
i have been very successful at quiting weed recently.

i havent been a stoner in over a month. quit cold slow reduction or anything....although i did scrape off some shavings off of some leftover stems about a week ago- it took me considerable time and i ended up with a mircospliff that i figured wouldnt really do much and could be seen as a break or reward for quiting so well. the tiny littlething ended up to be nothing more than 5 tokes or so and before i thought to hold it in a little longer, it was over. then i chased it with a normal cig and only smoked quarter feeling the cig was really heavy and destructive in comparison.

after that, i came back into the appartment from the balcony and it hit me so hard! the weird thing was that it was so amazing....i tried to tell my girlfriend about how amazing the little spliff was and that i felt like i just slipped into another dimension...she was however, not pleased and quite upset because she didn't want any contact whatsoever with the stuff because it would tempt her to go back to the old ways of being a stoner.
i honestly have no intention to but honestly, i am glad about quiting and i think it is right to not be lax but diciplined and quit completely. i am a little disappointed in myself but i admit the experience with the weekend single tiny spliff was amazing. i began to do so much martial arts training, the whole night long...well into the night. might be something to it if one can control it wisely.

furthermore, i had been always eyeing the stems for a while knowing i might be able to scrape off some leftover pieces. but, the stuff was produced by myself a while back....that means, i know what it is. there's alot of garbage that people sell off as weed that is really loaded with tons of weird **** that is not natural at all. that is an added problem. i did not look for, ask anyone or spend it is now, i am quite positive, that i have absolutely nothing left. so i will continue in my new lifestyle without smoking anything but the social cigs. im starting to think that i should quit that too, because yesterday i went to a get a coffee with my cousin and ended up smoking well over 5 cigs...i try to keep it to 3 or four a day..but when being 'social' i can easily go overboard while drinking coffee, or tee as it was yesterday.

i talked about it with a friend yesterday...the subject of weed and the martial arts. it honestly gave be an amazing kick of not only inspiration but hightened perception of the inner workings of my body and posture.

i hope to be able to smoke out one day again, but it really should be after at least a month or two if not four or a sort of reward and recallibration-refueling of inspiration-not only for internal aspects, but the inspiration leads me to actually train like a machine. i don't sit around baked like many, i train like crazy on the ****(on my own)... but still, i have received much praise on MT for quiting and i want to maintain this state and not lie to anyone or myself..also, my girlfriend has turned totally militant on me and doesnt even want to hear my ideas of smoking once or twice a year...

just want to say that i really am not a stoner anymore-
ill keep you posted as to how things go.
i actually have come to believe that marijuana should not be taken lightly and is a powerful substance in its own way. i guess that anything can be used constructively or it cigarrettes, coffee or whatever, -probably best to avoid anything that causes addiction. coffee and training for me is not that good either and i have made it a habit to avoid it before training or anything imortant for that matter. definately wouldnt drink more than one cup.
myself just had a coffee earlier and am kindof rambling now so ill stop


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sorry doubling.

one should take into consideration cultural practices of traditions such as the hashashin,which is the origin of the word well as the sadhu of india or the rastafarian practices and beliefs.
i have been very successful at quiting weed recently.

i havent been a stoner in over a month. quit cold slow reduction or anything....although i did scrape off some shavings off of some leftover stems about a week ago- it took me considerable time and i ended up with a mircospliff that i figured wouldnt really do much and could be seen as a break or reward for quiting so well. the tiny littlething ended up to be nothing more than 5 tokes or so and before i thought to hold it in a little longer, it was over. then i chased it with a normal cig and only smoked quarter feeling the cig was really heavy and destructive in comparison.

after that, i came back into the appartment from the balcony and it hit me so hard! the weird thing was that it was so amazing....i tried to tell my girlfriend about how amazing the little spliff was and that i felt like i just slipped into another dimension...she was however, not pleased and quite upset because she didn't want any contact whatsoever with the stuff because it would tempt her to go back to the old ways of being a stoner.
i honestly have no intention to but honestly, i am glad about quiting and i think it is right to not be lax but diciplined and quit completely. i am a little disappointed in myself but i admit the experience with the weekend single tiny spliff was amazing. i began to do so much martial arts training, the whole night long...well into the night. might be something to it if one can control it wisely.

furthermore, i had been always eyeing the stems for a while knowing i might be able to scrape off some leftover pieces. but, the stuff was produced by myself a while back....that means, i know what it is. there's alot of garbage that people sell off as weed that is really loaded with tons of weird **** that is not natural at all. that is an added problem. i did not look for, ask anyone or spend it is now, i am quite positive, that i have absolutely nothing left. so i will continue in my new lifestyle without smoking anything but the social cigs. im starting to think that i should quit that too, because yesterday i went to a get a coffee with my cousin and ended up smoking well over 5 cigs...i try to keep it to 3 or four a day..but when being 'social' i can easily go overboard while drinking coffee, or tee as it was yesterday.

i talked about it with a friend yesterday...the subject of weed and the martial arts. it honestly gave be an amazing kick of not only inspiration but hightened perception of the inner workings of my body and posture.

i hope to be able to smoke out one day again, but it really should be after at least a month or two if not four or a sort of reward and recallibration-refueling of inspiration-not only for internal aspects, but the inspiration leads me to actually train like a machine. i don't sit around baked like many, i train like crazy on the ****(on my own)... but still, i have received much praise on MT for quiting and i want to maintain this state and not lie to anyone or myself..also, my girlfriend has turned totally militant on me and doesnt even want to hear my ideas of smoking once or twice a year...

just want to say that i really am not a stoner anymore-
ill keep you posted as to how things go.
i actually have come to believe that marijuana should not be taken lightly and is a powerful substance in its own way. i guess that anything can be used constructively or it cigarrettes, coffee or whatever, -probably best to avoid anything that causes addiction. coffee and training for me is not that good either and i have made it a habit to avoid it before training or anything imortant for that matter. definately wouldnt drink more than one cup.
myself just had a coffee earlier and am kindof rambling now so ill stop



Congrats to you for making yourself stop! It is good to see that you understand the difference between moderation and excess.

My opinion on weed is that it can be done in moderation in a controlled environment, much like drinking is done, and be enjoyable. A disclaimer to this is that this is simply my opinion, and that I have this opinion because I used to smoke a long time ago.

However, I don't see how anyone could function correctly during a training session where there is physical activity I said before, I could never have seen myself getting tired and sweaty while being high...but that's just me.

But keep going down the path to quitting. It takes discipline to break any habit, and that is where the martial arts should come in.
I think that pot being illegal is arbitrary and gives criminals a great way to make some bucks and great reasons to kill each other. But who cares what I think about that. The more I talk about it the more trouble I'll get myself into.

I don't smoke it and don't think it is any worse than drinking or other drugs. But like other drugs (including alcohol) I would not allow it in my classes. Nor would I want to train with someone on ANY drug.

I place alot of trust in the people I train with to use good judgement and control. I like to train hard and have a great time. I don't want to work out with people with brains fogged by substances.

Even if it did improve skills, I would think the challenge would be to reach that mental state without drugs. If someone thought they needed to take something to make themselves better, that's too bad. I think people have more mental resources than they use. It may take more effort, but who cares? If you can reach a state where you are "flowing" without any substance, then you OWN that, don't you? :)
"Hiyaa!" *throws punch*

*ducks* "Dave's not here man..."


. it honestly gave be an amazing kick of not only inspiration but hightened perception of the inner workings of my body and posture.

Thats basically what Eddie Bravo said in an interview, he said it hightened his sense in a way that made him more imaginative while rolling.

Grappling and jujitsu are a lot slower then stand up arts and require more thinking, anyone that has ever watched ADCC or any of the grapplers quest would could see this, theres no real danger in someone getting punched in the face because someone else was stoned since no punches are even thrown.
There is a lot of evidence to support some of the greatest thinkers and creative people in our time dabble in marijuana.......Bruce Lee for one....and no the weed didnt kill him.

So in that respect i can see why people may use it, I train in a stand up art and so it wouldnt help me at all to be stoned while Training.
What a person does in their home is their buisiness. On the mat, where the safety of another person is involved is another matter entirely.

Showing up to train at my class drunk or high is on of the few thing that would earn someone a one way trip home with instructions not to return. I've been known to knock back a few after class at the bar, but I would would never consider doing so during and couldn't in any any way fathom the idea of allowing students to spar, roll, or handle weapons whilst impaired. I have trouble imagining what sort of idiot, simpleton, or moron would allow such a thing in our litigious society.

All that aside, sitting at home watching fight films while drunk or baked could have merit.......

but I bet you'd go broke buyin' munchies:rofl:
So here I go, being evil and asking something that may just piss a few people off...

What do you think of marijuana in the martial arts?

I've got a number of friends that smoke and train who say that they 'flow' better when they are stoned, and that they sometimes can look at a form movement etc in a whole new light while stoned.

On the other hand, theres the age old story about pot slowing your reflexes etc. I'm not really sure how real this is, to be honest I've smoked my share in though my days and have sparred with stoned opponents (they were fast as me, if not faster!) so I'm not sure how much I want to buy into that.

Also, read an article in my roommates high times about a MMA guy in the UFC who says he does EVERYTHING (except for matches of course) while stoned. To all you doubters, this guy was a VERY good competetor in his time, and since then has written very well rated books on jujitsu.

Just wondering what you all think of this, I'm sure most of you are probably pretty anti-pot, at least in practice and I might get bashed a bit...but thats what the internet is for right?

medicinal use of marijuana aside, its just a dumb habit with killing brain cells, causing lung cancer and the illegality is just a bad a habit as smoking but you get to to go to jail as well.
If we are speaking of Eddie Bravo, for the record he is not a UFC fighter, or even an MMA athlete (he has never competed in MMA). He is a moderately successful grappler who is a master self promoter. The majority of his reputation comes from his rebelious, and often obnoxious personality (which I believe he exagerates to create hype), and one large grappling match win (he didn't win the tournament, he just submitted a major oponent).

As far as Weed helping? I don't know. I don't do it myself, and reserve my judgement on the matter. I wouldn't have any issue rolling BJJ with someone high on weed, but probably wouldn't allow it in striking sparring.
Instead of Tae-Bo...


Well, Wing Chunners...I guess that gives a whole new meaning to "Bong-Sau".

BTW back in the 80's when I was really deep into the WingTsun system, I found that marijuana made my chi-sau undefeatable. Yep, every now and then I'd train with Bill and Tom after they got high (I didn't touch the stuff). Man, could I ever flow! Of course, they didn't fare so well. LOL

Nowdays, I'm a middle-aged family man and teacher... and I hang out with a different crowd. Still, If you want to get stoned, that's your biz. It'll only make the rest of us better!

I cannot possibly understand why ANYONE would want to train either drunk or stoned (or allow them to train in this state). Both substances mess up your reactions, perceptions, and judgement. If they didn't it wouldn't be illegal to drive a vehicle under the influence. How could you possibly think you would be able to show any control when you are in an altered state of mind? Your a danger to yourself and those around you.

If you want to take a drink or toke be my guest (I have been known to have an occasional drink myself), but please stay away from the dojang.
all kidding aside, it might be sortof stupid, but just to make a point, if i get high in the right way, i think i could walk blindfolded through heavy traffic. even, things like stickyhands would become 'flowing' in an almost unearthly way..-if someone doesn't have the skills, obviously though, weed will not necessarily make them much better.

i have spent much time, probably hours, doing very heavy contact sparring with strikes and weapons, alot of the time i was wasted to a certain degree, and while it did hamper my breathing and caused be to be overly playful in certain dangerous situations, it seemed to really give me an edge -not that it was intended because i would never want to rely on a substance as a form of security(other than the basic needs like food and water-common nutritional needs). i just happened to be a stoner at the time.. and my training partners were quite overzealous and would often believe that they had an edge over me because i was baked...maybe they did, as i might have been able to be even better or at least had a more correct attitude without being under the influence.

however, at times, when under the influence of weed, i believe, objectively speaking(mostly-as there is little room for error in combat)there were very amazing feats of speed and accuracy that could be comparable to very high level grasp of iaijutsu concepts, also not relying on strength.
Not trying to defend weed as i don't think it is good to rely on substances. just trying to explain for those that comment without experiencing for themselves. why get a kick out of defeating someone that is doped to begin with anyway??...generaly speaking most would think that smoking would hamper ones skills and i believe that it would be even more counterproductive in a life and death situation. -gets me all heated up just talking about this subject-
mind you all clean people talking about the dangers of weed, the martial arts in themselves if practiced by anyone that is unskilled, immature, destructive or overly aggressive, will always be dangerous. without the drugs.. +
a good person will generally not even be swayed by drugs to point of exceeding his limits. actually, in the many dangerous weapons sparings that i partook in, it was me, the socalled foolish stoned idiot that went to great painstaking efforts so that noone was injured.. neither my partner or myself. i do believe that my partner at that time-clean as a whistle,then as i believe still now, was at that time, not fully aware of the strategies of the martial arts..basically, he would really try to 'get' me all the time, luckily he would never really get me-especially with the wooden swords and other weapons it was downright dangerous. i guess it was cool for him at first, because i would tell him to go for me and try to hit me as best he could--but i always hoped he would understand that if i wanted to, i could get him 100 times over before he even could get a swing in-unfortunately he never quite figured it out- though we still have contact, we don't practice together-not my choice, nor my loss.whatever

it got so fast at times that i did not have control anymore as to how i moved, i would just flow and fortunately thank god no one got injured. the only time i got hit was at a time when i truly did not expect any contact, it was years later and i got a fist in the nose,-but even then i did not get angry in the slightest-after all, i was trying to display greatness(the bloody nose was nothing-a drop in the sea compared to all the true success that i had)..however, now that i think back, i was wrong, i was to tough on the guy to begin with and then as he got better, i would not scold the fact that he continuously tried and tried to 'get' i have achieved a happy medium..i take it very gently on everyone, but if someone threatens my security(or others-i watch closely) in a nonsportive or unfair way, i will be forced to strike them down not only with my fists and feet, but with the justice in my heart...and it can feel or seem mightly spiteful, especially for those filled with cowardice...

i even came to the belief as a youngster when a fairly intoxicated(alcholol) friend drove us home one day, that it is not the alchohol directly, but the false confidence and wreckless driving that kills.- and it kills the sober just the same...if you stick to driving at 10 or 30 km perhour the chances of injuring yourself or others drastically decreases. of course, only an idiot would drive when it is clear that it is an impossible feat...i once tried a spin kick when i first got drunk at 17 and i landed on the concrete bashing up my hip and was extremely disoriented, basically i just wanted to see if i could pull it off and i calculated that it would be fairly safe, although more painful than i bargained for(although i was numbed)...basically, i believe that being careful and mindful is more powerful than any drug..if i feel so ill and sick that i cannot drive, i would be wise to pull over and sleep it off, get a friend to drive or check into a motel...if someone put a gun to my head and forced me to drive drunk(stupid example i know) but i would be even more stupid to suddenly begin cruising at 150--etc..etc. it stands to reason. there's no point in demonizing anything without knowing the exact facts for a given situation.
i am not endorsing doing anything else than following the guidelines set by the law, but i do believe that it is stupidity and wrecklessness that is far more dangerous than any drug. i am really going out on a limb with this flame post almost provoking a difference of opinion, but just trying to make some real points other than what every child is told by his parents(not that most parents give bad advice, but knowledge and care is better than fear) accidents also happen to socalled good people as much as they happen to those deemed intoxicated or whatever other stigma imaginable by the society of the times

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I've never trained on pot, because I only tried pot once and I didn't like it. However, I have trained while slightly buzzed (with a friend, mind you, not in a dojo). My partner stayed sober.

What we found is, at least for me alcohol made me faster. A lot faster. We figured it was for two reasons: 1)lowered inhibitions and 2)relaxed muscles.

The problem: it was too fast. I ignored my safety and my partner's, once we upped the speed of the sparring. I was a danger to myself and others. And we both realized it and stopped before something negative could happen. Our whole group of friends decided nobody in the cricle would ever spar with alcohol or any other drug in our system. Some of our friends quit drinking altogether (to our relief, as they are pretty skilled fighters).

When it comes to martial arts, yes, it is about winning fights, and winning in general. But mutual respect for that guy across from you, helping you better yourself, is cause alone not to do anything that might cause him harm. Any drug that would get in the way of judgement needs not be involved in training, benefits be damned.
Hello, Those people who we know and have known? ....watching them effecting there lives with "drugs" .....


Look at those who never took drugs and compare them with those who do?

Who has the better and safer and a more enjoyable life? crime free too!

If you like yourself for who you are? ...most likely you will be "drug free" (illegal kind)

Stone is use for fishing......Aloha
Stoned, drunk or anything else NO, what people do in there house is one thing, but in the school no way.

couldnt agree with terry more. your house, your rules, but the school? NO WAY! That just sets a bad example for the youth students. What someone does at home is their deal, but when you bring it into a public setting, thats different.

My teacher does not want us to drink while we are out if we are wearing a school shirt or hat. For the same reason, it shows a bad example, you never know when your potential customers/students are watching!
Two words...

Bruce Lee

The stuff in one of it's many forms... killed him.

i think it was an allergic reaction to a pain pill that killed him. i don't think they correlated his thc levels to his death.
