Kenpo/Kempo Roll Call

What system of Kenpo do you study?

  • American Kenpo

  • Tracy Kenpo

  • Shaolin Kenpo (Castro)

  • Shaolin Kempo (Vilarri)

  • Kajukenbo

  • Cerio Kenpo

  • Kosho Ryu (Mitose)

  • Kara Ho (Chow)

  • Traditional Okinawan/Japanese (Ryukyu, Shorinji, etc)

  • Other (Modern, Westernized, off-shoots)

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Universal Kempo Karate Schools for six years was promoted to Black Belt in 1999 by Senior Chief Instructor Stan Papas. Currently training in Tai Chi Chuan FA a style of Chuan FA under Sijo Emperado's Kajukenbo system.
I started studying Chinese Kenpo-Jujitsu. The instructor is under a John LaTourrette instructor.

Basically a system of combination techniques, fast hands, joint locks, throws/takedowns.

A unique thing about my instructor is that he also has alot of experience in Submission Wrestling, Judo, and Kickboxing.

He trains his students for self defense, but also trains us alot to compete in Kickboxing (FCR & Leg Kick), San Shou, and MMA.
Universal Kempo Karate Schools for six years was promoted to Black Belt in 1999 by Senior Chief Instructor Stan Papas. Currently training in Tai Chi Chuan FA a style of Chuan FA under Sijo Emperado's Kajukenbo system.

Who are you training Tai Chi Chuan Fa from?

About 11 years ago I (very briefly, like months) worked out at Sifu Ron Tapec's school down in Puyallup, WA. I'm just curious, he was the only person I've known who ever taught that particular style.


Do not check this site very often. So sorry for the delay in response to your reply. Yes I train with Professor Ron Tapec in Puyallup WA. By the way his brother Josie Mel Segue is the founder of Tai Chi Chuan FA. He lives and has his school in Sumner WA. We are under GM Al Dela Cruze and the Chuan FA style of Kajukenbo system and its founder Sijo Adrianno Emperado.
Shao-Lin Kempo, Master Robert Pearlswig. I train under Master Colt Davis.
My instuctor has an open mind and I feel lucky to have such a diverse instructor. He stresses the importance of heritage and history, for all martial arts comes from some where.

Our linage can be traced back to Mitose, Chow/Chun, Emperado, Gascon, Pesare, Cerio, Vallari, Nohelty, Duncan, to my instructor Master Jesse Dwire

He encourges all his student to go to seminars within his organization as well as anything that might be of interest to that student outside of the org, so again I'm one of the lucky ones to have that kind of teacher, that is one who never stops learning.