Last Person #5

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Same here. It seems like I'm missing an hour somewhere.....
Don't worry. I filed a larceny report on that earlier. Someone stole it at 0200. Also had words with the night shift for letting such a thing happen...
Well...... 12 to 18 inches of snow on the way...starts early Tuesday Morning
Not so much coming here. about 4 inches over Saturday night, and maybe another inch tomorrow. High today is near the average low for this time of year. We set a record high less than two weeks ago. o_O
It is interesting to hear all the people that are currently in denial about the impending storm, now there is always a chance it could miss us, but according to the weather map we are pretty much dead center of the storm track.

Also Mrs Xue this morning says.... "Late winter storms don't bother me, it will get warm and melt quickly".... my response was..."true.... that and you are not the one spending the day outside in the driveway keeping it clear"
It is interesting to hear all the people that are currently in denial about the impending storm, now there is always a chance it could miss us, but according to the weather map we are pretty much dead center of the storm track.

Also Mrs Xue this morning says.... "Late winter storms don't bother me, it will get warm and melt quickly".... my response was..."true.... that and you are not the one spending the day outside in the driveway keeping it clear"
Aren't you guys in the area due for the heaviest accumulation?
What don't you like about hard rootbeer?
considering I tried all three brands available near my house, I found them to be rather chemical and mediciny tasting.
Not even my resident rootbeer conaseur liked them. (and Bast Damn was considered the worst)
Forget the hard root beer... go get a REAL California Root beer.... it is too sweet for me, but if it is made well, it tastes just like root beer

Kahlua, Galliano, Soda water
considering I tried all three brands available near my house, I found them to be rather chemical and mediciny tasting.
Not even my resident rootbeer conaseur liked them. (and Bast Damn was considered the worst)
This one tasted fine to me, and I'm a lover of good rootbeer. You can taste the alcohol in it - it actually tastes to me like rootbeer with Everclear in it.
This one tasted fine to me, and I'm a lover of good rootbeer. You can taste the alcohol in it - it actually tastes to me like rootbeer with Everclear in it.
they got a resounding thumbs down in my house....:wacky:
Had the easiest night at work in six months. Almost feel guilty about accepting pay. Almost.
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