic, simple and common technique. But, you will also notice nearly immediately how the written word is inadequate to fully communicate all that is that technique. It must be seen, felt, demonstrated.

Therefore, with some techniques, with some theories, it is best that instruction in them be left to a teacher, to be done in person. Doing otherwise is simply exposing the person seeking such knowledge to potential self-injury. There may be other reasons (akja said he would discuss anything, but won't put up video... why?) to withhold information, and they may all be perfectly valid. The main reason I avoid discussing particulars of certain topics is because I refuse to be responsible for somone else's misuse, ignorance or lack of responsibility.


That being the case, then it's easy to say "I don't want to be
responsible" or "it's not something that can easily be discussed
in only text". Not "I'd answer but I only share that secret
knowledge with my students" :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
While I agree that a person that claims knowledge is "secret" should be avoided, I also don't believe that just because this is a discussion forum that anything and everything should be discussed.

Someone, please, go to the effort of adequately describing, so that I may fully and in detail understand, a simple reverse punch. You will find very quickly that literally volumes could be written to describe such a basic, simple and common technique. But, you will also notice nearly immediately how the written word is inadequate to fully communicate all that is that technique. It must be seen, felt, demonstrated.

Therefore, with some techniques, with some theories, it is best that instruction in them be left to a teacher, to be done in person. Doing otherwise is simply exposing the person seeking such knowledge to potential self-injury. There may be other reasons (akja said he would discuss anything, but won't put up video... why?) to withhold information, and they may all be perfectly valid. The main reason I avoid discussing particulars of certain topics is because I refuse to be responsible for somone else's misuse, ignorance or lack of responsibility.


I said that on my site I would not post material that I felt set us apart. I think that is very fair considering that my site is one of the very few that posts any techniques at all.

Another reason is pictures do not do the actual techniques proper justice. You know the type of discussions we've had as far the way I do things. Most of the time I was at the end of your whip and everybody elses.

And I do from talking to you that we train differant and have differant strategys. But I am a Gung-Fu man and we have a part of our training that does "crossover" which in a sense gives us something in common.

If your talking about when you asked me about a video in the past. I think I know you well enough that I will "give" you one, when they are ready. I took that part of my site off line to help clarify my position and what my "real" intentions are.

Truth be said, with all that we've discussed and the "few" pictures on my site. You did get more from me "on matial talk", right?

But to send my point home. For my system to be able to sustain, I can't just give it away for someone else to get the glory.

If that were the case, I should just sell videos and forget trying to build an organization.
Originally posted by akja
I said that on my site I would not post material that I felt set us apart. I think that is very fair considering that my site is one of the very few that posts any techniques at all.

But isn't it that which sets us apart that identifies us as uniquely different?

Another reason is pictures do not do the actual techniques proper justice.

As photos do not do technique movement justice, so too do verbal descriptions fail to adequately communicate the technique in question.

But to send my point home. For my system to be able to sustain, I can't just give it away for someone else to get the glory.

This is, what I feel, is the original reason things were kept secret... To maintain one person's hold on particular information, whatever the reason. I'm not judging akja's intentions here, in fact more power to him. What I am saying is that sometimes things should be with held, and there are plenty of valid reasons to do so. I hold back info out of a sense of personal responsibility for the welfare of those who would attempt to practice anything I describe and resultantly injure themselves.

akja - I have gotten more out of our discussions than was apparently made clear in my comments in this thread. I was not pointing fingers at you, simply using your comments as examples of why sometimes people have reasons for keeping info to themselves.

After our mutual exchange on this board, I actually hope that one day I have the chance to meet you in person. Your information provided in other threads is of good quality. I and others simply questioned some of your motives and background. Once you had explained yourself (and I said this before on that thread), you were vindicated at least in my mind.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
But isn't it that which sets us apart that identifies us as uniquely different?

As photos do not do technique movement justice, so too do verbal descriptions fail to adequately communicate the technique in question.

This is, what I feel, is the original reason things were kept secret... To maintain one person's hold on particular information, whatever the reason. I'm not judging akja's intentions here, in fact more power to him. What I am saying is that sometimes things should be with held, and there are plenty of valid reasons to do so. I hold back info out of a sense of personal responsibility for the welfare of those who would attempt to practice anything I describe and resultantly injure themselves.

akja - I have gotten more out of our discussions than was apparently made clear in my comments in this thread. I was not pointing fingers at you, simply using your comments as examples of why sometimes people have reasons for keeping info to themselves.

After our mutual exchange on this board, I actually hope that one day I have the chance to meet you in person. Your information provided in other threads is of good quality. I and others simply questioned some of your motives and background. Once you had explained yourself (and I said this before on that thread), you were vindicated at least in my mind.


I think we will get a chance to train. That is my goal in the overall sceme of things. To travel and train with my instructors and students and FRIENDS.

My daughter lives near NY and theres a couple of guys over there who are going to teach me a few things. :D

Me, I just bought a new truck, I have family near Portland and I've always wanted to go fishing in Canada and Alaska.:D
Originally posted by fist of fury
Why is it on many martial art forums you go to and ask a question you always get one person that only answers your question with " I'd answer but I only share that knowledge with my students". Is it me or does this sound like a load of crap if you really do know and don't to say they why bother to respond in the first place. In fact why post at all if you don't want to share knowledge. My opinion is that most of the time they really have no clue but deciede to chime in to sound intelligent. Am I alone here?

Think of it this Way

1. Secrete
2. Hidden
3. Instructional
4. Techniques

Take the First Letter From each Word & thats What
They Can give us.
Originally posted by ace
Think of it this Way

1. Secrete
2. Hidden
3. Instructional
4. Techniques

Take the First Letter From each Word & thats What
They Can give us.

:D :rofl: :D
Originally posted by ace
Think of it this Way

1. Secrete
2. Hidden
3. Instructional
4. Techniques

Take the First Letter From each Word & thats What
They Can give us.

Hilarious!!! :rofl: :D
people want to believe that they possess "special" powers. by doing this maybe certain instructors feel they can "rope" in new students. to some it might work, but is a false promise to someone who puts their trust in you. it is a total disrespect to the art also.

you wanna get better... train hard and never stop. sweat makes skill, wimps wait for a shortcut.

you wanna get better... train hard and never stop. sweat makes skill, wimps wait for a shortcut.

This is the REAl secret within the martail arts...nice post.

While I truly understand your stance on not wanting to give an inadequate description of a technique and have someone injure themselves I truly enjoy reading at least brief descriptions of techniques so that I may pick my instructors brain at the next class.

Love the acronym:D

And I DO have some secret knowledge but you'll have to buy my video tape via the internet for $39.95;)
