No touch knockout...

However, you do have to give it up to them for coming up with a more creative answer than George Dillman when he answered that you can negate a no touch knockout by having your tongue on the roof of your mouth and one toe pointed up and one toe pointed down.

Who buy's this crap..... It is just beyond me!

Yes and if you have just eaten 2 cups of cranberries, have a pocket full of pennies and a partridge in a pear are...INVINCIBLE!!!!! :uhyeah:

I once had a self-proclaimed CIA killer tell me that he was carrying a bag full of keys (there were close to 500 of them) for protection from the woman that was hunting him, sneaking up on him and shocking him with a cattle prod....he tried leaving using his power of CIA training and keys......after I redirected his force, bounced him off a wall and took him to the floor he stopped bragging, decided to be my friend (happy happy joy joy) and went back to his room.... I kid you not....he went to the mental health detox unit....these guys charge money to teach this stuff
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