KKW "Overseas Branches" ?!?!

Uncalled for mud slinging has began. Some USTC supporter are now attacking GM Kwon, who has honorably stood silent after his organization USNTF -- for unexplained reasons -- failed to win the Kukkiwon overseas branch selection. This letter was published in a Taekwondo internet publication today.


Yeah I read that. That Glenn sure has Sang Lee's Wang deep down his throat huh. That just shows the types of people that are representing the USTC. errr.... I mean supporting the USTC. Just like the days of old.... throw mud at your competition and try to discredit his name. Ummmm wasnt that the UST......
I too have no dog in this fight, but for the record joined USTC as it brought the KKW Instructor Course to the USA last year. To the USTC's credit, one was not required to be a member, but I thought I'd show some support even if it was only $20.

I believe that reasonable minds can differ on many subjects including this one. Many folks get passionate about their beliefs which is perfectly fine with me as long as the discussion stays civil.

The folks I know personally who are members of the USNTF are very happy with GM Kwon's organization.
I too have no dog in this fight, but for the record joined USTC as it brought the KKW Instructor Course to the USA last year. To the USTC's credit, one was not required to be a member, but I thought I'd show some support even if it was only $20.

I believe that reasonable minds can differ on many subjects including this one. Many folks get passionate about their beliefs which is perfectly fine with me as long as the discussion stays civil.

The folks I know personally who are members of the USNTF are very happy with GM Kwon's organization.

Your right. And I have rethought my statement. One person does not necessarily represent the whole group. I just found it a bit ignorant that Glenn the Gagger would personally insult the USNTF while representing the USTC. It was uncalled for. Win with grace and leave it at that. Especially if the future is unknown. What would happen now if the Korean Gov took control and refused to acknowledge the decision of the KKW.

wishfull thinking.
I too have no dog in this fight, but for the record joined USTC as it brought the KKW Instructor Course to the USA last year. To the USTC's credit, one was not required to be a member, but I thought I'd show some support even if it was only $20.


As I'm sure many people did, ONLY because of this seminar. I am reluctant to go because I'm affraid how going would help support the USTC. By going am I silently endorsing a group who I wish not to be affiliated with? Does it really matter?

Im not sure.

But if you want to ride the rollercoaster, you have to pay admission to the park.
Dont let politics hamper your training. Its a Kukkiwon event and well worth attending.
As I'm sure many people did, ONLY because of this seminar. I am reluctant to go because I'm affraid how going would help support the USTC. By going am I silently endorsing a group who I wish not to be affiliated with? Does it really matter?

Im not sure.

But if you want to ride the rollercoaster, you have to pay admission to the park.

Remember great training does not have any politics, only those that wish to carry the torch. I believe you can with whoever and whenever as long as we all have that thing called respect....