My fitness from martial arts


Senior Master
Aug 26, 2016
Reaction score
So since I started back in martial arts after my personal issues and taking time out I've been slowly building my fitness back and now im training 5 days a week In classes and doing my own stuff at a lighter pace on the off days my fitness has increased dramatically. I haven't done a huge amount of running a bit here and there and what we do in classes but I entered a 20k run that my daughter was also doing just for the hell of it and I did better than I expected and completed it in 1 hour 42 minutes and I wasn't to tired by the end of it. Another great benefit from marital arts I just thought I'd share
Keep up the good work!

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So since I started back in martial arts after my personal issues and taking time out I've been slowly building my fitness back and now im training 5 days a week In classes and doing my own stuff at a lighter pace on the off days my fitness has increased dramatically. I haven't done a huge amount of running a bit here and there and what we do in classes but I entered a 20k run that my daughter was also doing just for the hell of it and I did better than I expected and completed it in 1 hour 42 minutes and I wasn't to tired by the end of it. Another great benefit from marital arts I just thought I'd share
Thats actually a very good time, well done
So since I started back in martial arts after my personal issues and taking time out I've been slowly building my fitness back and now im training 5 days a week In classes and doing my own stuff at a lighter pace on the off days my fitness has increased dramatically. I haven't done a huge amount of running a bit here and there and what we do in classes but I entered a 20k run that my daughter was also doing just for the hell of it and I did better than I expected and completed it in 1 hour 42 minutes and I wasn't to tired by the end of it. Another great benefit from marital arts I just thought I'd share
you must be a local sydney sider. good one on the city 2 surf, awesome time
So since I started back in martial arts after my personal issues and taking time out I've been slowly building my fitness back and now im training 5 days a week In classes and doing my own stuff at a lighter pace on the off days my fitness has increased dramatically. I haven't done a huge amount of running a bit here and there and what we do in classes but I entered a 20k run that my daughter was also doing just for the hell of it and I did better than I expected and completed it in 1 hour 42 minutes and I wasn't to tired by the end of it. Another great benefit from marital arts I just thought I'd share
Okay, now you make me sad, HH. After nursing some injuries, I've gone back to running, and 20K would kick my butt.

Good work, and good job getting enough intensity in your training to get your fitness up!
Did a 10 k today and did it in 44:35. Probably couldve done better but I just got a cold yesterday and a very annoying sore throat but still happy with the time and came 49th out of 250.