Last Poster #6

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Bought a 5 piece nativity set (from the used bookstore in the library, one dollar, so no harm done)

and I got to looking at it:
Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, so far so good

and two more dudes.
What happened to the 3rd Wise Guy?! Did he take a wrong turn at Albuquerque?!
No Angel?!
Did she run off with said Wise Guy?

Why not a sheep and a donkey?!

Or did they get detained at the border?

Now I am having all those questions!
Maybe he was out taking a leak when the nativity was made? You can't expect them all to stay there the entire night, do you? Nature calls!
It's not like a "man cold". ;)

There's a cold going around over here, too. My wife is dog sick with it. Odd, she works at home and I'm exposed to thousands of people at work every day. But I take good precautions. And cross my fingers a lot.

I hope everyone feels better. Get some rest.
all we really need to know is that it is.....


Hawaii consumes five million pounds of Spam every year. I can't even wrap my mind around that.
It makes no sense, and the one I looked at was simply saying a college in Australia's name and saying certificate. They are kind of like poorly worded adds

Q/WeChat 551190476 for UC/ANU/MELB/UQ/UNSY/UNSW/Monash/Adelaide and other university graduation certificate transcripts Ministry of Education Embassy certification permanent check
WeChat/Q551190476 for Canadian diploma, transcript, real education department certification
Study Abroad Service Center: Entity company, registered business, industry benchmark, excellence!
Focus on the Canadian region, the United States, high-end provides the following services:
A: graduation certificate, transcripts and other complete materials, from anti-counterfeiting to printing, watermark shading to stamping hot stamping,

and there are others that are simply things like

That looks so enticing... Especially the hot stamping bit. I think I might sign up!
No, why there are two dudes in there when they didn't want to put the third in, they could have substituted a donkey and a sheep.

And there really should be an angel.

However, my son suggested I put a Yoda in there. That solved problem it would.
It is a tad odd! Perhaps a murder mystery to be solved? I'm banking it was Colonel Mustard..... in the Dining Room.... with..... a LEAD PIPE!!! (sorry for yelling there... I get so excited when I play. But truly, it is ALWAYS Colonel Mustard...)

And yes, Yoda in that scene would make sense!
Luke died. He's the angel now. And Leia is now the wise (wo)man.

Carrie Fisher might very well be the most intelligent person I’ve ever known.

Miss her. I hope she’s looking down and smiling.
There's a cold going around over here, too. My wife is dog sick with it. Odd, she works at home and I'm exposed to thousands of people at work every day. But I take good precautions. And cross my fingers a lot.

I hope everyone feels better. Get some rest.
I do both. I work at the office three days, and then from home two days.
Carrie Fisher might very well be the most intelligent person I’ve ever known.

Miss her. I hope she’s looking down and smiling.
When the UTTERLY crappy 2016 culminated in her death, I honestly wanted to just... give up on the whole existence of the human race. I hoped - if anyone could survive 2016 it was her.
There's a cold going around over here, too. My wife is dog sick with it. Odd, she works at home and I'm exposed to thousands of people at work every day. But I take good precautions. And cross my fingers a lot.

I hope everyone feels better. Get some rest.
It's like when the kids start school: they are fine, the people at home get deathly sick.
You bring the germs home and she gets sick!
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