Is Obama black?

Ras... I need to see some sort of documented proof of the numbers you are claiming, the claims you are making to look at it myself.
Because to be completely honest with you, you sound like a conspiracy nutcase here.
I can appreciate all the martial arts comments you make, some I agree with and some I dont, and I think it would be fun to get together with you and play with ideas back and forth... your a thinker, and I appreciate that..
but the political and racism topics just make me shake my head, they seem over the top.
I have little interest in actually going in and researching it without someone else doing the footwork, because to be quite honest, it doesnt effect me directly. I would love to have more direct information that I could easily point to when having this conversation in the future though.
I hate to be that guy that says....."Video, or it didn't happen"
but what you are saying is so far from anything I have learned, or observed and seems a bit on the outrageous side of possibilities.

Okay.Which questions would you like documentation for?
^^^This is the rhetoric of racism and ignorance.Pure and simple.I'm not accusing YOU of being a racist,but THIS ARGUMENT IS DEFINITELY RACIST AND IGNORANT.Allow me to educate you man...

It's TRUE that schools are funded via property taxes,but this is merely a mechanism to ensure micro control of fund dispersement.The property values of minority communities are NOT controlled by us,and IT'S AMAZINGLY RACIST OF YOU to assume that ALL or even HALF of non-White (in this case,you probably mean Black) communities are dens of public crime and warzones.

Newsflash: less than 1/10 of 1% of Black kids are hardcore gangmembers.So where did you get the idea that we live in war zones? And since 99.9% of Black kids AREN'T ganxtas,why are our communities disproportionately dissed with lower tax values?
Who put all those liquor stores in our communities?

Answer: Institutional racism victimizes us no matter what our income level or civic virtues are.The Census and other governemental reports from the 90s up to the early 2000's clearly indicate that organized,society wide,consistent institutional racism from every quarter (including banks and media) contribute to the depression of Black businesses in our own community,the encouragement of Asian businesses being founded in our communities much more than White communities,the deliberate overpopulation of liquor and liquor stores in our communites,the poor food selection,AND EVERY OTHER FACET OF COMMUNITY LIFE FROM THE POLICE TO STREET MAINTENANCE AND YES THE SCHOOLS are deliberately manipulated in such a way as to ensure unfair disadvantages and more severe obstacles for (especially) Black people,and that includes Latinos too IN EVERY regard.Our land values are AUTOMATICALLY lower than our White contemporaries BECAUSE OF RACISM NO MATTER WHAT WE DO.This practice is acknowledged by the findings of the federal government itself.

Newsflash: Black people don't control or even have a SINGLE armory or weapon dispensary so how are automatic weapons making their way to the Black community?
Answer: White criminals from the government to the street are selling them to us.

Regarding criminal activity? Let us freely acknowledge that there are criminal elements in EVERY race,and criminal actions will happen period because it's a part of the human condition.But consider: we might have kids who break into your cars.You have criminals who steal trillions from THE ENTIRE NATION and CAUSES THE NATIONAL ECONOMY TO COLLAPSE which then SENDS THE WORLD INTO A RECESSION THAT HINGES ON A MIGHTY DEPRESSION.Who should be censured with the lesser land values,then,based upon criminal activity? Not us. And the true irony is...A BLACK MAN (OBAMA) LIFTED US AND IS STILL LIFTING US FROM THIS DESPICABLE MORASS THAT HUNDREDS OF RICH CULTURED WHITE MEN COLLUDED TO CREATE.Obama is doing the work that White Presidents refused to do by and large (and in fact the Presidents from Reagan to Obama--excepting Clinton for the most part--started sanctioned and perpetuated these horrific atrocities throughout their Presidencies ) a work so mighty that it would make ATLAS himself blanch and instead of being showered with praise? He's vilified by far right wingnuts.

We are RIGHT AS I'M WRITING THIS POST LIVING THE REALITY of EXACTLY the kind of collusion from all levels of government and private industry which you deny happens. Yet you can accept it in the financial world and barely condemn it but somehow or other think these same insatiable amoral imperialist gangsters who'd think it's great to rip off most of the world wouldn't stick it to Black people to perpetuate their lofty positions.You actually DENY SUCH A THING EXISTS.I'm very familiar with this mindset by now (having seen this kind of militant denial by White folks and especially by Right wingers all my life),and I know its root is literal ignorance.As in,you literally have no idea what you're talking about because you're literally unaware; no matter how intelligent you may or may not be,you're UNAWARE.In fact? You've been MISEDUCATED into defending behaviour which is reprehensible and indefensible because you're not aware that such behaviour exists.Like I said's all connected.Institutional racism,sexism,governmental ineptitude,private sector avarice,elitism,and more: they all come from the same font.
This right wing bigotted, unaware fool is too busy working right now and having his tax dollars fund Obamessiah's view of a utopic society to give a decent reply. I will reply in detail later, when I have the time.
Ras... I need to see some sort of documented proof of the numbers you are claiming, the claims you are making to look at it myself.
Because to be completely honest with you, you sound like a conspiracy nutcase here.
I can appreciate all the martial arts comments you make, some I agree with and some I dont, and I think it would be fun to get together with you and play with ideas back and forth... your a thinker, and I appreciate that..
but the political and racism topics just make me shake my head, they seem over the top.
I have little interest in actually going in and researching it without someone else doing the footwork, because to be quite honest, it doesnt effect me directly. I would love to have more direct information that I could easily point to when having this conversation in the future though.
I hate to be that guy that says....."Video, or it didn't happen"
but what you are saying is so far from anything I have learned, or observed and seems a bit on the outrageous side of possibilities.

"Although African-Americans account for only 12 percent of the U.S. population, an estimated 38.9 percent of all prisoners in the United States are black (as of 2005 DOJ data).[30] Blacks were nearly 5 times more likely than whites, nearly 3 times more likely than Hispanics to have been in jail in 2005.[30] Census data for 2000, which included a count of the number and race of all individuals incarcerated in the United States, revealed a dramatic racial disproportion of the incarcerated population in each state: the proportion of blacks in prison populations exceeded the proportion among state residents in every single state.[31] In twenty states, the percent of blacks incarcerated was at least five times greater than their share of resident population.[31] According to DOJ 2009 data, Black non-Hispanic males, with an incarceration rate of 4,749 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents of the same race and gender, were incarcerated at a rate more than 6 times higher than white non-Hispanic males (708 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents) and 2.6 times higher than Hispanic males (1,822 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents).[32]"


Now do you think this happens because Black people are genetically more inclined toward criminal activity than all other races? Oooorrrr do you think that this is the proof of EXACTLY the kind of institutionalized racism permeating law enforcement the courts etc. IN EVERY REGARD AND LEVEL that I already told you exists? If you think that we Black people are genetically inclined toward criminality,then I can emphatically disprove THAT idea AND supply the data (including Census data) that confirms BEYOND A DOUBT that these numbers are due to the racism running rampant in the U.S.A. right now as I'm writing and long after all of us are dead.
This right wing bigotted, unaware fool is too busy working right now and having his tax dollars fund Obamessiah's view of a utopic society to give a decent reply. I will reply in detail later, when I have the time.

I didn't call you a right wing bigot.Do some yoga bruh and chill out.I'm working right now too.I look forward to your response.
"Although African-Americans account for only 12 percent of the U.S. population, an estimated 38.9 percent of all prisoners in the United States are black (as of 2005 DOJ data).[30] Blacks were nearly 5 times more likely than whites, nearly 3 times more likely than Hispanics to have been in jail in 2005.[30] Census data for 2000, which included a count of the number and race of all individuals incarcerated in the United States, revealed a dramatic racial disproportion of the incarcerated population in each state: the proportion of blacks in prison populations exceeded the proportion among state residents in every single state.[31] In twenty states, the percent of blacks incarcerated was at least five times greater than their share of resident population.[31] According to DOJ 2009 data, Black non-Hispanic males, with an incarceration rate of 4,749 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents of the same race and gender, were incarcerated at a rate more than 6 times higher than white non-Hispanic males (708 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents) and 2.6 times higher than Hispanic males (1,822 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents).[32]"


Now do you think this happens because Black people are genetically more inclined toward criminal activity than all other races? Oooorrrr do you think that this is the proof of EXACTLY the kind of institutionalized racism permeating law enforcement the courts etc. IN EVERY REGARD AND LEVEL that I already told you exists? If you think that we Black people are genetically inclined toward criminality,then I can emphatically disprove THAT idea AND supply the data (including Census data) that confirms BEYOND A DOUBT that these numbers are due to the racism running rampant in the U.S.A. right now as I'm writing and long after all of us are dead.

Those numbers on thier own prove nothing, and can be made to represent any number of different theories as to why they are what they are.
No I do not think that those numbers are a result of race in any way shape or form.
Show me your thinking in how you come to the conclusion that they are caused by institutional racism.
I would think that instead of race that its more about economic status.
I would like to see a few statistics.
first I would like to see statistics on how many total crimes of each type were made, then how many of each race were charged for each crime, how many crimes were unsolved, how many of each race were found guilty, how many of each race were found innocent, how the breakdown worked for economic status, and then of those convicted I want to see statistics on what the breakdown was for specific sentences in length and type.
With all that information it would be much better and more complete to decide if there is institutional racism going on, or if there is just in fact more of a specific economic status committing crimes or all races, or if in fact more of a specific race is commiting crime, and then you could tell if a specifc economic group is being convicted more often then another, and if a specific race is being convicted more often then any other.... and by that I mean as a percentage of those charged.

if 1 million white people are charged with murder and 1000 are found guity
and if 1 million Black people are charged with murder and 9000 are found guilty then I would say there might be a problem for sure there...
now say out of those 1 million white people charged that 10% are in the lowest economic bracket, and all 1000 that were found guilty belong to that bracket.
now say that out of those 1 million black people charged that 90% were in the lowest economic bracket... well then I might start thinking that the economic bracket had more to do with it then race. especially since at that point both figures would come out the same.

I am sure the breakdown would be much more complicated then the very simple example I gave, and but I tend to believe that the breakdown would be much more along economic ties then racial ties.

so whats the answer to eliminate it?

thats the question and the man who answers that will go down as one of the greatest men in history..../shrug
Those numbers on thier own prove nothing, and can be made to represent any number of different theories as to why they are what they are.
No I do not think that those numbers are a result of race in any way shape or form.
Show me your thinking in how you come to the conclusion that they are caused by institutional racism.
I would think that instead of race that its more about economic status.
I would like to see a few statistics.
first I would like to see statistics on how many total crimes of each type were made, then how many of each race were charged for each crime, how many crimes were unsolved, how many of each race were found guilty, how many of each race were found innocent, how the breakdown worked for economic status, and then of those convicted I want to see statistics on what the breakdown was for specific sentences in length and type.
With all that information it would be much better and more complete to decide if there is institutional racism going on, or if there is just in fact more of a specific economic status committing crimes or all races, or if in fact more of a specific race is commiting crime, and then you could tell if a specifc economic group is being convicted more often then another, and if a specific race is being convicted more often then any other.... and by that I mean as a percentage of those charged.

if 1 million white people are charged with murder and 1000 are found guity
and if 1 million Black people are charged with murder and 9000 are found guilty then I would say there might be a problem for sure there...
now say out of those 1 million white people charged that 10% are in the lowest economic bracket, and all 1000 that were found guilty belong to that bracket.
now say that out of those 1 million black people charged that 90% were in the lowest economic bracket... well then I might start thinking that the economic bracket had more to do with it then race. especially since at that point both figures would come out the same.

I am sure the breakdown would be much more complicated then the very simple example I gave, and but I tend to believe that the breakdown would be much more along economic ties then racial ties.

so whats the answer to eliminate it?

thats the question and the man who answers that will go down as one of the greatest men in history..../shrug

Okay no prob I will provide you the links that answer that question.And there were groups who answered this question,not a single person.As you know.Thanks for the questions! Back later this evening or something.
Institutionalized Racism in Health Care,including direct quotes from the U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS...also quotes from the University of Florida Journal of Law:

Wikipedia,Institutional racism,reaching everything from property value and how this slanted behaviour ensures disproportionate purposeful undefunding of "minority" schools:

Institutional racism in police forces, job force/employment,banking,housing,and other crucial institutions:

Los Angeles police racism:


Census Bureau reports widening income gap disparity between rich and poor:

widening income disparity between Black and White:

Which of course means that race and gender have a direct impact on the opportunities one receives to move up in and/or maintain their position in economic class.

These links will go into depth and detail resolving most of the matters that you brought up.Yes the questions you asked were much less "complicated" than the matter of institutionalized racism.These links ought to get you going.If there are any other questions? Lemme know,I can steer you toward other sources.
Now do you think this happens because Black people are genetically more inclined toward criminal activity than all other races? Oooorrrr do you think that this is the proof of EXACTLY the kind of institutionalized racism permeating law enforcement the courts etc.

i'll take option 3

blacks do more crime than other races because they tend to be poor, and poor people do crimes.

you are posting some OUT THERE stuff, dude. seriously.
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i'll take option 3

blacks do more crime than other races because they tend to be poor, and poor people do crimes.

you are posting some OUT THERE stuff, dude. seriously.

That is...quite amazing that you don't see how a) ignorant--as in you literally have no idea what you're talking about and the mess spewing from your keyboard onto this thread is devoid of even the most infinitesimal particle of truth or logic--and b) racist your conclusions are.Black people DON'T commit more crimes than other people poor or not.Black people are ACCUSED CHARGED AND CONVICTED MORE whether we're poor or not becaaauuuse we're Black and the institutions are RACIST.The data supplied BY THE INSTITUTIONS THEMSELVES PROVE THIS.

You're posting stuff that's not just "out there",your stuff is BEYOND "THERE". And let me make it clear that I'm not calling YOU ignorant or racist; Idk you.But your post I quoted above? Yeeep.It'd do Rush Limbaugh proud in the "blight of your ignorance and nonsensical racist illogic demeaning millions of non-White people" vein.
Here is a quick hint for ya.

If yo see racism everywhere? it is because it is inside YOU.

Here's a hint for ya: if government agencies with million and millions of pieces of data who study these things minutely over decades point out that their operations are unfair and definitely discriminate on the basis of race gender and class because the country was founded that way and these government agencies KNOW that the country's major institutions continue to operate that way because the internal paperwork and external evidence of said institutions show that they're not only engaged in racist,sexist,nationalist and classist behaviour but they're CONSCIOUSLY doing it? It means that I don't see racism everywhere; I see racism where racism exists AND in the places that ACKNOWLEDGE THEY'RE BEING RACIST.

You,on the other hand,are blithely sailing by with "EYES WIDE SHUT"as the saying goes,plus you're hearing no evil but speaking subconsciously the evil of abysmal,militant ignorance. And that's why we aren't connecting.I'm allergic to abysmal,militant ignorance.I sicc my hyperpotent T cells on 'em to ensure that I am NEVER infected with the abysmal,militant ignorance which garlanded your last two posts,and I stay sharp and "SUCKA FREE" like SUCKA FREE SUNDAY as a result.I keep my eyes ears mind wide open and appropriately outfitted to deal with dooficity in its many forms.

You oughtta try it out.It'll prevent you from running into that same brick wall all the time.
And again...just in case my meaning was missed...I'm NOT calling YOU ignorant,racist,etc.Your posts,however,are dripping with these things and they may be (hopefully they are) entirely accidental.Which means that your posts are literally ignorant in the sense that you don't know any better.
Here's a hint for ya: if government agencies with million and millions of pieces of data who study these things minutely over decades point out that their operations are unfair and definitely discriminate on the basis of race gender and class because the country was founded that way and these government agencies KNOW that the country's major institutions continue to operate that way because the internal paperwork and external evidence of said institutions show that they're not only engaged in racist,sexist,nationalist and classist behaviour but they're CONSCIOUSLY doing it? It means that I don't see racism everywhere; I see racism where racism exists AND in the places that ACKNOWLEDGE THEY'RE BEING RACIST.

Yes, you're quite correct; Barack Obama, Charlie Rangel, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Jesse Jackson jr, Michael Steele really don't exist, because the system of the US would never let black people have any real political power.

Oh and; Michael Jordan, Shaq, Kobe, in fact the 98% of the players of the NBL couldn't possibly exist either, because the system of the US would never allow black people any success in sports. In fact maybe the NBL is racist because of the dispropportionate number of blacks to whites. Maybe we should impose affirmative action on the NBL to allow for short white men.

Now you come to mention it, maybe; Russell simmons, Jay-Z, Curtis Jackson (met him three weeks ago, nice guy), Kanye West, Beyonce and Dr. Dre don't exist either, because the system of the US would never allow black people to be cultural moguls.

You're living in a dream state mate. Stay in school and keep adding to your degree, because living in the real world just might be too much for you.
not to mention the most powerfull person in the world, without whom Obama would still be an intellectually stunted junior senator best known for voting "present"

done with you, i dont waste my time arguing with people who's minds are closed to reality. Good Day

Done with you.I don't waste my time arguing with people whose minds...wait.When you GET a mind? I'll point out that I'm done with people whose minds are so entrapped by militant ignorance that they repudiate the evidence drawn from the paperwork of the very institutions in question that they are indeed racist.Follow the links,Sherlock.Outro.
Yes, you're quite correct; Barack Obama, Charlie Rangel, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Jesse Jackson jr, Michael Steele really don't exist, because...

Colin Powell was the best President you guys never had. Had he wanted the job, he would have been one of the greats IMO.
not to mention the most powerfull person in the world, without whom Obama would still be an intellectually stunted junior senator best known for voting "present"


Not to mention the formerly most powerful person in the world who asked the President of Brazil if there were Black people in his country and whose mother opined that the Black people in severe severe distress post-Katrina were "underpriviledged anyway,so this is working very well for them" (because we poor Black folks are USED to not having indoor plumbing and we're perfectly cool with leaving our homes because they were shoddy anyway and what's a few thousand deaths of our loved ones and the callous disregard of our government for us when we are in dire need and we're used to the racist ineptitude of a government that would never treat monied White folks so dismally;but s'allgood to underpriviledged folks) Dubya and Racism Momma Bush...are STILL intellectually stunted.And what proof do you have of Obama being intellectually stunted? I'd like to see some.

I can give you all kinds of links to the various Bush-isms that Dubya makes.I can find all manner of stupidities untruths and abominably anal comments that the Rush Limbaughs and Glen Becks of the world spew.Let's see if you can find ONE link or whatever that ACTUALLY SHOWS President Obama speaking and/or taking actions indicating his intellectual underdevelopment.At ANY time.Waiting.No? Because there isn't any and never will be?

Remember that comment I made about you needing to GET a mind? Put a ASAP and "stat" behind that.
Colin Powell was the best President you guys never had. Had he wanted the job, he would have been one of the greats IMO.

Until the Republican and far right machine would turn on him and scare gullible White racists by stating something like:"Colin Power traces his lineage back to the West Indies like Louis Farrakhan does then he's actually a secret member of the Nation of Islam waiting to put White folks to death! He is a boy.He has golf with women.His primary job in life is leisure.He's nuking doctors.He has no time for Afghanistan.
He is...a...RACIST!
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