

White Belt
Oct 29, 2008
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So here I go, being evil and asking something that may just piss a few people off...

What do you think of marijuana in the martial arts?

I've got a number of friends that smoke and train who say that they 'flow' better when they are stoned, and that they sometimes can look at a form movement etc in a whole new light while stoned.

On the other hand, theres the age old story about pot slowing your reflexes etc. I'm not really sure how real this is, to be honest I've smoked my share in though my days and have sparred with stoned opponents (they were fast as me, if not faster!) so I'm not sure how much I want to buy into that.

Also, read an article in my roommates high times about a MMA guy in the UFC who says he does EVERYTHING (except for matches of course) while stoned. To all you doubters, this guy was a VERY good competetor in his time, and since then has written very well rated books on jujitsu.

Just wondering what you all think of this, I'm sure most of you are probably pretty anti-pot, at least in practice and I might get bashed a bit...but thats what the internet is for right?
all things in moderation...but i don't allow anyone to roll stoned at my school. too much of a liability if something goes wrong. i don't think moderate pot use will wreck you as a martial artist, but i'm not getting on board with the eddie bravo school of thought either.

Sroned, drunk or anything else NO, what people do in there house is one thing, but in my school no way.
I agree with some of the others. What one does on their own time is their business. It has no place at the dojo.

In the spirit of bushido!

Admittedly, I have smoked in the past, while I was fully dedicated to taking TKD. I never went to class stoned, and never really wanted to.

The thing about pot is that it effects everyone in similar ways, but in different ways as well. When I smoked, I didn't want to do anything but hang out with my buddies at home and watch tv. If I had to get up to do anything, it was a real hassle. Basically, it made me feel really lazy.

So, given that's the way I reacted to it, I don't really think that I could train while being high.

I have heard that it makes people focus more on the task at hand. I would think, though, that it would be better used for practicing slower applications and drills that you would need to have precise technique with. I can't really see anyone wanting to get hot and sweaty while they were high, but then everyone is different.

I just know that I certainly wouldn't knowingly allow anyone to train around me or with me while they were stoned. If I see someone on TV train while they're stoned, then good for them. But I just don't trust anything that can alter your state of mind to help you train.
I don`t need any dulling stimulant to mess up my art thank you very much.
So here I go, being evil and asking something that may just piss a few people off...

What do you think of marijuana in the martial arts?

I've got a number of friends that smoke and train who say that they 'flow' better when they are stoned, and that they sometimes can look at a form movement etc in a whole new light while stoned.

On the other hand, theres the age old story about pot slowing your reflexes etc. I'm not really sure how real this is, to be honest I've smoked my share in though my days and have sparred with stoned opponents (they were fast as me, if not faster!) so I'm not sure how much I want to buy into that.

Also, read an article in my roommates high times about a MMA guy in the UFC who says he does EVERYTHING (except for matches of course) while stoned. To all you doubters, this guy was a VERY good competetor in his time, and since then has written very well rated books on jujitsu.

Just wondering what you all think of this, I'm sure most of you are probably pretty anti-pot, at least in practice and I might get bashed a bit...but thats what the internet is for right?

You're kidding right? Perhaps instead of relying some a substance to make performance better, people should just put a bit more effort into what their goal is. I mean this is no different than someone who does steroids to boost how much weight they lift.

As for the main part of your, have no place in the martial arts, especially in the dojo. Anyone who was to walk into training, under the influence of anything, needs to be booted out faster than they walked in!
I find the herb could be useful in some medical cases so I am not against it.

I do not find smoking anything to be helpful and seems more damaging to your health.

On another note there was a post here about some sort of tribal fight and they did smoke Marijuana before a fight.

In martial arts you want to be at your peak performance and one of those is endurance it is very hard to have endurance when you can't breath.

As for Qigong and any intoxication it does not mix.
I've got a number of friends that smoke and train who say that they 'flow' better when they are stoned, and that they sometimes can look at a form movement etc in a whole new light while stoned.

I"ll bet they think they do. I played the best guitar in the world after a few (ok, maybe several) tequilas, and I never had a lesson!

Unfortunately, a friend videotaped my playing and let's just say there must have been something wrong with the camcorder or the tape he used, as it didn't capture my mad skills. In fact, the camcorder was so broken, my guitar playing actually sounded like I never had a lesson (sayingn it sucked wouldn't be too harsh).

Maybe you can pick up one of these "broken" camcorders and videotape your friends 'flowing' better when stoned and show them the tape when they are sober?
So here I go, being evil and asking something that may just piss a few people off...

What do you think of marijuana in the martial arts?

I've got a number of friends that smoke and train who say that they 'flow' better when they are stoned, and that they sometimes can look at a form movement etc in a whole new light while stoned.

On the other hand, theres the age old story about pot slowing your reflexes etc. I'm not really sure how real this is, to be honest I've smoked my share in though my days and have sparred with stoned opponents (they were fast as me, if not faster!) so I'm not sure how much I want to buy into that.

Also, read an article in my roommates high times about a MMA guy in the UFC who says he does EVERYTHING (except for matches of course) while stoned. To all you doubters, this guy was a VERY good competetor in his time, and since then has written very well rated books on jujitsu.

Just wondering what you all think of this, I'm sure most of you are probably pretty anti-pot, at least in practice and I might get bashed a bit...but thats what the internet is for right?

( : your talking about Eddie Bravo right, i read that too, i hear Nick Diaz and some of the Gracie lot also smoke before rolling ...I have never tried it to be honest so i cant comment, at a guess i would say it would not be a good thing to do before doing a striking art but for jujitsu i wouldnt rule it out, Eddie claims it puts him on a different wave of thinking and opens his mind more..who knows...Eddie is a bit of a hippy though :D
Waaaaaay too much of a liability here.

If someone is high or drunk, I will not allow them to train. When you're training, you should be alert, focused, and aware of the safety of yourself and for your training partners.

If you're practicing advanced techniques, it's a very fine line between safe practice and reckless endangerment, and those are times when you don't want to be blurring that line at all.

Imagine if someone were hurt in your dojo, and the injured person then accuses you of negligence, in allowing drunk / high people to train? That doesn't look good at all, and your reputation in the town will take a huge dive.
So here I go, being evil and asking something that may just piss a few people off...

What do you think of marijuana in the martial arts?

I've got a number of friends that smoke and train who say that they 'flow' better when they are stoned, and that they sometimes can look at a form movement etc in a whole new light while stoned.

On the other hand, theres the age old story about pot slowing your reflexes etc. I'm not really sure how real this is, to be honest I've smoked my share in though my days and have sparred with stoned opponents (they were fast as me, if not faster!) so I'm not sure how much I want to buy into that.

Also, read an article in my roommates high times about a MMA guy in the UFC who says he does EVERYTHING (except for matches of course) while stoned. To all you doubters, this guy was a VERY good competetor in his time, and since then has written very well rated books on jujitsu.

Just wondering what you all think of this, I'm sure most of you are probably pretty anti-pot, at least in practice and I might get bashed a bit...but thats what the internet is for right?

Here is a thought...TRY REAL TRAINING!!!! It is SUPPOSE to be is SUPPOSE to hurt...that is how you learn to do it better and get it RIGHT. Smoke pot for better flow... PLEASE!!!! Smoke pot to get a different view… GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!

Try thinking about the forms and movements you are doing… doing them thousands of times…. Try HARD training and give reading about your chosen style a try.

Some how I just don't think putting large amounts of tar and nicotine in your body is good for you... but maybe that is just me. Also I just don't think that not being in full control of ALL you faculties while practicing MA is a good thing either... but again maybe that is just me. Not in full control, punch someone in the face, when you were just drilling and suppose to pull it, and break there nose because you wanted more flow... I don't know...somehow it just is not working for me.

I don't care if some guy in MMA is smoking pot, drinking whiskey and/or is popping pills it is NOT a good argument for doing anything. I use to read a lot of Hemmingway but I still don't thinking hanging is good for me. I liked Hendrix too and you know drinking a lot of alcohol and taking sleeping pills still just does not seem like a good practice to me. And just because a pro football player likes dog fights and a Pro baseball player may (or may not) likes to fix the games for gambling purposes does NOT mean they are good things. And even if an Indy 500 or NASCAR driver drove drunk from time to time because it helped him relax… I do not think it is a good argument to do the same thing

PLEASE stop this ridiculous attempt at justifying unhealthy habits based on some friends and some guy in some MA anywhere on the planet.

And now feel free to get upset because I or anyone else did not agree with this silliness
I've got a number of friends that smoke and train who say that they 'flow' better when they are stoned

What they do on their own time is their business, but it would surely be a mistake for any student to come train with me while under the influence of something like that. I'd "flow" them right out the door.
So here I go, being evil and asking something that may just piss a few people off...

What do you think of marijuana in the martial arts?

I've got a number of friends that smoke and train who say that they 'flow' better when they are stoned, and that they sometimes can look at a form movement etc in a whole new light while stoned.

On the other hand, theres the age old story about pot slowing your reflexes etc. I'm not really sure how real this is, to be honest I've smoked my share in though my days and have sparred with stoned opponents (they were fast as me, if not faster!) so I'm not sure how much I want to buy into that.

Also, read an article in my roommates high times about a MMA guy in the UFC who says he does EVERYTHING (except for matches of course) while stoned. To all you doubters, this guy was a VERY good competetor in his time, and since then has written very well rated books on jujitsu.

Just wondering what you all think of this, I'm sure most of you are probably pretty anti-pot, at least in practice and I might get bashed a bit...but thats what the internet is for right?
What people do on their own time is their own business. But showing up to train stoned, drunk, or hung over is grounds for expultion at our dojang.

As Crushing observed, they probably think that they flow better. But to the outside observer, they will likely appear to be stoners, with all that that entails. Notice that this unnamed UFC competitor doesn't do his matches stoned. Smart. He'd probably lose each and every one if he did, not to mention failing any drug testing that they UFC might have.

A word to the wise: don't believe everything you read. Some people will say outrageous things in interviews in an effort to promote their pet cause or to establish some sort of image.

Martial arts requires a level of both gross motor skills and fine motor skills, not to mention reflexes and timing, all of which are negatively impacted by the use of marijuana. While marijuana relaxes the user and probably allows him or her to be more flexible as a result, the user will sacrifice things like coordination, reflexes, and lets not forget, sound judgement.

I won't bash you for asking the question, though I do think that you already knew the answer when you posted it. As for being anti-pot, it is an illegal drug. As long as it is illegal, I cannot in good conscience promote its use. Even if it were legal, I would not promote it for the same reasons that I don't promote smoking.

Waaaaaay too much of a liability here.

If someone is high or drunk, I will not allow them to train. When you're training, you should be alert, focused, and aware of the safety of yourself and for your training partners.

If you're practicing advanced techniques, it's a very fine line between safe practice and reckless endangerment, and those are times when you don't want to be blurring that line at all.

Imagine if someone were hurt in your dojo, and the injured person then accuses you of negligence, in allowing drunk / high people to train? That doesn't look good at all, and your reputation in the town will take a huge dive.
This is one of the reasons that any student behaving this way at our dojang is impolitely ordered to leave, contract ends, don't ever come back.

We have kids in the school, and our evening classes are tweens to adults. Allowing drunk and/or stoned students to train around minors is 1)irresponsible, 2)a very poor example to kids, 3)enabling a user, and thus contributing to his or her addiction, 4)a possible opening to charges of reckless endangerment of a minor, and 5)makes the master look like an idiot.

Here is a thought...TRY REAL TRAINING!!!! It is SUPPOSE to be is SUPPOSE to hurt...that is how you learn to do it better and get it RIGHT. Smoke pot for better flow... PLEASE!!!! Smoke pot to get a different view… GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!

Try thinking about the forms and movements you are doing… doing them thousands of times…. Try HARD training and give reading about your chosen style a try.

Some how I just don't think putting large amounts of tar and nicotine in your body is good for you... but maybe that is just me. Also I just don't think that not being in full control of ALL you faculties while practicing MA is a good thing either... but again maybe that is just me. Not in full control, punch someone in the face, when you were just drilling and suppose to pull it, and break there nose because you wanted more flow... I don't know...somehow it just is not working for me.

I don't care if some guy in MMA is smoking pot, drinking whiskey and/or is popping pills it is NOT a good argument for doing anything. I use to read a lot of Hemmingway but I still don't thinking hanging is good for me. I liked Hendrix too and you know drinking a lot of alcohol and taking sleeping pills still just does not seem like a good practice to me. And just because a pro football player likes dog fights and a Pro baseball player may (or may not) likes to fix the games for gambling purposes does NOT mean they are good things. And even if an Indy 500 or NASCAR driver drove drunk from time to time because it helped him relax… I do not think it is a good argument to do the same thing

PLEASE stop this ridiculous attempt at justifying unhealthy habits based on some friends and some guy in some MA anywhere on the planet.

And now feel free to get upset because I or anyone else did not agree with this silliness

Quoting this for the simple fact that its a fantastic post and is worth repeating! :ultracool
In days of yore I partook of of marijuanna, alcohol and other "mind expanding" substances. Quite frankly....I was an idiot.

Training while impaired is risky...for yourself as well as any training partners you may come into contact with. Forget the possible health implications of just using.

It's been said here...and better than I can say...don't do it. bad idea. Just because someone else does it doesn't make it a good idea.

Anybody can smoke pot. Not anybody can change their way of moving to flow instead of bash. That's the purpose of training. You can either dig holes in your brain and kill of part of it with pot ... or you can expand it through effort ... and not compromise grey matter.

I have no desire to train with someone who's stoned.