Last Person #5

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I should also add that as I was speaking I realized I heard my father when I said...Listen kiddo I've been on this planet over 50 years so I think I know a little more about it than you do.....mind you NOT that he ever had any reason to say anything like that to me... I was a perfect angel

I should also add that as I was speaking I realized I heard my father when I said...Listen kiddo I've been on this planet over 50 years so I think I know a little more about it than you do.....mind you NOT that he ever had any reason to say anything like that to me... I was a perfect angel

Weren't we all?? :angelic:
Looks like I'm doing a tournament 3/25....getting nervous just thinking about it.....gulp
Don't know what it is, but I think I have to go find a nice quiet corner and do some standing before lunch..... about 10 minutes should do it (5 minutes per side)


Talk later
It's up in Reston, VA. National Capitol Open, a TKD tourney put on by HK Lee.
Probably need for ks - learning to fly to give us a professional opinion.
Thanks ALL!! While it's not in the banking industry, there are
analysts in that field as well. And - analyzing credit is basically
accurate - it involves financial statement analysis, ratio analysis,
reviewing bank statements and trade reference and reviewing,
monitoring and establishing lines of credit for corporate customers.

I would really like to have this opportunity! My current job is
driving me crazy and I'd really like to have something where
I feel that what I do makes a difference.

On a separate subject, one of our little orange belts told
me today that I was one of his favorite instructors.. :)
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