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RRouuselot said:
A.) Those have nothing to do with Chi, Iron Shirt or anything martial….anyone can be taught to do those with no special training in MA. They are parlor tricks, nothing more.

B.)As someone that has more than a few licenses as a personal fitness trainer and does it as part of my job I can safely say you are fat.

A.) Yes, some time ago I was a amateur magician and belonged to a Magicians Guold. Some of us actually staged/prop those feats.

B.) Perhaops he is fat. But he looks like he can deliver a whopping punch.
Some had requested to see this...

The Bricks spoke of are not the usual brick you see broke. But the 9500 psi Red Fire Place Bricks. I have photos of Sifu doing the Dim Mak Penitrating Strike through these kind os bircks. He stacked 3 and broke the bottom them stacked one on a Block and broke only the block..
47MartialMan said:
RRouuselot said:
A.) Those have nothing to do with Chi, Iron Shirt or anything martial….anyone can be taught to do those with no special training in MA. They are parlor tricks, nothing more.

B.)As someone that has more than a few licenses as a personal fitness trainer and does it as part of my job I can safely say you are fat.

A.) Yes, some time ago I was a amateur magician and belonged to a Magicians Guold. Some of us actually staged/prop those feats.

B.) Perhaops he is fat. But he looks like he can deliver a whopping punch.
Answering MartialMan...

A) I also am a full time member of MAWNY.. Magicians Alliance of Western New York. But I asure you that this is not trick. If I must I can demonstrate some of these things at the seminar as well. But I will not use any "Tricks"

B) I am what they call Barrel Chested. I may look over weight but I am diabetic and watch my weight like a hawk. I have a very solid Ab and no .."Flub" :) I have a 21 1/2" neck so it looks big when I lower my chin but it also is tight. This I can only prove in July.

As for the Licence thing... I am licenced with NYS as Security/Executive Security and a Licenced BodyGuard. I have the licence and Badge to prove it. This is with me everyday so I will also have that in July.
Mr. Calkins...

The issues I have with you stem primarily from your persistence in adhering to the use of incorrect academic information. You insist on using the term "soke," a word borrowed from Japanese and used incorrectly by pretty much everyone. It is a term attributed to many "masters," but was never used by them.

You attempted to use your training in Japan as a qualifier for your information, but then later admitted you were there only as a child for a very short period of time. You should stop using the citation at all, as it does nothing to add to your credibility. Mr. Rousselot has lived and trained in Japan for at least the last 13 or 14 years (Robert, correct me on this if I'm in error), he speaks Japanese fluently, and is very active in the martial arts community there. You refuse to accept his corrections, though, because of course you and your teachers in NY know better...

Your phots make you appear overweight and out of shape. Perhaps those who meet with you in Seneca will be able to validate your claims to the contrary. However, your complete and total curriculum vitae is something of interest to me... Art (along with the translation of the name), instructor, and years spent studying (preferably like "1979 - 1983" rather than "4 years"). In the case of "made up" arts like "Tsunami-ryu" (an obviously American creation), please provide the alleged "founder's" background as well.

Lastly, how can someone with whom you have never studied, nor that you have any real contact with, be your mentor? Have you studied at Hatsumi's dojo? Have you studied with Hatsumi? If not, he is not your mentor, but perhaps a role model you attempt to emulate...

Matt Stone said:
Mr. Calkins...

1) The issues I have with you stem primarily from your persistence in adhering to the use of incorrect academic information. You insist on using the term "soke," a word borrowed from Japanese and used incorrectly by pretty much everyone. It is a term attributed to many "masters," but was never used by them.

2) You attempted to use your training in Japan as a qualifier for your information, but then later admitted you were there only as a child for a very short period of time. You should stop using the citation at all, as it does nothing to add to your credibility. Mr. Rousselot has lived and trained in Japan for at least the last 13 or 14 years (Robert, correct me on this if I'm in error), he speaks Japanese fluently, and is very active in the martial arts community there. You refuse to accept his corrections, though, because of course you and your teachers in NY know better...

3) Your phots make you appear overweight and out of shape. Perhaps those who meet with you in Seneca will be able to validate your claims to the contrary. However, your complete and total curriculum vitae is something of interest to me... Art (along with the translation of the name), instructor, and years spent studying (preferably like "1979 - 1983" rather than "4 years"). In the case of "made up" arts like "Tsunami-ryu" (an obviously American creation), please provide the alleged "founder's" background as well.

4) Lastly, how can someone with whom you have never studied, nor that you have any real contact with, be your mentor? Have you studied at Hatsumi's dojo? Have you studied with Hatsumi? If not, he is not your mentor, but perhaps a role model you attempt to emulate...


1) I have never asked anyone in this forum to call me Soke.. It is just a Log in Name I used... I don't thing If I called my self Jungle Jim that anyone would thing I was tarzan.... It is just a Title I nhave and will continue to use.. As Is.. I do not force anyont to call me that.

2) I said I visited Japan I never stated that I trained there... I would Like to But as of yet I haven't

3) The Founders of Tsunami-Ryu go Back to the liniage of Joe Jennings when he was in Rochester. David Mason and Mark Wagner were his students and then they became my instructors... I do not ask a Peach about it's roots I just enjoy the peach.

4) You know John Wayne and Adam Sandler asr some of my mentors as well... I have not met them But I do like what they stand for and the things they do for people.... I like to Make people happy so I like the way Adam Sandler Makes people laugh.. Does it mean I have to Study Laughter with him to call him a Mentor? No! I like the ideals of Soke Hatsumi I like what he stands for... I do not need to study under him to try to live by an open example.
SokeCalkins said:
Does it mean I have to Study Laughter with him to call him a Mentor? No! I like the ideals of Soke Hatsumi I like what he stands for... I do not need to study under him to try to live by an open example.

Mr Calkins,
You don't seem to understand what a mentor is. If you had used a term such as "hero" or "ideal" then you may have been more correct. But a mentor is someone who has an active say and interaction with you and what you do. You have never been in the same room with Masaaki Hatsumi. So for you to call him a mentor is false.

And as for your screen name, I know I have mentioned this before but if you merely ask us to we will change it from SokeCalkins to Bruce Calkins or anything else of your choice. We can then see how you do not require people to call you soke and that you really do not feel that you need any titles.
Don Roley said:
Mr Calkins,
You don't seem to understand what a mentor is. If you had used a term such as "hero" or "ideal" then you may have been more correct. But a mentor is someone who has an active say and interaction with you and what you do. You have never been in the same room with Masaaki Hatsumi. So for you to call him a mentor is false.

And as for your screen name, I know I have mentioned this before but if you merely ask us to we will change it from SokeCalkins to Bruce Calkins or anything else of your choice. We can then see how you do not require people to call you soke and that you really do not feel that you need any titles.
Fine Change it to Bruce Calkins.. I have no problem with that.. I just need o know if that is what I type in with or without the space and Caps or not.
SokeCalkins said:
You know John Wayne and Adam Sandler asr some of my mentors as well... I have not met them
That really isn't what the word 'mentor' means.

Thanks for the photos clfsean. Wow, Potola Palace looks amazing!
This is a Cut and Paste but it tell what I mean..

What is a mentor?
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus (1990) defines a mentor as a wise counselor or guide, or alternatively, as a tutor. Teachers and counselors often act and are perceived as mentors and most successful adults report having had at least one significant guide or mentor during their school years or life. Someone that has influenced someone by action or idea.

The main goal of mentoring involves the development of
life skills, which may include academic skills or life lessons. Mentoring can occur on a one-to-one or small group basis over short or extended time periods.

The things they have done in their lives has given me life lessons and made me evaluate thing different. John Wayne Lived with Cancer and fought the fight and did what ever it took to try to beat it.. I have been living with Colon Cancer for just under 10 years and with the constant visits to the Dr. for me I will do the same and fight with what ever I can.. I learned this from his example.
Mr Calkins,
Do you really fail to see that the definition from websters requires actual interaction with a mentor? Just take a look at this,

" Mentoring can occur on a one-to-one or small group basis over short or extended time periods."

You have not been one-to-one or even been in a small group with Masaaki Hatsumi.

Again, how can those on martialtalk that know so much more than you help you reach a level of understanding if you cling so desperately to the idea that you are right and never admit mistakes?
SokeCalkins said:
Some had requested to see this...

The Bricks spoke of are not the usual brick you see broke. But the 9500 psi Red Fire Place Bricks. I have photos of Sifu doing the Dim Mak Penitrating Strike through these kind os bircks. He stacked 3 and broke the bottom them stacked one on a Block and broke only the block..
Sorry-Paper does not make me a believer. I would have to be there my self.
clfsean said:
Sticky hands is not what you describe. Sticky hands is a very specific exercise used by traditional CMA to develop certain skill sets & attributes for fighting.

It is not (paraphrasing) to keep you in touch with your opponent in a sighted or nonsighted situation. That's not what it's for & that's not why it's trained. Just keeping in contact with somebody (eyes open or closed) does not constitute Sticky Hands. It constitutes contact with your eyes open or closed. No more, no less...

Dude... please stop now. Everytime to you try to hijack a term to fit what you think it is, you dig yourself deep & deeper into a pit you're not ever going to recover from at this point. The best you can do is stop, look, listen & learn.
I wonder if he (Bruce) know the actual term. I dislike the term "Sticky Hands". Too many make it sound absurd.
Don Roley said:
And as for your screen name, I know I have mentioned this before but if you merely ask us to we will change it from SokeCalkins to Bruce Calkins or anything else of your choice. We can then see how you do not require people to call you soke and that you really do not feel that you need any titles.
I agree Bruce. It may be ok for your students and your organization to call you this. But for the sake of controversy, a change will show grand conduct on your part.
SokeCalkins said:
This is a Cut and Paste but it tell what I mean..

What is a mentor?
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus (1990) defines a mentor as a wise counselor or guide, or alternatively, as a tutor. Teachers and counselors often act and are perceived as mentors and most successful adults report having had at least one significant guide or mentor during their school years or life. Someone that has influenced someone by action or idea.

The main goal of mentoring involves the development of
life skills, which may include academic skills or life lessons. Mentoring can occur on a one-to-one or small group basis over short or extended time periods.

The things they have done in their lives has given me life lessons and made me evaluate thing different. John Wayne Lived with Cancer and fought the fight and did what ever it took to try to beat it.. I have been living with Colon Cancer for just under 10 years and with the constant visits to the Dr. for me I will do the same and fight with what ever I can.. I learned this from his example.
Bruce, I have to say you are incorrect in the use of the term mentor. I have been a mentor for many organizations including a boys home and National Guard Youth Challenge program. The latter states, per defintion, that a mentor is "a living, interactive person who is available to advise"

From etymology, a mentor is-"wise advisor," 1750, from Gk. Mentor, character in the "Odyssey," friend of Odysseus, adviser of Telemachus (often actually Athene in disguise), perhaps ult. meaning "adviser," since the name appears to be an agent noun of mentos "intent, purpose, spirit, passion" from PIE *mon-eyo- (cf. Skt. man-tar- "one who thinks," L. mon-i-tor "one who admonishes"), causative form of base *men- "to think" (see mental).

How can someone whom you have not sought physical advice from, be your mentor? The term you are looking for is either idol or inspirational.
clfsean said:
Those pics were great. Did you have trouble breathing?

I love pic 9 and your explanation. I cant tell you how many times I visited martial arts schools that had pics of the head instructor posing with famous people. As if this gives them credibility to something.

However, I have many pics (mainly my wife-I was the photographer/cameraman) posing with famous people.

At the very least, I say the pics only prove that I had MET these people.
Send me an email with the name change request, and what you'd like it changed to, and I'll take care of it for you. The multiple threads are sometimes hard to read in depth, and it's lost back there somewhere I expect.
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