No touch knockout...

Please for any Systema folks out there. Understand that I really like Systema as a system. So please take no offense in that area. I don't care where the no touch knockouts or no touch energy throws come from. (and I am not referencing off balancing throws via movement) It does not matter to me if it is from Aikido, an Okinawan system, Chinese, American, Indonesian, etc. I don't care!

Take a look at this bit of ridiculousness:
Please for any Systema folks out there. Understand that I really like Systema as a system. So please take no offense in that area. I don't care where the no touch knockouts or no touch energy throws come from. (and I am not referencing off balancing throws via movement) It does not matter to me if it is from Aikido, an Okinawan system, Chinese, American, Indonesian, etc. I don't care!

Take a look at this bit of ridiculousness:

Everything has its purpose and is useful for something. Even that EFO is useful and very effective at making me laugh I laughed at least 6 times in the Clip so see everything is useful for something
I told this story a long time ago here on MT in a thread about the very same topic so it is out there someplace but it seems appropriate here

Many years ago at a push hands seminar at the old YMAA Dr Yang told a story about a guy who came to his school and did a demo using the “No touch knockout” with his own students. After watching several people fall down some of Dr Yang’s students asked this gentleman to try it on them. To which they were told it would be to dangerous since his students were trained on how to handle his Qi so they would not be injured.

Finally Dr Yang asked if he would try it on him to which the guy gave the same response. Dr Yang said he had been training Qi most of his life and thought Qi Gong and he was willing to take the chance. The guy came up with some other excuse to which Dr Yang said “that means you are fake” and kicked him out of his school
I think that originally it may have come from training to be comfortable fighting from the ground as I have seen that demonstrated. In other words, training as if you have been hit then recovering from the ground.
Couple of points.....

Systema is what you make of it plain and simple. It really and truly revolves around simple concepts and YOU make of what you will. I have seen some pressure point things thrown in here as well and as a practitioner for many years I have seen some pretty daunting things in "controlled training". I incorporate pressure point and nerve strikes into everything I do but it truly is only effective to an extent. No person attacking you is going to play training dummy and what you can pull of is limited to easy to strike areas like the neck and jaw line, collar bone area and around the elbow joint. I see them as nothing more than an avenue to add ending force to a strike and much of that has to do with articulation of the wrist at the precise time of contact with the muscle or nerve.
I told this story a long time ago here on MT in a thread about the very same topic so it is out there someplace but it seems appropriate here

Many years ago at a push hands seminar at the old YMAA Dr Yang told a story about a guy who came to his school and did a demo using the “No touch knockout” with his own students. After watching several people fall down some of Dr Yang’s students asked this gentleman to try it on them. To which they were told it would be to dangerous since his students were trained on how to handle his Qi so they would not be injured.

Finally Dr Yang asked if he would try it on him to which the guy gave the same response. Dr Yang said he had been training Qi most of his life and thought Qi Gong and he was willing to take the chance. The guy came up with some other excuse to which Dr Yang said “that means you are fake” and kicked him out of his school

Back in 1979, the praying mantis master Brendan Lai hosted a Kung Fu demonstration in San Francisco.

In one demo, the Qi master 刘木森 Liu Mu-Sen gave a 8 directions Qi generation that sent 6 guys flying into 6 different directions. I was on the back stage during that demo. When 刘木森 Liu Mu-Sen asked for volunteers from the audience, I stepped on the stage, but soon was pulled off stage by Brendan Lai.

Many years later, I had read something about 刘木森 Liu Mu-Sen. When Liu was young, he always challenged Qi masters in the park and never believed in such thing. I just can't believe that when he was old, he started to demonstrate such thing.
Just for observational purposes:

Of course this is the next day video of the seminar.

and of course their website in case this type of training appeals to you:
Efo is a short term for Empty Force. There is a multitude of descriptions for the term but none of them might reveal its meaning in all aspects.

In our training philosophy, an important aspect is not to try to use any physical force or pain to gain control of the attacker.
Beauty! Total protection on the street with no legal ramifications. Pity, I can't seem to find a school nearby. :p
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All of the "no touch KO" stuff I have seen has been nothing more than very good stage hypnotism. The "master" creates the environment and sets it up in the student's mind of what is going to happen. What a stage hypnotist work and it is the same thing how they create the mindset they need. etc. etc.

Of course, nothing beats the website I saw years ago teaching how to combine magic tricks with martial arts. One of the tricks was how to hide a knife on your person by putting it between your buttcheeks and clenching it.

Sad part is, I still have no idea if this guy is a fruitcake or one VERY cleverly done satirical website.
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Ah yes, efo. Does it surprise anybody that they came up with a "reason" why they couldn't make the techniques work on those sceptics? I'll try to find the video, but according to them, they failed because those guys didn't attack with intent to hurt :)

edit: okay, found the video:

Denial is not just a river in Egypt...:hmm: so all of the people that it worked on, that seemed to be attacking to miss, had the intent to do him bodily harm :confused: :rolleyes: :shrug:
Well duh! When they fell, they could injury themselves!

No touch knockouts work most effectively against drunks. You just keep buying them drinks till they pass out.
However, you do have to give it up to them for coming up with a more creative answer than George Dillman when he answered that you can negate a no touch knockout by having your tongue on the roof of your mouth and one toe pointed up and one toe pointed down.

Who buy's this crap..... It is just beyond me!

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