New Member saying "Hello"


Yellow Belt
Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Anthony Manansala and am a Kabaraon practitioner, specifically a practitioner of Rigonan Estalilla Bansuelo Kabaroan Eskrima. I earned my PHD (Perpendicular, Horizontal, Diagonal - inside joke) in Kabaroan under Associate Grandmaster Ed Bansuelo and am a second generation student of Grandmaster Ramiro Estalilla, Jr, DMA (Hon).

I found this site through an FMATalk link and have finally joined up.
Anthoney it is nice having you any question ask away so many great people around. How long have you been training and have you done any other styles?
Take care and enjoy the site.
How long have you been training and have you done any other styles?
Take care and enjoy the site.

I've been practicing Kabaroan since 2001. I've learned a little (and I do mean little) Serrada.

I've been wanting to learn GM Ed's empty hand techniques but just have the time... GRRRR. In the meanwhile, I've just started (Jan'07) TKD and recently came in 3rd place in Forms and 3rd place in weapons at my first TKD tournament. (In the weapons, I performed one of our Kabaraon anyos - Abridged 15, Form A - Compuesta variation).

Glad to be here! :)
Greetings, Anthony, and welcome to MT—it's good to have you with us! I like your range of MA styles—I do TKD but my instructor is proficient in Arnis as well and I've been learning some of the basic stick forms and techs... I think the two arts complement each other very nicely.

Enjoy posting on the board!