No Bruce Lee


Purple Belt
Apr 20, 2008
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I was telling my husband about an article I read on another forum. The guy was not Bruce Lee's number 1 fan.

So, my husband started wondering what the world would be like if there was no Bruce Lee.

What do you think?
i think that bruce lee sped up progress that would have happened anyway. he is kind of comparable to gracies in the current era: they didn't introduce anything truly new, but but they did popularize something that was missing from many martial artists lives. for the gracies is was the ground, for bruce lee it was an open mind.

Great salesman are great salesman.

I'm not saying that Lee wasn't an accomplished martial artist, but he wasn't Yip Man either. His fame came more from his movie fame than from his art. Had he not been the movie star he was, he would not have been noticed.
Which ever way you feel, for the good or the bad, Bruce Lee popularized MA in a big way. In the hay day of Bruce Lee movies everyone from all walks of MA life were in the movie theater, as I was. If you were not a MA then you wanted to be. If you were, then you wanted to go back to your DoJo with a renewed inward feeling. He demonstrated what was hard to teach, and that is loyalty, honor, respect in the movie toward his teacher, and kicked a lot of butt along the way.
When I was a kid and there was a drive thru in town. We went to Star Wars, Rocky, and of course re-releases of the Bruce Lee movies. So I will say this, dad said...."He was so very fast." "GGM Park said 'He was great for business'". Me I think it was interesting that he showed so many of the political undertones in his movies. Nothing rings louder than the famous "Dogs, but no Chinese allowed in the park" sign.

Bruce had a lot of good things to say, he learned an art and transformed it to suit him best and called it something else. His open minded thought processing was his greatest asset. I have seen articles and video clips where Ji Han Jae had spoken of him well.

But like Schwarzenegger is to Bodybuilding Lee is to the Martial Arts......poster boys to sell the product.

It amazes me, Weider and all the muscle magazines still use Arnold, the MA magazines still use Bruce. They are the Icons that were made and were chosen. Hulk Hogan has pulled the wagon for professional wrestling.
Hello, There will be always OTHER HERO'S....

If there was NO Macdonlds or Wal-marts? ....maybe we would have? ...MacPrizza or Star-marts....

If No ipods...maye e-pods, No ebays...maybe f-bays?

We all need hero's.....maybe YOU one day?

Aloha, ( suger cane and pineapple was once king of $$$$ in no longer a variable crop.)

PS: Who is Bruce LEE?) UM???????
I was telling my husband about an article I read on another forum. The guy was not Bruce Lee's number 1 fan.

So, my husband started wondering what the world would be like if there was no Bruce Lee.

What do you think?
Exactly the way it is right now.(Also imagine a world with no Canada)LOL
Without Bruce Lee?

Chuck Norris might not have become famous.

No Chuck.

No Chuck Norris Facts.
Bruce sped up the martial arts tore down alot of walls.

I follow his philosophy of 'take what is useful, discard what is useless'. I try not to be so rigid like TKD is the only way, or only TSD techniques.

His style of fighting was, and is, very flexable. The style is based on what you can do, not what the style demands you be able to do. You find what works for you.

Yes I'm thankful we had a Bruce Lee, and Chuck Norris, and all the others that have moved the martial arts, all martial arts, into the public eye.

Bruce Lee gave us permission to break away from the mindset that we had to follow the martial arts attitude of performing movements and allowed us to execute results, Changed our focus to looking for a result, Not just having to study for the sake of studying, Bruce wasn't the first, But he was very good and very charismatic.
The hospitals would not have had to deal with a sudden wave of self inflicted nunchaku-related head injuries a few decades ago.
Without Bruce Lee?

Chuck Norris might not have become famous.

No Chuck.

No Chuck Norris Facts.

It makes me shudder to even ponder a world w/o Chuck Norris facts.

Oh man... can you imagine how terrifying a place the world would be if Chuck was not known world wide :)

Thank you Bruce Lee :D
Eh, someone else would have come along to inspire people to practice-they always do.

I don't see Bruce Lee's influence, outside of cinema and certain MA circles as being that big.
In a world without Bruce Lee, non martial artists wouldn't have the stereotype about karate moves always exceuted with "WAAAAAAA, Wooooooo, Waaaaa...." noises.

OTOH without Bruce Lee I wonder if many following MA movies would have been made, or if they would have been very different; Karate Kid, for instance, I doubt it would have been made at all because IMO it drew heavily from a Bruce Lee attitude of openmindedness.